Everyone Said Do Not Marry A Thai Go Go Girl… So I Did

Thai go go dancer wife

I want to start my story by clearly stating that I am married to an ex go go girl in Pattaya, and I have zero regrets.

So yes, the woman I married used to work in a bar and would entertain customers, every negative thing people have to say about that ive heard it all before, 10 times over.

When I listen to a lot of the stories on this channel, and then read the comments, I get pretty annoyed at the people who have clearly been ripped off by a Thai girl and now thinks all Thais are like that.

Bargirl Serving Drinks In Pattaya

Why Do Relationships Normally Go With With A Thai Bar Girl?

You have to remember, a lot of these stories that end in heartbreak and money being lost are from older men that fell for the first Thai girl they laid eyes on which is normally a young bar girl.

People actually believe that these girls that are 20 years younger than them are actually interested in them and want to be in a genuine relationship.

The guys that normally fall for this are newbies to the country or people that have not had much luck with the ladies during their life.

That being said, even veterans and people with their head screwed on the most can also fall for the bargirl spell.

Every country has good and bad people, being judgemental towards a Thai woman just because of what they do for a living really grinds my gears.

Just to make it clear, I am talking about girls that work in bars, clubs and the night life in general.

Nobody Wants Their Girlfriend To Be A Bargirl…

Of course, it is not the ideal job you would want a girl working in, but still, we should not judge them for doing it, we all have our own story after all and we don’t know everybody’s story.

If you are just going to Thailand for a holiday and a bit of fun, then that’s fine, go and do that.

But if you do find yourself catching feelings for one of these ladies, don’t think that its the end of the world just because someone said it in a comment.

Now I am not saying do not be cautious, especially dealing with girls that work in a bar in Pattaya.

There are a million red flags already before you even meet a bargirl, and the reasons to not be in a relationship with one probably outweighs the reasons to be in a relationship with one.

But just because a 57 year old found out his 20 year old girlfriend already has a boyfriend does not mean it is going to happen to you.

Beautiful Thai girl

Use Your Big Head, Not Your Little Head

Common sense goes a long way in Pattaya. You can pretty much see when something is just transactional fun and when there is actually feelings involved.

I think we all have enough brains to realise when a girl really likes us and when she’s just playing a game.

Having said that, if that was true, then there wouldn’t be so many stories with bad outcomes.

But in my opinion you can easily spot the girl that is constantly lying and talking about money, to the girl that wants to actually spend time with you away from that life.

People that bad mouth these bar girls in Pattaya, just don’t realise how hard it is to live in the village on 150 baht a day.

Ok, neither do I guess, but I do spend at least one month out of the year there, so I think I do have a bit more experience than some.

Most Bargirls Come From A Poor Background

Although my wife’s village that we visit is not located in the Issan region, it is very close and the wages for working in the fields there are probably the same as they are in Isan, and no doubt similiar to other villages in Thailand.

Not to mention how hard they have to work for that kind of little salary.

We all know 150 baht a day is not a lot of money at all, at the time of me writing this story is around 4 US dollars.

I can’t even begin to image any of the viewers living on 150 baht a day.

It has been a long minute since I have been in a go go bar, but I should image that 150 won’t even get you a drink in a go go bar now days.

In fact, I bet the go go girls make that in commission just from one drink now days.

Two cute bargirls In Pattaya

There Is Nothing Wrong With A Thai Girl Working In A Bar

Why shouldn’t these village girls want to earn more money than just the peanuts they get paid?

They are barely surviving in the villages, and with very little money, they can’t exactly treat themselves to anything other than food for surviving.

Why shouldn’t these girls want to earn more than just enough to feed themselves and their families, including their children which is normally the case?

Most of the bar girls you will meet will be single mothers, relying on their family to take care of the kids while she is out working.

Though some of them do have Thai boyfriends or husbands, but don’t expect them to be honest about that.

The boyfriend, like her family, will also have his hand out for the money that she makes from the bar.

How I Met My Future Wife In A Pattaya Go Go Bar

As I said, I met her while she was a go go girl in a club in Pattaya, a pretty popular one at the time.

I was a typical monger at the time, and it was during my 4th or 5th Pattaya trip that I met her.

