I Fell In Love With A Pattaya Bar Girl

Dating a bar girl

Good afternoon, I have emailed you my story to share out but it’s more of an ongoing story where I am seeking for some advice.

I kind of know already the type of replies and advice ill be given, if there is any.

But either way, I thought I would share anyway.

And yes, my story is about me, a foreigner, falling in love with a bar girl, and im pretty sure im not the first person to think that my girl is different from the rest.

Anyway, on with the story.

Group of Thai bar girls

Falling In Love With Pattaya


Meeting a bar girl in pattaya… need advice 🇹🇭😳 #pattaya #bargirls #thaigirls #pattayagirls #thailandstorytime

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I have been to Pattaya about 5 or 6 times already, and each time I have left my heart at Bangkok Airport and headed to Pattaya with the plan on having as much possible as I can with as many people as I can, if you get what I mean.

I have hardly ever exchanged numbers with any of the girls I meet in bars, and if I have, I would delete them before heading home.

That way, I had no attachments, no feelings grew and I didn’t lose anything in the long run, unlike a lot of these unlucky men that get in a relationship with a bar girl before heading home and end up supporting them financially.

I like to think I have got my head screwed on when I go to these places, it’s strictly paid fun for me, when I leave, my feelings stay there.

Group pictures of bar girls

My Time With Pattaya Bar Girls

But I don’t want all that to sound like I treat these girls disrespectful because I don’t, I understand its a business for them, I don’t make them do anything they don’t want to do and always ask questions and what not before we take it further.

I do treat them as a girlfriend so to speak, even though I know it’s a paid encounter, if that makes sense.

Well they seem to like me anyway, always telling me im a good guy with a big heart and that I take care of them well.

This all changed on my latest trip to Pattaya.

I was there during Songkran, and if your viewers don’t know what Songkran is I’ll just briefly explain, it’s like the Thai new year where they have a big water fight and I mean big.

The streets are packed with girls firing water guns at everyone and anyone that walks by, you can YouTube it and see just how crazy it is.

Meeting a pattaya bar girl

My Encounter With A Bar Girl On Soi 6


Falling for a bar girl in Pattaya 🇹🇭😳 #pattaya #thaigirls #pattayagirls #bargirls #thaigirlfriend

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Soi 6 in Pattaya is absolutely insane during Songkran, and it’s really worth the visit if you can make it there during this time.

So one day on Soi 6 during this time, I was completely drenched and just wanted to get into a bar to dry off a little bit, so me and a friend went into one of the many bars on that street, no particular reason why that bar.

Anyway, I got chatting to a girl who was sat in there, some of the girls don’t like to be outside getting wet, so there is always girls inside to attend to customers.

We ended up chatting for about an hour or so over some drinks and lady drinks, she told me she was divorced from her husband who she was with for 10 years, and has a 5 year old kid that lives with her parents in Isan.

You’ll notice a lot of these Pattaya girls originally come from Isan.

Falling in love with pattaya bar girl

Dating A Pattaya Girl

After that day, I spent my remaining time in Pattaya with her we got a long really well and I enjoyed her company.

Normally I never go back for seconds but there was something about this girl that kept me coming back, and no it wasn’t the bedroom fun she provided.

At the end of my holiday, I gave her a nice tip for spending time with me, and this time, I actually agreed to stay in touch with her. I already knew I was in trouble because I could feel that I liked this girl.

When I got back home, I was flooded with messages from her asking how my flight was and if I was safe and sound, she really came off as genuine and sweet.

We messaged each other and video chatted every day, although I knew I was in too deep I still liked the feeling I was having.

We never actually spoke about being in a relationship or the future, it was mostly talking about being in the day and wanting to see each other again soon.

relationship in pattaya

Have I Became Another Pattaya Bar Girl Victim?


Meeting Pattaya Bar Girls Parents 🇹🇭😳 #thaigirls #pattayagirls #bargirls #thailandstory #pattayatrip

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

What has this girl done to me? Am I going to be another bar girl victim to hang in the Pattaya wall of shame?

I eventually went back to Pattaya sooner than I had planned because of her, I just wanted to see her as fast as I could, so I was on the plane back to Thailand the first chance I got.

Though this time, my whole trip wouldn’t be spent in Pattaya.

She dropped the “Would you like to meet my parents” question on me? And as ive never really travelled further than Bangkok and Pattaya I thought what the hell and accepted.

Surprisingly I had a great time up there meeting her parents and other family members, they seemed pretty shock to see a farang, as if I was the first they had ever seen.

They all treated me well and seemed approving and happy that I was somewhat dating their daughter.

go go dancer in bangkok

Meeting My Thai Girls Family

All in all, her family seemed really nice, I think he dad was a little unsure of me or that he was just shy about his English, either way, I had fun meeting him.

This trip was totally different, my previous trips was hangovers in the day, bars and fun at night, I have done absolutely no exploring of Thailand up until this trip, I got to see a whole different side to what Thailand has to offer.

We visited different islands, went out to restaurants, went to move theatres, we even went to some temples and I was trying to learn a bit about the religion and also learn a bit of the Thai language.

It was quite the romantic holiday, that I did not think existed in Thailand.

I had the best time, and for once, I was really sad to be leaving because of a girl.

When I got home this time, I realised I was falling in love big time with this girl, something I said I would never do.

Like I said, I knew this was business for them girls, and I had my head screwed on… well so I thought.

Back home and we was still texting and video chatting every day, and my feelings for her was getting stronger by the day.

She has never asked me for money or to help with anything financially, though I did offer to send money for her to take a trip back to see her family one time, and gave a little extra so she could treat them all to a big family meal on me.

feelings for a pattaya girl

Strong Feelings For A Pattaya Bar Girl


Fell In Love With A Pattaya Bar Girl 😳🇹🇭 #pattayagirls #pattaya #pattayacity #bargirls #thaigirlfriend #thailandstorytime

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Every time I have offered her money in the past, she has declined saying that she does not want me to think that she is one of them girls that uses farangs as an ATM and wants me to realise that she is in this for the long run.

If you are new to the bar girl scene, you need to realise that this is super uncommon from a bar girl to decline money when a farang offers to send her some.

Normally these working girls are out to get as much money as possible.

She did however bring up in conversation that she does have some regular customers and there was 1 farang sending her money to support her, she claims to be doing all this to support herself and family.

I didn’t really care for the sob story, I just asked her to not make any of them her boyfriend or become serious with them, she said there was 1 that she was close to but since meeting me she had put a stop to it, and I actually believe her.

Now as ive said before, I thought I was quite clued up when it comes to bar girls, I knew about most of the tricks that go on there, and so far I did good not to fall for any.

And now im in this situation, ive been quite open about it to a couple of my friends and fellow Pattaya veterans and they just say it will end in tears and to keep it as just a fun time and not a relationship.

Pattaya bar girls dancing on stage

Will My Relationship End In Tears?

Normally I would take this advice and be long gone, but they really don’t know this girl like I do, ive never met a bar girl like this.

The problem is, maybe my friends are right and I should get rid… or maybe they are wrong and she is the girl I am meant to be with.

Do I get rid and live to regret it? Or do I stay with her and also possibly live to regret it? It’s a sticky situation that I am in.

So yeah, that is my story up until now.

Hope you enjoyed it and would love some advice if anyone listens to my story.

If you have been through something similar or have any success from a similar situation, please share as it would help me out a lot.

I really like this girl and I believe she is honest and likes me.

Am I a fool in love destined for failure, or could this girl be the one?

Cheers guys and sorry for the lengthy story

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