Scammed By Unfaithful Thai Holiday Girlfriend

unfaithful holiday girlfriend thailand

I’m David.

Back in 2018, I was getting out of a really messy divorce.

Luckily, I managed to escape from my ex-wife.

She was a regular American woman with strong, noisy views.

She didn’t really understand herself and didn’t care about what others thought.

She was as cold as a ice.

We got married when we were in our twenties, and things seemed good until we hit around 35.

She stopped taking care of herself and didn’t care about us anymore, both in the physical and emotional ways.

She became bitter and unhappy.

I thought therapy could help, but it didn’t go anywhere.

The woman therapist actually made it seem okay for her to leave and try new things, even dating others.

I stood up for myself and said that wasn’t happening.

So, I asked for a divorce.

Turns out, she messed up our money by secretly joining some sketchy business things that promised fast money.

cute thai bar girl

Life After My Divorce


A viewers story here from an American guy that decides to visit the land of smiles, Thailand after a messy divorce. Finally meets a Thai girl 🇹🇭 What could go wrong…? 👀 #thailand #thailandstories #thaigirl #thaifreelance #relationshipstorytime

♬ original sound – TalesBeyondHorizons

I run a small business.

I’m not super rich, but I make enough to pay my bills and save for when I’m older.

Out of the blue, I got divorced at 37.

I didn’t have any savings left because everything was sold to pay off her debts.

We even lost our house since she couldn’t keep up with the mortgage.

For almost a year, she didn’t pay the mortgage.

Instead, she would write herself checks from our account to make it seem like she paid it.

But she was really using the money for different scams.

I was really shocked and almost fell into a deep sadness.

I always saved money and had good retirement accounts.

My car was 10 years old, but I kept it in great shape.

Even at nice restaurants, I’d pick something cheaper instead of the steak I wanted.

I thought I could keep working, saving, and retire at 55 to travel and enjoy life.

But that plan had to change.

Pattaya Go Go Girl

Depression After The Divorce


Falling in love woth a Thai bar girl after going through a divorce 🇹🇭❤️ #thaigirl #thairelationship #thaibargirls #relationshipstory #thailandstorytime

♬ original sound – TalesBeyondHorizons

For a whole year, I was really unhappy.

I mean, I had nice friends and family who got me out of the house, but I felt like life wasn’t treating me fair.

I tried dating, but the women I met were mostly unhappy and not my type.

I thought maybe this is just how life is now.

At least I didn’t have kids with my ex-wife, which would’ve made things even harder.

I don’t even want to imagine what would’ve happened if my old friend Mark hadn’t given me a surprise Christmas gift – a ticket to Thailand in December 2019.

I knew he visited there a few times a year and returned like a changed person.

I knew Mark enjoyed the nightlife and Thai women.

Honestly, I hadn’t tried that before.

I went online, watched videos, and read about Thailand, the fun parts and the things to be careful about.

I felt really excited to go and start fresh.

Mark got us two tickets and arranged transportation to Pattaya.

He also booked two rooms for us on Soi 13.

They were nice rooms above shops with little balconies that looked out onto the streets and all the excitement.

Blonde Thai Girl In Pattaya

Heading To Pattaya As A Single Man


Falling in love with a Thai Bar girl in Pattaya thailand 🇹🇭 #thailand #pattaya #pattayagirls #thailandstory #thailandtrip

♬ original sound – TalesBeyondHorizons

When we got to Pattaya, there was this amazing mix of smells – food, perfume, diesel – I can’t explain it well, but it’s something really unique.

Even though my description isn’t great, just thinking about Pattaya brings that smell to my mind, and it’s special.

After reading about the risks of going to beer bars and talking to bar girls, I promised myself I’d stay away from all of that.

But, of course, we ended up having dinner at a small restaurant and went to a beer bar at 9 PM.

We found a table by the street, so I could watch everything happening around.

It was almost too much to take in, but I really enjoyed it.

I had plenty of beer and even got drinks for a couple of girls who I later learned were freelancers.

I laughed a lot, more than I had in the past decade.

