Lucky Escape From A Thai Bar Girl Asking For Money

Thai girl not being faithful

In October 2006, I booked a flight and landed in Bangkok.

I had been considering a trip to Thailand for a while, having visited a few times in the past, I was familiar with the places to explore.

Upon arriving at the Nana Hotel, I spent my first evening relaxing on my own, enjoying a couple of beers to unwind after the long flight.

The next morning, I checked out of the Nana Hotel.

I had already arranged for a minibus to take me to Hua Hin.

Thai Bar Girl Asking For Money

From Bangkok To Hua Hin

Since it was my first trip to Hua Hin, I found accommodation in the city center.

On the first night, I strolled through a night market, loving the atmosphere.

Later, I came across a street filled with beer bars.

The beautiful girls outside trying to get customers attention, attempting to get people into their bars.

Outside this one bar, a small lady with a huge smile caught my attention.

Interested, I let her lead me into her bar.

She introduced herself as Kat.

Her fun personality and sense of humor instantly drew me in – her constant jokes kept me entertained and engaged.

Hua Hin Buddha

Paying A Bar Girls Bar Fine In Hua Hin

After paying her bar fine, we shared a few drinks before heading back to my hotel.

The following morning, I brought up the idea of spending the entire week with her in Hua Hin.

With her agreeing to my idea, she suggested I return to her bar that evening.

When I got to her bar later, I stuck to our arrangement by paying the bar fine for the entire week.

Our days were filled with trips to the beach, while evenings were for going around the bars.

The week passed in an instant but was full of fun memories.

Hua Hin Bar Girls

Saying Goodbye To A Holiday Girlfriend

As my time in Hua Hin came to its end, I had to say my goodbyes to Kat.

A minibus took me back to Bangkok, where I spent a couple more nights and the moment finally arrived for me to catch my flight back to the UK.

Back home, thoughts of Kat stayed in my mind.

Her kind personality and genuine heart left its mark, which made me keep in touch with her.

Although I had a sense that our connection might and probably will not lead to anything serious, I decided to return to Thailand and meet again with her.

Returning To My Thailand For My Holiday Girlfriend

Our plans began to take shape, with a trip to Koh Chang the following year.

Upon arriving at the hotel, I was surprised when the receptionist told me that Kat was waiting for me in the lobby.

Seeing her again made me very happy, and at that moment I felt like a teenager in love again staring at her smile.

A big hug followed, and together, we headed to my room.

We decided for a relaxed evening, going out for dinner and a few drinks, with an early morning ahead for our journey to Koh Chang, we wanted a quiet night.

However, the ferry ride to the island brought up some unexpected feelings.

Kat seemed a bit down, so I asked about her mood.

Night Life In Hua Hin

Here Comes The Questions For Money From Thai Girl

She replied that she was feeling sad because her friends all had the latest mobile phones, while she had difficulties affording one as she didn’t have much money.

She also said that she hadn’t gone with customers before; I was her first, and because of that, her earnings were limited.

I immediately understood what she was up to and decided to play ignorant, replying with a sympathetic “I’m so sorry to hear that.

Once we got the hotel, Kat told me her interest in exploring the island alone while I stayed behind which was a weird thing to say.

However, I insisted that we should go out together, and after some hesitation, she agreed.

The island had a beautiful beach, and our days were filled with relaxation and swimming, while our nights were spent enjoying drinks at the beach bars.

Thai Girl Asking For Money

Realising She Is Not Being Truthful To Me

One evening, as we lay on the bed watching TV, I noticed Kats phone under the pillow, I confronted her, asking why she had lied me about not having a mobile phone.

She responded, admitting, “This isn’t mine; it belongs to my mum and dad.

She appears to have a response for every question or situation.

Right after that, Kat began to cry and said, “I thought you were a decent man; now I can see you’re not.

I truly didn’t want this situation to escalate into an argument, given that I couldn’t stand several days of her being upset.

My main intention was to have a fun time on the island.

So, I calmly told her, “Listen, I apologize, I misjudged. Let’s just move past it.

Thai girl not being faithful

Heading Back To Bangkok For My Final Night

Once we left from the island, we returned to the Nana Hotel for my final night in Bangkok.

During that time, the Nana Hotel had a disco which we chose to go to that night.

As soon as we entered the disco, a man who appeared to be in his 60s greeted Kat with a loud and joyful voice.

She smiled back at him and walked up to him

They had a big hug, and the man then noticed me there, and quickly apologized, explaining that they were old friends.

As the evening came to a close and we went back to our room, I asked Kat how she knew the man.

She said that he had been a customer back when she worked at 7-Eleven.

The initial part of her response was indeed true.

Upon returning home, I found myself missing Kat quite a lot.

Bangkok Traffic

Sending Money To A Bar Girl In Thailand

When Christmas approached, I made the decision to send her £50 as a gift.

I understood that she probably didn’t really need it, as bar girls often receive financial support from various foreign men.

Nonetheless, I felt it would be a thoughtful gesture during the holiday season – a step I hadn’t taken before, sending money to a bar girl.

To make the transfer happen, I had to call Kat while she was at a shop, giving her with the details to collect the money.

However, the call quality was poor, and she struggled to understand what I was trying to say.

She handed the phone to the shopkeeper, who was more fluent in English.

However, the conversation with the shopkeeper turned pretty bad quickly.

The man’s tone and demeanor seemed very aggressive for some reason.

I had a strong suspicion that this man was either Kat’s possessive boyfriend or her husband, considering the context.

Understandably, decided to cut ties and never reached out to Kat again after that incident.

Almost a year later, out of nowhere, I received an unexpected text message from her.

The message read: “Hello darling, I’m sorry I lost your number, but I found it now. When are you coming to Thailand to see me? I miss you.

She’s really got some nerve.

Needless to say, I chose not to respond to her message.

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