An Indians Adventure In The Pattaya Go Go Scene

Indians Adventure Into Go Go Bars

I was hooked to these go-go bars from the start.

I could not forget everything happened in my personal life.

I really like the music in some of the Go-Go bars in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy in Bangkok.

After trial and error, I became regular to one go go bar in Nana Plaza and one go-go bar in Soi Cowboy.

I would spend quite a bit every day in these go-go bars and just sit there for five to six hours enjoying the music and company of the girls.

I bar fined a couple of girls a few times and just took them out for dinner or playing pool in other bars.

I never had bedroom fun with these girls, but believe me, everything else was done inside the go-go bars, which I preferred.

Nana Plaza Bangkok

Not Being Allowed In Go Go Bars As An Indian In Pattaya

It’s a bit of a different story in Pattaya.

As I am of Indian origin, some of the go-go bars in Pattaya Walking Street wouldn’t allow me inside.

Some of them allowed me only after seeing a copy of my British passport.

One bar in particular welcomed me without asking anything; the mamasan even guessed that I’m from England and she told me her reasoning behind this situation with me and some Go-Go bars.

I won’t explain that here as it may sound a bit odd.

If you are interested in covering this as a separate topic, I can write to you.

Actually, this may help some of your Indian or Indian origin listeners to have a better experience in Pattaya, as many freelancers I have spoken to told me very similar points.

Pole Dancing Babe On Walking Street

Becoming A Go Go Bar Regular

Anyway, I started to enjoy my time in this go go bar and became a regular.

I didn’t want to go to any others in Walking Street as they were not welcoming me, and the girls in this go-go bar are better looking anyway.

I would spend about four thousand to five thousand bar on average per night and have three girls sit with me regularly on their entire shift.

Again, I did everything but bedroom fun.

One of these girls even went to a couple of nightclubs with me on her day off without asking for any money.

One who is about 21 and the most beautiful Thai girls I’ve ever met, let’s call her Knock.

She asked that I bar fine her before I go back to England, so I did.

The bar fine for her was 2500 Baht, and she wanted three thousand Baht for herself for the night.

LK Metro Go Go Girls

Taking Go Go Girl Out The Bar

I met her in Tree Town for a quick snack around 9 pm and plan to go to walking to some Walking Street clubs.

I met a few guys on this trip who opened a VIP table in a nightclub and invited me to join them, so I went there with Knock.

All of them congratulated me for having a very beautiful girl with me and felt jealous.

After 15 minutes or so, Knock told me she didn’t like Western music and that she wants me to experience a Thai nightclub.

I do like Thai music, so I said why not.

She then told me her sister works in a tomboy club and I can experience a different type of Thai club if I go there.

I was not comfortable, but I said okay in the end as I was planning to have bedroom fun with her later, and I didn’t want to upset her by saying no.

Nude Ping Pong Show Girl

A Different Type of Thai Club… A Tomboy Club

Off we went in a taxi and arrived at this tomboy club.

As soon as we went inside, four or five tomboys jumped on her and thanked her for bringing me.

I have to say I really enjoyed the music and the whole experience there.

I’m not into whiskey, but they made me drink 20 shots of Thai whiskey somehow and I was drunk.

We were there drinking and dancing until 5 am, and I told Knock that it’s time to go back to the hotel.

The total bill was about 10,000 Baht for the two bottles of Thai whiskey I bought and tomboy time.

They drink from these bottles, but you pay 250 Baht per hour for their time.

We went to the hotel at 5:30 am, and I told her that I really enjoyed the night out and I was looking forward to taking into the next level.

She then told me she needs to leave by 6 am as this was the maximum time she could spend and asked for 6,000 Baht.

I knew she told me it’s 3,000 Baht previously.

I was very disappointed with the whole thing and in no mood to argue with her.

I gave her six thousand bar and told her to leave immediately.

Off she went, not even looking back.

After this day, I never went to that go-go bar again, as I know I will be upset as soon as I see her face.