The music and chatting were loud, and I felt like a totally different person – a happy and more fun version of myself.

Mark disappeared with a really pretty girl he’d been talking to.

Being new to this, I figured they just liked each other and went off to get some food or something like that.

Single Girl In Thailand

Experiencing The Pattaya Night Life

I was by myself, but my room wasn’t far, so I felt really comfortable.

I chatted with lots of Thai people and other visitors.

I made sure to pay for my drinks right away to avoid any tricks.

I was keeping a close watch because I’d had a few drinks.

Then it hit me that I was sitting next to a freelancer named Pen, and we were holding hands.

It might not sound like much, but after a marriage with no affection, it felt like a dream.

She asked if I was hungry, and I said yes.

She seemed hungry too. So, she took my hand and we walked to a food cart down the street.

She knew the owner well, they chatted and smiled a lot.

We got freshly made pad Thai, and it was really tasty.

After a while, I was getting tired and knew I had to sleep soon.

But I didn’t want to leave Pen because we were having a great time.

Girl In The Pattaya Night Life

Meeting A Thai Girl In Pattaya

So, I told her I wanted to meet up the next day if she could.

I thought she was just a regular Thai girl and I was really happy when she said she wanted to meet again too.

Then she asked where I was staying, and I didn’t catch on that she was working.

I pointed out our hotel, and she said she hadn’t seen it before.

She asked if the room was nice.

I invited her for a look around, and let’s just say, that night was one I’ll never forget.

Mark had treated me well, and I woke up around 7 AM with a grin, hearing motorbikes outside.

Bargirl On Walking Street Thailand

I was bummed that Pen wasn’t there anymore, and it hit me like a splash of cold water.

I rushed to the safe, worried I might’ve been robbed.

I didn’t even recall putting my money and phone in there.

I opened it up, and everything was there, all the cash accounted for.

I got lucky and felt relieved.

About ten minutes later, I was in the shower when I heard my name called.

It was Pen.

She had gone out to grab breakfast while I slept.

She had on one of my t-shirts as a kind of dress, paired with her shorts.

She looked really beautiful, and I felt really happy.

Asian Holiday Girlfriend

She Made Me Feel Like The Luckiest Guy In The World

At that moment, I believed I’d met the most incredible girl in the world.

Pen told me she was 32 and from a village near Surat Thani in the south of Thailand.

She mentioned she had a 10-year-old son from a past relationship with a Thai guy.

She sent money to her family, who owned a coffee farm.

She described the hard work of picking and carrying coffee beans.

We chatted about our lives while having scrambled eggs and veggies.

She even got me a coffee from a 7-Eleven.

We agreed to walk together, and as we hit the street, we ran into Mark coming back.

He looked pretty worn out, hung over and tired.

I introduced him to Pen, and I wanted to make sure he got to his room alright. Pen waited for me.

Mark had gone off with a girl for some fun.

meeting a thai girl in Pattaya

My Friend Is Into Ladyboys… I Dont Judge

He met a really attractive person who, to be honest, I wasn’t familiar with – a ladyboy.

I was brought up with strong religious beliefs, so I admit I was a bit quick to judge.

Mark explained that it’s just a part of life in Thailand and maybe it wasn’t my place to judge.

After a night with someone new, I woke up, and Mark got cleaned up.

Dating a bargirl in Thailand

Then we went to get Pen.

We needed coffee and breakfast, so we sat and watched the city wake up.

Pen and I were holding hands like a real couple, and I felt happy.

I still didn’t know she was a freelancer and thought she might work in an office, hotel, or shop in Pattaya.

For the next 12 days, Pen was with me day and night, except when she went to her apartment to get fresh clothes and do some chores.

I knew she wasn’t working when she was with me.

I thought I was being nice by offering her 1,000 baht per day so she could send money to her family and support her son.

Of course, I also paid for all our food, drinks, and stuff we needed.

After about 10 days, she got quiet and seemed sad.

She told me she didn’t want me to leave Thailand because she loved me.