At the time, I had my own set of rules where I would only barfine a girl for 1 night and then I would not go back to the bar again.

I would go to a different bar and meet a different girl.

I did this because at the time I did not want to catch feelings for anyone, I wanted a hassle free trip and not to go home with any baggage.

It was kind of like the 3 day rule that many people know about, only mine was the 1 day rule.

I would of classed myself as a so called Pattaya veteran, so this just shows that anyone can fall for these ladies, even if you have your own set of rules

Obviously I did not stick to my rules because I ended up getting married.

Anyway, there I was, heading into a go go bar with a girl next to me that I had met and barfined that night.

I always take the barfined girl for a couple of drinks outside her bar just to see how she is with me and if its worth taking things any further than the bar.

When we walked in, my future wife took me and my barfine to a table and asked if we wanted a drink.

I was pretty drunk at the time, and asked her rudely if she would like to come back with us, I was the typical stupid tourist.

She brushed me off and went to focus on other customers. I instantly regretted it and knew I shouldn’t of asked that.

To this day, my wife has never let me forget the first words I said to her, and occasionally brings it up, all in good humour.

I knew as soon as I said it and the way she reacted that I had been extremely rude, and for some reason, it stuck with me all night.

Even the next day, after spending the night with my barfine, I could not get it out of my head what I said to my future wife.

Going Back To The Bar To Win Over My Wife

So that night, I decided that I should go and apologise and see if I could buy her a drink.

As soon as I walked in, she spotted me and came over to be asking me if I wanted a drink.

I was surprised that she was being so friendly after the embarrassing things I had said to her the previous night.

I did not notice it the night before, maybe because I was a bit drunk, but she had a lovely pair staring straight at me.

After composing myself I ordered a chang for myself and she took me to a table.

Bringing the drink to me, I apologised for what I said the night before and asked if she would like to join me for a drink, to which she accepted.

She sat down with me and I proceeded to tell her that it was out of character for me to say what I said last night.

She replied that it’s fine and she has heard much worse and even crazier requests, which is understandable in that city.

We got along great and had laughs together. I think because I was stone cold sober she could see im not the normal drunken fool that she met the previous night.

A couple of drinks later, and I barfined her.

Sexy Thai Selfie

Spending Time With A Pattaya Go Go Girl

We spent the rest of my trip together, all of a sudden going out alone to the lady bars just did not interest me.

Something had changed, and if im honest, I kind of liked the feeling.

Normally I would be waking up, saying bye to the girl from the previous night, and then planning on which bars I would be going to that night.

But now I would be waking up, saying bye to this girl and looking forward to seeing her again the same night.

I barfined her every night for the rest of my holiday and we spent every day together.

We would go out together in the day, go eat, do whatever, and then head to her bar at night, have a few drinks and then I would pay the barfine.

I could feel that this wasn’t work for her and she enjoyed being with me, its hard to explain, but you will just know when this happens.

Like I said earlier, you can tell when its just work with these women and when its actual feelings, you just know.

thai bar girl posing for selfie

My Thai Girl Is Different

I remember even deleting the LINE app from my phone that was full of bargirls numbers, just because I was happy with this one.

She did not directly ask me to delete them, but she made passing jokes about my phone being filled with bargirls.

I think she may have been a little jealous and still thought I was playing around, but she never said it straight to me.

She realised pretty quick that I was being serious about me and her.

I even deleted the numbers of my favourite girls that I had really good times with there, and saw on many different occasions.

Spending time with her was not just all bedroom time and drinking at the bars, I actually got to know her a bit.

Sexy Pattaya Thai Girl

My Future Wife Has A Bad Background

My wife previously lived in her village, working to support her then Thai husband and her child.

Her child was not even 1 years old when her husband decided to leave.

Once her husband walked out on her and her child for another woman he had found, she decided she needed a change.

She knew she needed to make money for her and her child as she was getting no help from her ex husband or family.

Originally she did not want to do any bar work, so she headed to Phuket first where she worked as a masseuse doing proper Thai massages, NOT the types of massages that tourists are familiar with.

