Tinder and Bar Girls The Perfect Match

Tinder and Thai Bar Girls

I visit Thailand every year for a few weeks at a time, sometimes twice a year, and have been coming since 2017.

This story begins in Scotland; my girlfriend and I broke up.

I had been with her for over 3 years, and I swore to myself that if this ever happened, I would visit the places I always wanted to go as a single man.

One of these places was Thailand, particularly Phuket.

I had seen many YouTube videos and thought it looked like an awesome place to check out, but not the place to take my girlfriend.

Two Phuket Bar Girls

Travelling To Phuket, Solo

I asked a few friends if they wanted to travel, but they were all in relationships.

Their wives or girlfriends would not allow them to travel to Thailand alone, so no surprise there.

I booked a flight to Phuket and then thought to myself, “No turning back now.

As I traveled to Phuket on the aircraft, I was excited and somewhat nervous, as I didn’t know what to expect.

I was taking a leap of faith, wanting to experience more from life.

As you know, the UK is pretty boring; the weather sucks, and the women are all stuck up and act like men, always wanting to argue.

Sexy Thai On Phuket Walking Street

Seeing What Phuket Has To Offer For A Solo Traveller

I thought surely Thailand has more to offer, and I had heard stories of these beautiful, lovely Thai girls that men come to meet after their Western relationships go bad.

As the plane doors opened, I was hit by 40° heat in Phuket in March.

My first thought was, “I’m going to need some sunscreen or burn that day.

I got to Patong Heritage Hotel and crashed out from jet lag.

I woke up at about 8:30 p.m. and thought, “Time to go out and see what this place has to offer.

Phuket Thai Girl On Bangla Road

Bangla Road Is Out Of This World

As I walked down the famous Bangla Road, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

It was like Disneyland for men, with hot, beautiful, tanned women everywhere, begging me to come in for drinks and take them home.

I knew straight away; this was Heaven on Earth.

I thought there is nothing better than this, but I was wrong.

I discovered the go-go bars, and again, my mind was blown.

It was like my wildest fantasies had come true.

I thought to myself, “I’m so glad I’m single these days.

Bangla Road Go Go Girl

Choosing Which Girls To Have In Patong

As the girls danced, I picked out this stunning, slim beauty with long dark hair.

She was gorgeous, right up my street, as they say.

This was a few years ago, so I can’t remember her name, but let’s just call her KNC.

As I spoke with KNC and had a couple of drinks, she soon asked, “Can my girlfriend join us?

I thought, sure, grinning from ear to ear.

Her friend was even better looking than KNC.

I thought, “How have I missed her?

A small, slim, tan-skinned beauty with dyed blonde hair with darker highlights at the bottom of her hair.

Again, can’t remember her name, but we’ll call her Pun.

Chosing Phuket Bargirl Nightlife

Paying Bar Fines For The Bar Girls

I continued to have drinks with both KNC and Pun before the female manager said, “You want to take the ladies to the hotel?

I thought, absolutely.

So, I paid the bar fines, and we headed off to my hotel.

I had one of the best nights of my life with two stunning Thai ladies.

I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

Then both girls left in the morning after a fantastic night of bedroom fun.

I couldn’t get the night out of my head; it was truly epic.

Paying Barfine For Young Thai Wearing Lingerie

Tinder and Bar Girls

As the holiday progressed, I ended up meeting with a few Thai girls from both the bars and the Tinder app.

Many of them never asked me for taxi fares and simply wanted to be with me.

In fact, after spending the night with some of them, I had to be fairly cruel and tell them they needed to go in the morning, as many suggested spending the day showing me around or going to the beach together.

I wasn’t interested in this at all.

I should add that at this time, I was in my late 20s, hit the gym regularly, and I’d like to think I wasn’t such a bad-looking guy back then.

As I said earlier, I visit Thailand regularly now and have navigated large parts of the country.

I have gained valuable experiences with the ladies and the country in general.

I always tell people to play the game and not let the game play you.

It’s like a big game of chess, after all.

You just need to make decisions wisely and not fall in love with some of these girls.

Trust me, it’s very difficult.

I should know; I came close several times.

Anyway, keep up the good work.


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