Online Dating With A Thai Girl Gone WRONG

Thailand Scammer Online Dating

I live and work in Malaysia, but every chance I get, I will take a trip to Bangkok as I fell in love with the place since my first trip a few years back.

On my last trip to Thailand, I really did not want to go back to Malaysia, Im a single guy and I just found Thai women so attractive, more attractive than other countries.

There isn’t many, if any Thai Girls working in Malaysia, so I decided that I am going to try out online dating.

I had heard some success stories about guys meeting Thais online, but I also know that with some good stories, come some bad stories, so I was always going to keep my guard up.

thai girl online dating profile

Searching For A Thai Girl To Date


Meeting a Thai girl online gone wrong 🇹🇭😳 #thaigirls #onlinedating #datingonline #thaigirlfriend #datinginthailand

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I tried out Thai Friendly, created a profile, set everything up and was ready to start swiping. The first thing I noticed was the amount of freelancers on there, I was flooded with messages “Want to meet tonight?” “Long time short time?” It was insane, but I guess it’s a quick and easy way for them to get customers.

After going through a lot of the matches and weeding through them, clearing out the scammers and freelancers, I came across 3 girls that I was interested in, but 2 of them spoke little English, which is not exactly ideal for online dating.

The one that did speak great English was Ploy, and she was perfect in terms of looks, by far my favourite girl I came across on the app. I was just hoping she wasn’t on the game or a scammer looking for money.

We began talking a lot, in the early days it was just a few messages because she was working a job where her shifts would change, so I wouldn’t know exactly when to expect a reply.

It left me constantly checking my phone to see if she had replied, it got me excited like I was a teenager falling in love, though I do think I did actually fall in love with her just during our conversations.

I found out from our chats that she was well educated, did not work in the night life scene and had her own condo where she lived alone.

She is very beautiful and I felt she was out of my league but she seemed into me, so I went a long with it, it was hard to believe that a girl that looks the way she does is actually single.

I got a bit soppy and found a florist in Bangkok to deliver some flowers to her work, she seemed over the moon with the gesture and very appreciative.

Thailand Scammer Online Dating

Finally Meeting Online Girlfriend

About a month after we had been chatting every day and video calling, I thought it would be nice to finally meet but I wasn’t sure if she thought it was a bit too early. Me on the other hand was looking forward to seeing her as soon as I could.

So one day, I suggest the idea of me flying to Bangkok to meet her and if she would be happy with seeing me in person, it turns out I was worried for no reason. She seemed really keen on the idea of me flying over.

I was actually surprised with how happy and excited she seemed to be.

She went on to say that she would take some time off work when I arrived so we can spend the days together. I knew she worked long hours and was tired from work, so I suggest that we could go to Pattaya, get a nice hotel and either chill around the pool or on the beach.

She liked the thought of this idea and said that relaxing just around the hotel would be nice for her.

During the time before I was to go and meet her in Thailand, I was thinking, and maybe over thinking actually, does she really like me? Is this a scam? Could this actually lead to something serious?

Meeting Thai Girl From Online

Bad First Impressions


Flying to Bangkok to meet online Thai girl 🇹🇭😳 #thaigirls #onlinedating #onlinerelationship #longdistancerelationship #longdistancerelationshipstories

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Unfortunately, I our meet didn’t go to plan.

Ploy met me at the airport in Bangkok, where we was going to get a taxi to our hotel in Pattaya, but when we met it was just “Hi how was the flight?” There was no hugging, kissing or any physical contact for that matter. It felts really awkward.

When we got into the taxi to head to Pattaya, the taxi driver spoke more than she did. She was quiet pretty much the whole trip, hardly said 2 words to me.

At first I was thinking maybe it’s because she tired from her job and just wants to relax, or maybe she thinks im ugly in person? Maybe she changed her mind but it was too late to cancel? I don’t know, my mind was racing.

I did try and start conversation but it was like talking to a brick wall, I didn’t get much of a reply and I felt like she was not interested at all.

Once we got to the hotel, which was a nice expensive one by the way, there was still lots of awkward silence, she seemed to care more about being on her phone than actually engaging in conversation with me.

Luckily, I had been nice and booked a room with a 2 double beds, but at the time in my head I was hoping that we would only be using 1 of the beds.

Once we got settled in to the hotel, I tried to keep the conversation going by asking her questions like how her day was, how’s her family etc, I knew I had limited time with her so wanted to make the most of it.

I told her I was going to get a shower and she could rest, once I came out the shower she was asleep in one of the beds. I got dressed and got onto the other bed, playing with my phone until she woke up.

Maybe I was right, maybe she was just tired.

Could This First Date Get Any Worse?

