Dating A Filipina Bar Girl

Dating A Filipina Bar Girl

I’m Mitch, and I come from the Canada.

I’m 43 years old.

I’ve been living and working in Manila, which is in The Philippines, for the last 5 years.

My job is an engineer.

I spend most of my time, about 10 months, in the Philippines, and I go back to the Canada for around 2 months.

Since I’ve been around for quite some time, I’d say I’m pretty knowledgeable about things happening around here.

At least, that’s what I used to think.

Showing A Filipina Bar Girl Around Manila

Around 14 months back, a friend of mine messaged me.

She told me that her good friend, Tin, was going to move from Cebu to Manila.

She asked me if I could help Tin get acquainted with the city.

I replied, “Of course!”

I wanted to know more about this girl, so I asked my friend for additional information.

It turns out that she used to work in bars in Cebu.

However, she was curious about how things were in Manila and if she could earn better there.

Since I’ve been in this place for 5 years, I know about the things that go on in bars with these girls, and I usually avoid getting involved in that kind of scene.

However, because my friend was the one who asked me, I decided to do her the favor.

Manila Night Life

Instantly Found The Cebu Girl Cute

We met on the day she came to Manila.

Right from the start, I found her cute, but I had also heard that she had recently started a relationship with another foreigner who lived in Cebu.

So, I had already categorized her as someone I shouldn’t pursue any further.

She wanted to keep working in the bar scene, as it seemed to be the only thing she was familiar with.

Just so you know, she was 28 years old.

She talked to me about the amount of money she had been earning, and now I understand why some girls choose to work in bars.

Since that was her situation, I showed her around the places known for their nightlife, like Manila, BGC, and a few other spots that aren’t as famous.

In those areas, she asked around at some places to see if she could work there.

Bar Maid In The Philippines

Going Around The Bars In Makati

In Makati, there was a bar that said she could begin working there.

So, the next week, she started her job, working only three nights a week to test the waters and see if she enjoyed the work and did well.

We lived pretty close to each other, and we kept meeting up as friends.

The more we talked, the more I learned about her.

She shared that she’s originally from a certain area in Cebu and she does this kind of job to provide for her 4-year-old son.

He lives with her mother back in Cebu.

And then, unexpectedly, it happened. I began to develop feelings for her, something I had sworn to myself I wouldn’t allow.

Filipina Bar Girl Performer

Dating A Filipina Bar Girl

We ended up dating, and she started staying over at my condo a few times each week.

Things were actually going quite well in the beginning.

One evening, we had dinner plans set for when she got off work at 11pm.

However, she sent me a message saying she couldn’t make it because she was busy entertaining a rich customer.

I was quite unsure about how to feel at that moment.

Could I really continue being in a relationship like this? Still, I had a clear understanding of the situation from the beginning, so I couldn’t really tell her not to do what she was doing.

Two Filipina Bar Girls

Filipina Girlfriend Asking For Money

A couple of weeks passed, and then the questions started arising. She began asking, “Hey babe, I haven’t had any customers lately.

Can you lend me some money to send back home?”

The initial times, I went along with her requests and gave her a few thousand baht to send home.

However, it seemed like it was never sufficient.

She kept saying, “I need money for the condo, food, my son, and so on.”

I could sense the direction this relationship was taking, and I’m relieved that I noticed the warning signs quite early on.

I made the choice to end the relationship not long after it began, and I think I managed to do it at the right moment.

We agreed to remain friends, but over time, we naturally grew apart, and now, we don’t even communicate to this day.

I hold no ill feelings towards her or anyone involved in that line of work, as I was fully aware of what I was getting myself into.

I suppose my advice for anyone seeking to date in the Philippines or anywhere else is to pay close attention to any warning signs, and definitely do not disregard them.

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