She was good at her job and worked really hard, but soon realised that the money is still not great and people coming into the shop were looking for more than just a massage.

During this time, she had to go back to the village to take care of her son for a couple of months and then her plan was to return to Phuket.

Instead she realised that she did not like Phuket and did not want to go back, she thought she could make it work in her village.

However with not making enough money and having to ask her parents to borrow money from them, she had been persuaded by her friend to go to Pattaya.

According to my wife, Pattaya or working as a bargirl, dancer or any entertainment work never crossed her mind.

Two thai girls kissing

Wife Heading To Pattaya To Become A Go Go Girl

Her friend had been a bargirl in Pattaya for about a year, and looked to be a successful bargirl at that.

She had many sponsors, sending a lot of money home each month, nice clothes, always posting pictures of her night out, and she was very enhanced.

I think with my wife seeing the way her friend lived, she fancied a bit of that luxurious lifestyle, so she made the move.

Like most girls in Pattaya, my wife left her son with her parents and promised to send money back every week to take care of them.

My wife was and still is a stunner with a perfect figure, in my eyes anyway, so you can imagine how much money she made in Pattaya compared to in her village.

She got a job in the same go go bar as her friend and she claimed that from day one she was making money from customers.

Although she did not like the job at first, she said she had to learn to switch off and just think about the money she was making.

About 6 months after working in Pattaya, she met me, lucky lass.

Girl Posing On The Beach

Heading Back Home After Spending The Holiday With A Thai Girl

After our first meeting, we kept in touch when I went back to the UK.

Even at this point when I was back in the UK, I did not really expect it to go any further than online friends.

Actually, this is the first time I had kept in touch with a bargirl after returning home.

Normally as soon as I get on that plane, that’s it until next time, no need to keep in touch with anyone. And if you’re going to Pattaya for a bit of fun, I suggest you do that.

Anyway as the days went on and we got to know each other more, I started to see a future with her.

We arranged that I would come back and see her for 2 weeks, spend more time with each other and get to know each other better.

On my second trip, we spent the whole 2 weeks together, yes I barfined her for the whole 2 weeks.

This was not a scam, before I got there I knew that I would have to barfine her from the bar if we wanted to spend time together.

She would actually be losing money by allowing me to barfine her, because it meant that she wouldn’t be working.

Thai woman sat on a stool

Starting A Serious Relationship With A Girl From Pattaya

At the end of that trip, we mutually agreed to be in a relationship, it wasn’t the easiest thing because I knew what she would have to be doing while I was home in the UK.

I think this is the hardest part that any guy will have to deal with if they have committed to being in a relationship with a bar girl.

Let’s be honest, no matter how much you love someone, none of us want them to be working at a bar in Thailand.

We all know what goes on in them bars and what the girls are there for.

At this time, I did not have enough money to support her, and she knew that, she understood but made it very clear that she would still have to be working.

She tried to put me at ease by messaging me or calling me every time she finished work.

Although I did not like hearing it, she would be honest and tell me if she is busy after work, to which I had to accept.

I just kept telling myself that this is how its going to have to be for now but won’t always be like this.

Pattaya Girl Taking Shots

Travelling To Thailand To Meet A Go Go Girl Again

Now it’s my 3rd trip, I had been working like crazy and saving every penny I could.

On this trip, we actually left Pattaya and had a holiday in Koh Samui for 2 weeks.

It was great getting away from Pattaya, as that’s all I knew about Thailand.

114. Koh Samui was nothing like Pattaya, there wasn’t bars and girls everywhere you looked, though you could find it if you wanted it.

It was a more of a chill place, somewhere where you would take your girlfriend or wife.

This trip was really fun and we got along so good, the chemistry was there and I think on this trip we both knew that we loved each other.

At the end of the 3rd trip, we had a talk and I was now at a stage where I could support her if she stopped working at the bar.

Thai dancer with legs open

What To Do If Your Thai Girlfriend Is A Bargirl?

This is another thing that guys need to understand when being in a relationship with a bargirl.

As I mentioned, none of us want our girlfriends working in a bar, so the next step is to support sending them money so they do not need to work at the bar any longer.

I would say that this is where most of the relationships fail because nobody wants to send money to someone, and those that do send the money is when you may realise it’s all one big scam.