About an hour later, she woke up and without saying a single work to me she went to shower.

So far, this has gone nothing like I had imagined, luckily I was thinking of this gets anymore worse or she wants to leave me, at least im in Pattaya and it won’t be hard for me to find some different company.

I asked her if she would like to go out for some dinner, to which we did, again nothing exciting though she seemed to be less shy and slightly more talkative.

After the dinner I asked if she would like to go to a bar and get a drink, maybe this would loosen her up.

It didn’t. She was glued to her phone and I could have quite easily fell asleep. It was a total night mare. Nothing like our conversations online. The first day went terrible.

Thai girl showing no interest

Day 2 With My Online Girlfriend


Online meeting with a thai girl gone wrong 😳🇹🇭 #onlinedating #onlinerelationship #thaigirls #thaigirlfriend #longdistancerelationship

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Day 2. Could this be a better day for us? It for sure can’t get any worse. I hoped she would feel more happy around me today after a good nights rest.

In the late morning, we went out for breakfast, followed by a drink and massage then we headed back to the hotel and relaxed by the pool. Surprisingly we was talking more now and she explained that she was just being cranky from work and was a bit shy when she first met me.

I was happy to learn that she still liked me, or though I thought, we went for a walk along the beach road and we was even holding hands. It was quite the opposite from the first day.

After we had a walk along the beach and go back to the hotel, I realised that I took her signals wrong again and she was back to showing no interest what so ever, again her phone became more important than interacting with me.

Looking back, maybe I was too lonely when I found Ploy on the dating app, because the way we spoke, I was falling in love with her and our chats was great online so I thought she was falling for me too, maybe that was just stupid thinking on my side.

I felt like a fool trying begging for her attention, I know Im not the most handsome guy in the world but I wouldn’t say I am ugly.

That night, as I laid in one bed and ploy laid in the other bed playing on her phone, I was thinking maybe I made the wrong choice and im wasting my money here, why don’t I just leave and have fun in Pattaya? But me being smitten by Ploy I guess I still thought there might be a chance and she will become interested in me.

Third Day, Will It Get Better?

On the 3rd day we had another relaxing day around the pool. Later I said “do you want to get some beers, watch a movie in the same bed tonight?”

She refused again and shown no interest in being with me. At this point I was really down and could quite clearly see that she was not interested in being with me and I found myself asking why am I here?

Even if she did not like me in person, she could have shown a little appreciation that I had flown over to see her, spent all the money on the trip and paid for everything. Not once did she pay or offer to pay for anything that we did.

This was my first time being with a Thai girl that isn’t a paid companion and I was thinking maybe this is just how a normal thai foreigner relationship is? I don’t know.

It’s weird how I was feeling, I did feel like I was in love with this girl even though she was cold as ice, I was really hoping that I could be her boyfriend and have a great relationship.

I could quite easily do the long distance relationship thing, flying to Bangkok every chance I get to be with her and I even told her this during our trip, but again I felt no feelings or interest from her.

Anyway it was our last day, again we did pretty much nothing and then it was time to head back to Bangkok airport for me to fly back to Malaysia.

At the airpot, I decided to tell her how I really felt. I told her that I had deep feelings for her since we started talking online, and that I flew all the way over just for her and she shown me not interest or appreciation at all.

I pretty much cried my heart out to her hope she would see how I really felt.

Thailand flag

Letting Me Down Easy

She said “we can see what happens next time you come” but the way she said it to me I already knew that there wasn’t going to be a next time, I had a feeling once I got on that plane I will never hear from her again.

2 days after being back in Malaysia, I hadn’t had no communication with her until I finally gave in and messaged her because I could not get her off my mind.

I simply said “Hi ploy, can you be straight with me, do you like me? Is it worth me even trying or am I wasting my time?”

She replied with the common line “Sorry you are a nice man but I am just not looking for anything serious right now”


Flying to Thailand to meet online girl 🇹🇭😳 #thaigirl #thaigirlfriend #onlinedating #onlinegirlfriend #onlinedatingstories

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

My Thai Girlfriend Isn’t Interested In Me

Which obviously means she’s just not interested in me, if she really wasn’t looking for anything serious then she wouldn’t be on a dating site and carried on talking to me there when she knew I was looking for more than a one night fling.

I felt hurt but I guess its a learning curve, its easy to fall in love when you are lonely I guess, and if you doing the whole online dating thing then get to know them better first.

Well if you have made it this far in my story, thank you for listening to my first experience dating a Thai girl and doing the online thing.

Although it couldn’t have gone any worse, I still love Thailand, I still go back every chance I get and im still not giving up looking for now, though I might starting looking in other places.

Thank you for your time reading my story.

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