Married Online Filipina Girlfriend

Marrying A Filipina Girl

I love reading the stories subscribers send you about their adventures in Asian countries, but most of them make me cringe and I can’t believe men can be so gullible sometimes.

I would like to share my success story so guys can have hope that things do work out.

I live in the US and was divorced around 2003 and did the single lifestyle for a while but just got burned out of western girls and their drama.

Around 2009 and in my mid 30’s I met a new co-worker that had traveled to all the asian countries, and his stories were unbelievable.

He married a Filipino girl and suggested I go on an asian dating website and browse around.

Philippines Country Flag

Online Dating To Find A Filipina


Married my long distance online girlfriend from the philippines 🇹🇭❤️ #filipinagirlfriend #filipinagirls #onlinerelationship #philippines #longdostancerelationship

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

It was a pay site so I paid for 1 month, to my surprise I was getting 50 emails a day.

The country I got the most mail from was the Philippines, and my co-worker explained they love Americans there.

I started weeding through them and narrowed it down to a couple girls that I would message back and forth with, eventually narrowing it down to a girl named Sheng living in Davao.

She spoke perfect english, and later explained to me that girls with lighter skin and better english are private schooled and college educated, darker skin and poor english were outdoor laborers and public schooled.

She had her own laptop which made video calling easy, other girls i met had to go to internet cafes to talk.

Philippines Night Life Angeles City

Booking A Flight To The Philippines To Meet Girlfriend

After a few months of chatting every day (i would get home around 6pm which was 6am the next day for her), I applied for a passport and booked a flight.

I have never been outside of the US and I was so worried about something going wrong, but felt comfortable talking online with Sheng.

I booked a resort on an island off Davao because it looked good online and Sheng had never been there but knew it was nice.

The flight was 40 hours with various layovers, I arrived at Manilla at midnight and the airport shut down until 6am the next day.

I was wired and had 6 hours to kill, so I video chatted with Sheng until my flight for Davao was ready to board.

One quick thing about Sheng, she was 23 and never had a boyfriend, she told me she wanted to focus on college first, then when she graduated she wanted to start dating.

She told me she did not like Filipino men her age because they were players, and she was attracted to American men, sometimes seeing some walking around town with Filipina girls.


Married my online filipina girlfriend 🇵🇭😳 #longdistancerelationship #ldr #longdistancerelationshipstories #filipinagirlfriend #filipinagirls

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Filipinas Are Attracted To Western Men

Her comment was i’m better looking than that girl, how did they get that guy? Well, she got me, and when she told her close friends that she has an American online boyfriend, and he is flying in to see her they were absolutely shocked.

They all warned her about sex tourists and asked her if they needed to come with her her to the island but she told them she is old enough to fend for herself.

She did have to break the news to her parents and ask for their permission to go but insisted if they had told her no she still was going to go.

My flight arrived in Davao, I got my luggage and walked out to a sea of people, mostly girls that were all under 5 feet tall, straight black hair, and if I made eye contact they would smile ear to ear.

I could not find Sheng. My heart sunk in my chest, I was on the verge of a panic attack, when I looked up and saw a petite girl in a sundress holding a bright red balloon.

Our First Meeting After Online Dating

A big hug ensued and she introduced me to a couple friends that came with her. They arranged a taxi for me to go to a hotel in her home city of Digos, about 45 minutes away because check in for the resort wasn’t until the next day.

We made it to the hotel and well, use your imagination. I kind of had some remorse because I was the first person she was with, but she insisted she was happy and it will always be a memory.

We met up with her parents later and hit it off well.

I found myself the target of every paparazzi, everywhere we went girls would take my picture or they would grab my girlfriend by the arm and ask her if i was a movie star or rock star there making a movie or something, I have long light brown hair and i was in good shape back then, and my girlfriend explained that there just wasn’t that many Caucasians visiting Digos City.

Her parents were the envy of the neighbors because I walked around their yard admiring all the native flora that doesn’t grow where I’m from.

I got the same attention in Davao, and luckily the resort was a semi private island and we had it almost all to ourselves.

Some British and Australian tourists showed up later in the week and they were obviously there for some partying in Davao.

Meeting Filipina Girlfriend

Time To Leave My Girlfriend In The Philippines


Married My Online Filipina Girlfriend 🇹🇭😳 #filipinagirls #filipingirlfriend #ldr #longdistancerelationship #longdistancerelationshipstories

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I went sightseeing all over Mindanao with my girlfriend, had the best time ever but then the week was up and I had to return to the US. 

I promised I would return and this was not a fling.

Several months had come and gone and we still talked every day.

Time to be realistic now, I had a good job in the states, but I could not move to the Philippines and make what I make, she had an ok job for the Philippines but we came to the realization she would have to come to the US.

She agreed, and i booked another flight there on her birthday, and i secretly facebooked all her friends and told them i wanted to throw a huge party for her, Filipinas love karaoke so i booked a private room at a karaoke bar, had the friends decorate it for the party and make a custom birthday cake with her picture printed on it.

I had everyone show up there and then we casually made our way there and it was a great surprise.

I took one knee and asked if she wanted to get married, gave her a ring, of course she said yes.

Filipina Bride

Marrying My Filipina Girlfriend

The whole time I knew her she never pestered me for money, or tried to get me to buy her things or ever lost her temper or acted jealous.

I ended up bringing her to the States under a fiance visa, we got married, she became a naturalized citizen, and later welcomed our daughter.

We’ve been together 13 years now, and when we think back to the time we met we both have a chuckle.

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