A lot of the times, when a girl is in it just for the money, she will accept the payment from a sponsor to leave the bar, but she won’t actually leave, or maybe she will just work less.

If you catch them working at the bar after you’ve been sending money for them not to, they will come up with all the excuses under the sun.

I have come to see friends at the bar, im just here but not working, I only drink with customers nothing else.

In my eyes, if you’ve paid for them to leave the bar, then that’s exactly what they should do. If they don’t, I would walk away and not listen to any excuse.

Taking a pattaya girl out

Sponsoring My Thai Girlfriend By Sending Her Money

So, We agreed that I would send her 20,000 a month for her and 5,000 for her to send home.

It wasn’t a huge amount and sure she could be earning more at the bar, but she wanted to make it work with me so she was ok with that amount.

I know that she left the bar because the fact that I would only be sending 20,000 a month, I told her that she could work just 2 days at the bar.

She replied that 20,000 is enough and she doesn’t need to or want to work at the bar anymore, so I trusted her that she didn’t.

It wasn’t long after the 3rd trip that she came to the UK on a visitors visa.

She loved it here, she instantly fell in love with the UK and told me she would like to start a life here with me.

To cut this part of the story short, we got married in the UK, went through all the visa process and paper work, now we are happily married and living here.

six go go girls posing

My Wife Does Not Regret Working As A Pattaya Go Go Girl

As far as working in a go go bar, my wife says she has not regrets.

She claims that although she would be judged a lot by foreigners, money and living a good life was more important than the opinions of westerners.

Working in Pattaya she was able to save up money, and now working in the UK and having help from me, she is now the proud owner of a house in Thailand that her parents still live in, a car in the UK and a bunch of savings in Thailand.

She also buys land in Thailand for when we move back there, and knows that as more land becomes available we will be buying more.

Yes, before you all start, I know the land is in her name and not mine, that is the risk im willing to take.

She also owns a shop in Thailand that some of her family members run and we have plans on extending that and working on it more once we finally decide to head back to Thailand for good.

Bringing My Thai Wifes Son To The UK

Her son eventually joined us in the UK once we got all the paperwork sorted, and later we introduced a new baby boy to the world.

This was a scary moment for us, because our son wasn’t planned, but he was such a blessing and I couldn’t have been any happier

Her first son is being educated in the UK and now has more prospects in life.

Education in Thailand, lets just say, its not the best and rarely do they go onto higher education, so im glad our kids will be educated here.

All in all, life is pretty good and im very glad I walked into that go go bar that night, even if I did say the wrong things.

It’s a weird thing to say, especially when people ask how we met, but im not ashamed and neither is she, that’s why im sharing my story.

Ignore when people look down their nose at you, as long as you are happy that is all that matters.

In life it’s normally the man that is jealous of the woman, but to this day she is still so paranoid that I will go off with another Thai woman.

That is something you would have to come to terms with, Thai women can get very jealous, even over the smallest of things.

Pattaya On Holiday Is A Dealbreaker With Wifes

We visit Pattaya often as that is where we met and that is where all her friends are, and when we are there, im not allowed out unless I have a mutual friend with me.

I don’t think its me that she does not trust, its the other girls that would be around me that she does not trust.

She knows there is too much risk in Pattaya to let me go out alone, even though I have no intentions of going with another girl.

She knows the game so well, so she knows all the types of tricks that these ladies will pull around me.

However, my Pattaya playboy days ended the day I met my wife.

Truth be told, I used to be one of them guys also that would laugh at the stories of other guys falling in love with bargirls in Pattaya.

I can remember thinking, how can people be so dull to think that these girls actually like them and could possibly see a future with them?

It wasn’t until I went there and experienced it first time when I met my wife, it really is so easy to catch feelings and fall for someone there.

Just writing out my story, it feels surreal and crazy.

Bangkok Bar Girl Shot

My Life Changed The Moment I Walked In That Bar

I was a happy go lucky guy, living life day by day, falling in love, even having a relationship was the last thing on my mind.

Pattaya was my secret get away from my friends and family back home.