Thailand Ladyboy

Telling My Thai Holiday Girlfriend That I Love Her

We had been close, but we hadn’t used the word “love” before.

I told her I loved her too.

I felt really happy, like I was 21 again.

All the pain and sadness from my life back home was gone.

But looking back, it all seemed a bit too perfect, and it was.

I promised to come back to her soon, and we both promised to stay loyal and keep in touch even when we were far away.

I felt really happy, like luck was on my side.

My trip to Thailand was fantastic.

Two Palace Go Go Girls

Mark and I had a blast, and I got hooked on the lively atmosphere of Pattaya.

We did a bit of traveling to peaceful and pretty spots, but it was the city’s energy, the girls, and the excitement that made me feel alive again.

We got back home in January 2020, and I worked really hard to save up so I could go back to Pen soon.

We made plans to visit her family, and I was wondering if I could live in Thailand or if Pen could come live with me.

We messaged each other every day.

She was good-looking and always stayed in touch.

Holiday Girlfriend Unfaithful

Sending Money To Support My Thai Girlfriend

I sent her 20,000 baht every month, which is around 500 pounds or 550-600 dollars, to make her life better and take care of her son.

I thought everything was going great, but then something happened.

Pen was gone for a day, and finally messaged me that she had been in a crash.

A car hit her while she was on her motorbike, and her lower leg was badly hurt.

She sent me photos of her leg with staples and all.

I loved her a lot, and when she said she needed 150,000 baht for the medical bills, meds, and other stuff, I didn’t hesitate.

I said I couldn’t send that much money, and she understood.

She said she’d go back to her family’s place to recover and save money.

I didn’t want her to do that because she said their farm was far and had no Wi-Fi.

I told her I’d figure out how to get the money.

I couldn’t bear the thought of her going away and disappearing from my life.

I was deeply in love.

Five thousand dollars wasn’t a crazy amount.

I believed I could find a way to get it.

I called Mark and talked really fast about the accident and how I needed five thousand dollars right away.

He told me to calm down and that he would come over the next day.

When he arrived at my place, he gave me a hug and said, “Sit down.

Sending Money To Thai Girlfriend

Scammed By My Thai Girlfriend

Mark is well-off, so I thought he would lend me the money and I felt better.

But he didn’t have money for me.

Instead, he had information.

He kept in touch with some of his lady friends from Pattaya and got in touch with them after my call.

It was easy for them to find out the true story since Pen worked as a freelancer and other girls in Pattaya knew her.

Pen actually went back to her apartment every day to give money to her Thai boyfriend.

She was handing over my money to him and then coming back to me.

I never had a clue about any of this.

There was no accident; it was all a trick.

She wanted me to give her more money every month, and when I couldn’t, she thought pretending to have a medical crisis would work.

She had talked about this plan with some of the other girls in the beer bar.

I had no idea.

Pen wasn’t 32; she was 40.

She didn’t have a son.

She had been a freelancer for over 10 years, and she was really good at it.

I was completely taken by surprise.

It hit me hard, and I must admit, I felt like a total fool.

Mark and I had some drinks and talked.

I felt relieved when he said this was just how things were in Thailand.

Thai Scammer

Luckily I Did Not Lose Everything


Falling in love with a Thai bar girl in Pattaya Thailand 🇹🇭 #thailand #thailandstorytime #pattaya #storytime #thaigirl

♬ original sound – TalesBeyondHorizons

I wasn’t in a terrible situation.

I hadn’t lost everything or ended up stuck with a baby, whether it was mine or not.

Overall, I had a really great vacation.

I got to feel alive again.

I lost a few thousand dollars, but I see it as the cost of learning to live anew.

I was an easy target for Pen’s trick.

I’m sure lots of girls could’ve taken more money from me.

I don’t feel bad about being with Pen, and I’m eager to go back to Thailand now that I know better.

I’m not sure how I’ll feel if I see her again, but I don’t plan to go back to the beer bar where we met.

I’ll let her live her life, and I’ll focus on mine.

I’m saving up to spend more time in Thailand, the “Land of Smiles.


Finding a holiday girlfriend in Thailand

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