Go Go Dancer Bar

Freelancers Or Go Go Girls On My Next Trip

In hindsight, I did realize I spent far too much money in these GoGo bars.

I still think I would go to these settings in my next trip but stick to one girl at a time and not spend too much money.

Definitely no bedroom fun with these girls though I had my fair share of freelancers.

I met a couple of them in Bangkok near my hotel and had a decent experience with them.

We went to beer bars, played pool, and had dinner together, and then back to the hotel.

In Pattaya, I met a few girls in Walking Street nightclubs and went back to my hotel with them a few times.

I never did short time; that’s not my style.

Most of these girls wanted three thousand Baht for a long time so I went along with this option as it gave me enough time to get to know them a little bit before the action started.

Walking Street Freelancers

Even Tried Out Online Dating In Pattaya

I met one girl on Thai Friendly; she’s 23, let’s call her Far.

I first contacted her on my second trip to Thailand, and she took me to some live music clubs in Pattaya.

She never asked me to buy food in a restaurant; she simply brought a few bits from 7-Eleven, including a couple of drinks.

She didn’t want me to spend money on expensive drinks in clubs and bars.

We had great bedroom fun, and I gave her four thousand Baht per meet.

The same continued in my third trip too.

I was chatting too far sometimes on the lineup after returning back to England.

I informed her about my plans to visit Pattaya again, and she expressed her happiness.

This was my most recent and fourth trip where I spent a month in Thailand.

She suddenly went silent a few weeks before my trip.

I called her one day, and she was crying.

After asking what happened, she told me she was ill for a few days and the doctor told her that she would reduce her alcohol intake.

She has shown me a lot of medicine and her hospital scans, etc.

She told me she didn’t work for a couple of weeks, and she’s feeling stressed about paying rent, etc., but never asked me for any money.

After a couple of days, I asked her to send me a scanned copy of her ID and I transferred eight thousand baht to her.

She called me to thank me and said I don’t need to pay her the next time when I meet her in my upcoming trip to Pattaya.

Pattaya Girl On ThaiFriendly

More Fun With The Pattaya Ladies

I arrived in Pattaya as planned, and she came to my hotel on that day.

I took her out for a walk and asked her about her health, etc.

We went back to the hotel and had a good night.

After breakfast in the morning, she said she wants to go to her apartment and come back in the evening if I wanted her to.

I said I will meet her the next day as I was planning to go to go-go bars.

She started walking out of the hotel but didn’t ask for any money.

I decided to give her 4,000 Baht anyway, but she refused.

I arranged to meet her again the next day, and we also spent the night together.

She refused to take money again.

I took her for a morning walk, and I asked her about her life.

She told me that she doesn’t go out to meet many customers unless they meet her for a drink or dinner first so she can get to know them a little.

She has a few regular customers that she meets when they come to visit Pattaya.

As a result, she doesn’t earn money every day, but she is still spending money on nights out with her friends, drinking, and dancing.

This means she has no savings and she is always feeling stressed about her rent and bills.

She has a five-year-old daughter living in Pattaya in the same apartment and looked after by her mother who also works in a local market cooking Thai food on a stall.

She gave birth to her daughter when she was 17 and the Thai boyfriend disappeared shortly after the birth.

Her daughter has never seen her father.

I asked a bit more about her daughter and saw the pictures.

Her daughter was lovely.

Taking Pattaya Girl and Daughter On A Date

I didn’t have kids myself, and I thought I would treat this kid.

I asked Far to meet me outside the hotel the next day and bring her daughter with her.

I took them both to the Pattaya Dolphin Show; the kid was shy at the beginning and slowly started looking at me and asking if she could sit on my lap as she couldn’t see the dolphins properly from her seat.

I was surprised by this as she didn’t ask Far but came to me instead.

After the show, I brought her some sweets and asked if she wants to buy anything else.

She told me she wants to buy a kid’s scooter.

I promised her that I will buy that scooter soon.