I would go there and have as much fun as I can, never catching feelings for any of the girls I meet, and then head back to the UK as if I never even been anywhere.

I would tell family and friends that while in Thailand I just went visiting temples, exploring, seeing the beaches and trying all the different types of Thai food.

Little did they know, I did none of them things. Or maybe they did know what I was getting up to, they just didn’t tell me.

It’s true what they say, you never know when love is going to strike.

It’s not the romantic story there is about 2 people meeting, but its certainly different and one that we both still have a laugh at to this day.

Beautiful Cheeky Thai Girl

Relationships Can Work Out With Thai Bar Girls

I believe that my wife is my soul mate and we were meant to meet that night.

I know that a lot of the comments will be from you sceptics saying that she will take as much money from me as possible and leave me.

That is mainly because the stories that are shared always end badly, but they don’t share the circumstances such as the age gap or financial issues.

Age normally plays a huge factor in all these heartbreak stories, very rarely you will hear that they are within the same age or the woman being older.

Me and my wife are only a couple of years apart and she makes her fair share of money as do I.

Not every bar girl is out to ruin your life, some of them are just looking for a better life and while looking for that life they are trying to make as much money as possible.

two thai girls in bangkok

Learn To Trust Your Thai Girlfriend And Everything Will Be Ok

I do trust my wife more than life its self, but im not stupid, I won’t leave all my money and investments in Thailand, just in case.

But I truly believe that I have nothing to worry about, I don’t doubt my wife for 1 second, I think we will be together for the remainder of our days.

Did she see me as a cash cow when we first met and just a foreigner that she could try and rinse?

Maybe, I guess I’ll never know, but she eventually got feelings for me and we are completely in love with each other.

But if I am completely wrong about everything and I lose it all, I will make sure to submit another story so you can all have a laugh at me.

I always have a giggle to myself when we visit her family in the village in Thailand.

Me and my wife will drive around, and she will point out the nice brick houses, not the hut type houses and say that she knows the woman that lives there, she met a foreigner in the past, got married, built the house and got a divorce now lives in the house with her Thai husband.

chaing mai girls

There Are Bad Girls Out There… But Not All Of Them Are Bad

I know in my story I am trying to show the positives of being in a relationship with one of these girls and the outcome can be good, but I don’t want to lie and act like bad things do not happen.

So don’t get me wrong, i know there are bad people out there and thousands of foreigners have lost everything to the wrong Thai girl, but there are success stories like mine also.

The descision goes back to using common sense that god gifted us all with, some more than others.

chaing mai bar girls

Bringing Your Girlfriend Back To Your Country From Thailand

I know a few people here in the UK that have married a Thai woman and brought their wife to here.

They have been happily married for years, both working, they aren’t freeloaders that expect the husband to make all the money for them to spend.

Their wife own nothing, have to work for her money, and everything they get, they earn.

It is a big misconception that all Thais want to marry a foreigner to get out of Thailand and have a better life.

The part about having a better life is true, but moving out of Thailand couldn’t be further from the truth.

Most Thai’s I know of do not want to leave their country, they have families there and just want a good life.

So the Thai women that do move out of Thailand they simply get married because they love each other, and not for some type of scam.

Meeting Girls In Chaing Mai

I will end my story on an another high note.

When the wife was working in Phuket, she told me that she had a friend is the massage parlour that claimed she was a fortune teller and could see things that normal people can’t see.

I am very skeptical about these type of people, as is my wife.

She told my wife that she will get married 3 times, live a good life, have plenty of money and move out of Thailand.

Most of it came true, but let’s just hope she got the 3 husband part wrong because im husband number 2.

Chaing Mai Bar Girls

Taking The Chance With A Bar Girl

So, There is obviously a big risk when it comes to taking things further with a bar girl.

The main concern is does she actually have feelings for you or is it simple work for her.

You should probably already know this by the way she acts around you, it’s not rocket science to know if there is chemistry or not.

So guys, if you have the gut feeling that it could work, take the risk, or you may have to live with regret.

If you do take a risk and you realise your money is running out fast because of her, that’s a clear indication that it probably isn’t going to work in the future.

Especially if you are just giving her money simply because she asked and not for something that will benefit you both in the future.

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