A Night With A Married Thai Woman

A Night With A Married Thai Woman

I’m an early 30s Australian guy, an engineer, and previously spent a few years in Northern Thailand, Isan region and Laos, working in the hydro power industry.

Firstly, I just want to say I enjoy listening to your stories.

Living back in Australia now and having an unadventurous 9-5 lifestyle, listening to your stories brings back memories of the adventures I had during four amazing years in the land of smiles.

I just, like many of your listeners, have caught the Thailand bug and travel to Thailand when I can.

I’ve been in Thailand for several years as a young bachelor.

I have more stories than I can recall; however, the story I will share with you today is about my very first week moving to Southeast Asia.

Quite the eye-opening experience and took place not in Thailand but in Vientiane, Laos.

Thai Girl In Laos

Moving To Laos From A Small Australian Town

I was 26 at the time and just relocated to Laos from a regional town in the middle of Australia.

Needless to say, my dating options in the Australian countryside were limited.

I had close to zero female prospects, with the local women not being my type, and let’s just leave it at that.

After months of planning and being completely naive to the Eastern world, I landed in Laos without even having been to Asia.

The first thing that hit me was the heat walking out of the international airport and a feeling as though I had gone back in time.

Looking around at the buildings, the lack of development, the smells, and organized chaos, I was taken aback.

Despite there being poverty everywhere, all the local people seemed to be very happy and were smiling and having a good time with each other and foreigners alike.

Beautifiul asian girl on a chair posing for the camera

Asian Girls Are So Different To Australians

As a single man, it didn’t take me long to notice the women were very attractive, feminine, slim, and had a humble nature, unlike the girls I was used to back home.

Now, I’m not a bad-looking guy.

I’m athletic and in good shape, but despite this, I didn’t have a whole lot of success with women back home and was rarely noticed unless I really made the effort with a girl.

Contrast that to Laos, and I felt almost like a celebrity on my first day walking around the city center.

It was as though all the young women were eyeballing me.

Local Girls In Laos

Exploring And Chatting With Local Girls

Later that evening, I went for a walk along the Mekong River night market, and I tried striking up a few conversations with some local women.

However, I quickly learned that very few locals speak English, and I would have to learn Lao or Thai if I truly wanted to experience the local culture or meet a nice lady.

Since I knew no one, and the bar girls were not really my thing back then, I thought I would try my luck on the dating apps, and I had a go at swiping away on Tinder.

Shockingly, within a few hours, I had over 100 matches, which blew my mind.

When I would log into Tinder back home, I’d be lucky to get a single match in a day.

I matched some cute, feminine women and ended up matching a very attractive slightly older woman who was not Lao but Thai.

Her name is Noi.

Asian girl from tinder wearing see through clothes

Tinder Makes You Feel Like A King In Asia

After messaging back and forth for a while, I discovered Noi lived in Bangkok but was currently just over the border in Nong Khai, Thailand, visiting family.

I mentioned I had just moved to Laos from Australia and didn’t know anyone, so I asked her to come to meet me in Vientiane, which she agreed.

She was a little older than me but looked to be in great shape from her photos and spoke perfect English on chat.

So, I was more than happy to meet her and just see what happens.

Asian girls dating profile picture

Meeting A Thai Girl From Tinder, In Laos

My first night was relatively quiet, and I simply had a few beers at a bar overlooking the Mekong before I called it a night.

The next day, which was my second in Asia, she was in town, and I met her outside a Lao restaurant.

My first impression was she was stunning, short and slender with an amazing figure and no tattoos, which I liked.

Despite the 8-year age difference, I certainly felt I was punching above my weight.

We went inside and grabbed a little feast of hot pot, spicy salad, and uncooked prawns, which she seemed to love, and reluctantly, I gave it a try, knowing my sensitive stomach would not be pleased.

But ‘b pyang,’ as they say in Lao, no worries.

Mean looking asian girl wearing a cap

Learning About Each Others Life

We chatted about life and our past, and it turned out she had lived in Europe previously for work, which is why she spoke such good English.

For a naive young traveler, this made a whole bunch of sense.

But a few more years in Thailand, I realized a common explanation for English proficiency is that they have had English-speaking boyfriends.

