Is My Thai Girl Lying About Being Pregnant For Money?

Bangkok to Hong Kong

I was on a business trip to Bangkok, my first time there.

My colleagues, who’d visited before, took me to a couple of the rougher entertainment venues in Pat Pong.

Never sit in the front row if you know what I mean.

We were working, though, and there was no overnight action.

There might have been the odd lady drink.

It was the early 1990s, and the BTS construction meant a 90-minute taxi ride to the office.

Patong Bargirl

Attracted By The Waitress In Thailand

My alarm was set for 5:30 every weekday, and I went for breakfast at 6:30 a.m.

This wasn’t an easy job; it was three weeks of very challenging work.

A couple of days before we left, we were eating in a restaurant near Ceylon, and our waitress, named Wind, started talking to me.

Not “you handsome man” or anything like that.

Her English was very good, and it seems that her uncle was Australian.

She spent a couple of years in Melbourne, knew the suburbs well, so she couldn’t have been lying.

She was extremely good-looking.

Thai Waitress In The Bar

Decided To Ask The Waitress Out On A Date

I asked her if she’d like to go to dinner after she finished work.

As she couldn’t stop or talk for long, being a real waitress and all, she agreed to meet up for dinner after work.

We went to the Intercontinental where there was an abandoned floor show.

There was no funny business at night.

I gave her a couple of hundred baht so that she could take a taxi back to Thonburi and not a bus at that time of night.

After all, I was the one who kept her out so late.

This was my idea, not hers.

Dating A Thai Girl

I Dont Think She Was A Bar Girl And We Kept In Touch

I went back to her restaurant on the night before I flew home, and we agreed to stay in touch.

It transpired that Wind worked in an office during the day and at the restaurant at night.

The office job was legitimate because she had a business card, and I usually called her on that landline number going through reception.

It was a large company.

We also communicated through faxes.

It was, therefore, quite unlikely that she was a bar girl, unless she juggled three jobs.

I Already Had A Girlfriend So Now I Was Being Unfaithful

My next business trip was to Hong Kong a few weeks later, and I had an idea.

Why not fly her over? She could stay in my hotel, go sightseeing, sit by the pool, use a spa, and do anything else that took her fancy.

My business expenses would look after food, transport, and incidentals.

I should point out that I was in a long and strong relationship at the time at home, but let’s just say my girlfriend couldn’t keep up with me.

We were both 28, and I was pretty athletic.

That said, I didn’t have any intentions of that nature with Wind.

It was probably the seven-year itch.

Staying Faithful To A Thai Girl

Asking My Thai Girl If She Would Like To Come To Hong Kong

So, I asked Wind if she would like to come to Hong Kong for a holiday, and she was very excited.

I booked and paid for her flights and her visa.

I picked Wind up from Kai Tak Airport (remember, it was 1990) and took her to the hotel.

She wanted to catch up for lost time from night one and made me feel like 18 again, but 80 afterwards.

She was slim but had stretch marks.

I had only ever encountered them once before, and this surprised me, as she’d not mentioned any children.

She also tried to hide them from me.

Fair enough.

bargirls licking eachother

Promising To Stay In Touch After Hong Kong

She stayed for almost a week.

I gave her about 70 US dollars a day because Hong Kong can be very expensive, and I wanted her to enjoy herself while I was at the office.

Considering that I was living it up for free anyway, this was no imposition.

She only had to buy lunch; breakfast and dinner were catered for.

I was able to show her around Hong Kong when I finished work each day.

She didn’t ask for extra money to go shopping and pointed out that clothes were less expensive back in Thailand.

Anyway, she was very emotional and promised to remain in touch.

covered bargirl

Now She Is Asking For Money… Surprise

I was flying for work a great deal at the time and didn’t have another trip to Bangkok planned for another six months.

I could not fly up there for a holiday because my girlfriend in Melbourne…

she might be crazy, but she’s not stupid.

A month later, Wind told me that her mother was ill.

You never saw that one coming, did you? She needed the equivalent of 350 US dollars.

That is not an extraordinary sum, and given that I knew her financial situation working two jobs, not an extraordinary emergency.

After all, she’d just taken a week off work for the Hong Kong trip.

I didn’t quibble and simply sent it.

She was very grateful, and I hope that her mother was too.

lightley tattood thai girl

Now She Is Claiming That She Is Pregnant

Another month later and then the bombshell.

She is pregnant.

If you have been following this story so far, you’ll see the problem here.

It certainly wasn’t me, for two good reasons.

I’m confident you can guess both of them.

I didn’t want to bring back any unwanted duty-free from that Hong Kong trip to give to my girlfriend.

I had been very careful to not give Wind my phone number, and after I’d blocked her office number from my work phone and fax, that was it.

Thank God for the days of no social media or mobile phones.

This is something I’d bear in mind where I to play around out there in the future.

Create new accounts completely divorced from your real identity, perhaps even use an old Nokia for her and not a smartphone.

Thai Girl Claims She Is Pregnant

I Have Never Been Unfaithful After This Experience

If she’d been more plausible with her second request for funds, I might have kept supporting her.

Having a mistress back in Melbourne would have been far more dangerous and expensive than getting up to mischief abroad.

I could have afforded to keep her on the boil, as it were, until I returned, but the pregnancy story had destroyed my trust in her.

I’ve never visited that restaurant again.

Ignoring Wind made me feel quite guilty for a while.

She definitely wasn’t into the bar work, at least when I knew her.

I might have had legitimate reasons for asking for a bit of help.

dominant thai girl

Perhaps she thought that I would ditch my girlfriend for her.

It’s complicated to explain, but this would have been awkward.

My family would have been horrified.

Perhaps she had several farangs as patrons.

I wish her well.

I’d have a much worse conscience had it not been for the attempted pregnancy scam.

Hearing the stories from other men, I got off lightly.

It was fun and worth every penny.

I’ve never played away from home after that.

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