Online Dating With A Filipina Story

filipina in underwear

Im 64 and stopped working because of health issues.

But I can still move around and have fun.

I got divorced 18 years ago, and that time was really tough.

My ex made things hard and I lost a lot.

You probably get what I’m saying.

I have enough money to live well, with a nice house, car, and all I want.

I visit The Philippines for a few months every year.

two beautiful filipina girls

Finding A Filipina Girlfriend Online

In 2008, my story began.

I joined a website called “Pinalove” to find a woman.

After about six months, I connected with a girl through the site.

We had a two-week romance.

Her name was Alison, and no, she wasn’t a ladyboy.

I had to meet her at the agency.

Alison and I spent five days together in Manila, and then we traveled around a bit.

filipina girl in bikini

Meeting Filipinas From Dating Apps

Once, I went shopping alone at a mall.

I heard someone calling my name.

I thought about ignoring it to avoid any problems, but it turned out to be another lady I had met at the agency.

She recognized me and had her friend with her.

So, I thought, “Alright, let’s go for a coffee.

We did, and the friend seemed quite interested in me.

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Filipina Girlfriend Asking Me To Send Money

She told me that her parents had passed away, and she didn’t have any children.

Honestly, I was only focused on Alison back then.

When I got back to the UK, I was really into her, and I began sending money to Alison.

Looking back, it was a bit foolish. Alison mentioned she worked in a factory, or that’s what she said.

But now I think she might have been a bar girl, although I didn’t realize it at that time.

After about six months and lots of strange stories from Alison…

filipina girl asking to send money

First Online Relationship Was A Failure

The relationship with Alison lost its warmth.

I suppose many of us go through these kinds of experiences with women we meet.

But most of us learn from it and move forward.

The following year, I was back on the website, wondering if the lady from the shopping center was the one I missed out on.

This time, I met a woman named Nat.

She was 38 and claimed to have never been married or had kids.

She said she worked for an American cosmetics company.

beautiful photo of a filipina

Meeting Online Girlfriend Number 2

Nat welcomed me at the airport when I arrived.

She drove me to a restaurant where her friends were waiting.

Honestly, I was really tired from the jet lag and didn’t enjoy my time at the restaurant at all.

We had a good three weeks together, enjoying each other’s company.

We even traveled to Cebu, which I think is the nicest town in Philippines.

What I didn’t mention earlier is that Nat had to work during our time together.

We went to places she needed to visit for her job.

She was in charge of over 20 shops for the cosmetics company.

After that, I went back to the UK and continued to stay in touch with Nat.

dating online with a filipina

Staying In Contact With Filipina Girlfriend

This time things were better.

When I got back, I asked Nat to come to the UK.

She visited for 10 days during the summer, but she always seemed cold and not too keen on trying new foods.

After she went back to Philippines, she told me her brother had died, and she didn’t have money for the funeral.

I sent her a thousand pounds, which is around twelve thousand US dollars or about forty thousand in Thai Baht.

I know that might sound like a lot, and she could have been trying to trick me.

But like I said, I had enough money, and I genuinely wanted to help her.

After some time, I noticed that Nat’s main focus was her job, and she didn’t seem to enjoy life outside of work.

So, I decided to end the relationship.

I explained to her that I wanted a partner to share time with and felt like I was not a priority in her life.

I didn’t want a relationship where I felt like I was less important.

I don’t want a partner to serve me.

I believe in treating all women with respect, regardless of where they’re from, whether it’s Western or Asian.

online dating in the philippines

Falling In Love With A Filipina

Nat is currently working in the police department in her village.

I still keep in touch with her, and I continue to visit Philippines and have a good time.

My message to everyone is this: don’t get tangled up in these kinds of relationships; it’s just not worth it.

We’re advised when we’re young to stay away from smoking, drugs, drinking, and gambling, but we should also be cautious about falling in love with the wrong person.

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