Thai girl bending over a chair with no clothes

First Date Score

After the dinner, the prawns hadn’t yet killed me, so we had a couple more drinks, then went back to her hotel, which was one of the classiest in Laos.

I had a good introduction to Asia, if you know what I mean.

We decided to keep drinking and headed to a night club, as she was in the mood for dancing.

I was surprised how packed it was for a Tuesday night.

However, the music was all Thai, and the noise was deafening, but I kept drinking beer towers and ended up having a great night, meeting some more locals and partying until the early hours of the morning.

Thai Girl Drinking A Lot Of Beer

This Girl Could Drink Me Under The Table!

I couldn’t believe how a girl that small could outdrink a seasoned Australian beer drinker.

After the nightclub closed, we followed what would soon become my local routine and grabbed some noodle soup on the side of the road.

Roadside noodles are a great drunken meal, a hangover cure which should be adopted in the West as a far better option than a greasy kebab.

We found a tuk-tuk and headed back to her hotel again, and the bedroom fun was repeated.

Meanwhile, I was battling my stomach, which was being tested by the uncooked prawns, which were a long way from the coast inland in Laos.

Best Night With A Beautiful Asian Woman

This Was The Best Night of My Life

I woke up the next morning having had one of the best nights of my life in an amazing country with a gorgeous girl.

Shortly after, Noi had to head back to Nong Khai, and to my naivety and Western arrogance, I assumed Thai girls don’t have much money, so I gave her taxi fare back to her home, which she was thankful for and hugged me.

I had a great time with her, but it was only my second day in Asia by this point, and I had much more to explore, so I wasn’t looking for anything serious.

I put her in a cab and went on my merry way but hoped we could meet again soon.

Two Thai Girls Hugging

Turns Out She Was Not Telling Me The Whole Truth About Her Life

The following days, we chatted a bit on WhatsApp.

She flew back to Bangkok, and I continued to explore in Vientiane and all it had to offer.

One night, soon after being slightly bored and thinking about our night together, I decided to jump onto Facebook and stalk her, as they say.

What I found shocked me dearly.

I found her Facebook profile, browsed her photos, at which point I realized she was married to an older European guy and had three kids.

I couldn’t believe it.

Grown up in a conservative family, I always respected marriage, so I couldn’t believe someone would cheat like this and asked myself why she would do this to her husband.

From the photos, it was evident her husband was old, overweight, and unattractive but appeared to be incredibly wealthy.

This made me think less of her and wonder why such an attractive girl would marry a guy like that.

Could it all be about money? Most likely, yes.

Married Asian Woman In Underwear

She Was A Married Woman, And I Spent The Night With Her

Shockingly, I had inadvertently gone against my moral code and spent the night with a married woman.

I thought about my next move for a while and decided to just leave it at that and not confront her or say anything about my findings.

I was just having fun exploring a new continent and did not want to cause any issues with her or her family.

I didn’t think there was anything to be gained by arguing with her about it, and it would be best for me to just move on, which is what I did.

While I felt guilty about what I’d done, I did not know she was married at the time, so it wasn’t exactly my fault.

At the very least, it was an educational introduction to Asia and made me realize marriage does not necessarily mean the same thing to everyone.

Furthermore, this short experience made me think that perhaps the older wealthy gentlemen who marry Thai women are able to keep their wives happy financially but may not be able to satisfy all of their needs and desires, which is where younger attractive men come in.

Something to keep in mind for some of your listeners.

Tattooed Thai Girlfriend Beautiful

I Think We Allow Thai Girlfriends To Get Away With Too Much

From my experience, Thai women are often given a lot of freedom by their Western boyfriends and husbands to head to their hometowns and visit their families.

If I ever do get into a serious relationship with a Thai girl, I will make sure to keep an eye on what is going on when they go on their so-called family trips back to their village.

I’m sure this is a frequently used alibi to get up to any activities they desire and was used by Noi to come across a border to meet me.

Anyway, this was not the most interesting story; however, it was a wakeup call for me and goes to show putting a ring on a girl doesn’t guarantee she will remain faithful, especially if she is a young Thai girl, and you are a gentleman past your peak.


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