Pattaya Girl Doesnt Want Money

After a couple of days, I met Far again in the daytime in my hotel.

When she was leaving in the evening, I sat her down and gave her two envelopes with five thousand Baht in each one.

I wrote her daughter’s name on each of these envelopes.

I told Far that I helped her when she was stressed out about money, but I didn’t want to pay her for the time that she spends with me since she refused to take money for the first two meetings.

I didn’t want to give her money again and instead gave the money to her daughter.

I opened the calculator app on her phone and showed her how much she can save in five years if she can save 5,000 Baht per month in an envelope for her daughter every month.

She was shocked and said it’s not difficult to save five thousand Baht a month.

I told her that these two envelopes are for the first two months of her daughter’s savings plan and she should continue to do this every month from now on.

I gave her some lessons about basic finance and savings; she wrote down these points in her phone which surprised me.

She thanked me for giving her some ideas about saving money for her daughter and went home.

I met her daughter a few more Pattaya bought her a scooter and took her to the Central Festival to buy some clothes, etc.

She was the happiest kid in town.

Beautiful Thai Bar Girl

Wishing The Best For My Pattaya Love

One day I didn’t meet Far but I went to the local market on my own where the grandmother worked and looked after her daughter.

The daughter saw me from a distance and ran towards me; she hugged me and wanted me to hold her hand all the time.

She displayed some of the skills she had learned playing with the scooter.

I took her to the nearest 7-Eleven to buy some sweets.

When walking to the shop, some of the market people started asking her who I was.

This kid introduced me to them as her father.

I was shocked and somehow felt emotional.

I sat down near a table, and this kid was playing hide and seek with me.

A foreigner came to me and said your daughter looks very cute.

I didn’t know what was happening.

Dating A Girl Online In Thailand

I said bye to the kid and went back to my hotel.

I met Far the next day and told her what happened the night before.

She called her mother’s phone and started talking to her daughter on video call and asked her why she thought I was her father.

The kid started explaining that she thought I am her father because I’m playing with her, buying toys and sweets, taking her to shows, etc., and only fathers do this.

Far told her that I’m only a friend but the kid insisted that she knows I’m her father.

I didn’t know what to say.

I had mixed feelings about whether to upset the kid by saying I am not the father or to continue to make her feel happy that she suddenly found her father in her mind.

I told Far I don’t mind talking to her when I get back to England; I’m happy to advise her about her future, etc.

I told her that I won’t send any money and that she needs to follow the savings plan on her own.

She was happy with this.

Dating Pattaya Girl

I met Far a few more times, and she came to the airport to send me off to the UK.

I reiterated to her that I don’t have any feelings for her and I only give her ideas about how to save money as a well-wisher.

She said she knows that and thank me again with tears in her eyes.

After coming back to England, I continued to talk too far via the line app and had video calls with her daughter a couple of times.

Far told me that her daughter asks about me every single day and she wants to go to London to stay with her father.

I explained to her that I work in London and only visit Pattaya when I’m having holidays.

On the video calls, the kid started to show me her schoolwork.

Then I realized I may be doing something wrong by creating an impression in a child’s mind that she now has a father.

Online Dating Pattaya

If I find a partner in my post-divorce life or if I can’t visit Pattaya many times or stop focusing on this kid for whatever reason, she will be heartbroken.

So after consulting with a couple of friends and Far, we decided that I should slowly reduce the calls and make her realize that I may not be her real father as I’m not spending much time with her.

I stopped making video calls to the kid for a few weeks, and she still asks about me but less frequently.

If I’m in a position to do so, I will happily take care of this kid but I don’t want to commit yet as my personal future is uncertain or not clear yet.

Until then, I will stay away from Far’s daughter as much as I can.

I still think about her and I look at her pictures every now and then and feel happy.

Far started saving money and brought a small save.

She makes a video call and counts a total savings kept in that safe every couple of weeks.

I hope she will continue to do this and her daughter will have enough money to go to a nice college or university in the future.

I will keep an eye on this as long as I can.


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