Meeting A Thai Woman In Your Own Country

Meeting A Thai Woman In Your Own Country

I’ve been to Pattaya a few times.

I had a four-week trip planned for Songkran before the pandemic hit.

Then, the following Christmas, I had a six-week trip planned.

I also had a two-week trip to Phuket and another four weeks in Pattaya lined up, but they all got canceled because of what’s happening in the world.

I’ve been my own boss for 40 years, running my business.

When the second lockdown happened, I decided it was time to retire for good.

Enhanced Breasts Go Go Girl

Applying For A Job Because Thailand Trip Was Cancelled

After about a month of just sitting around and staring at the wall, I was walking out of a big supermarket when I saw a job ad for Christmas staff.

I figured, why not? I decided to apply just for fun, thinking that at 65 years old and with 40 years of being self-employed, I probably wouldn’t get hired anyway.

A few days later, I got a phone call asking if I’d like to come in for an interview.

I was a bit surprised but decided to give it a shot.

So, I showed up for the interview with Julie, feeling a bit nervous because it had been many, many years since I had been interviewed.

We sat down, and Julie, the lady who was interviewing me, asked, “Why did you apply for this job?

I explained that I had retired but was going a bit crazy with all the free time.

Thai Girls Shopping

I Got The Job… I Was Not Expecting That

She said her dad had felt the same way and told me we didn’t really need to go through the interview process.

She asked if I could work on Saturday, and I said, “Sure, no problem.

I showed up for work on Saturday, and after about a week of training, I was assigned to the cash registers.

One day, a beautiful, slim girl with long black hair and olive skin came to my checkout and started placing her items on the conveyor belt.

I asked her where she was from, and she said she was from Thailand.

I told her how much I loved Thailand and mentioned that I should actually be in Phuket right now.

She paid for her items and walked away from the cash registers, leaving me with a longing feeling, thinking to myself, “I really wish I was in Phuket.

Falling For The Thai Customer At Work

I watched the beautiful, slender girl as she walked away from me.

Then, she turned, looked over her shoulder, and gave me a warm smile.

A few days later, I was back at the cash register, and I noticed the same girl waiting in my line.

This time, she had put on makeup and was dressed in some nice clothes, making an extra effort to look good.

We had a chat while I scanned her groceries at the cash register.

I asked her name, and she asked for mine.

As she walked away, she looked over her shoulder at me once more and flashed another sweet smile.

It felt like a scene out of a slow-motion moment in a bar in Pattaya.

A couple of days later, she came back, and this time, her cart was filled with a lot of Thai-style food.

She looked stunning, and I couldn’t help but comment, “I love Thai food, but I’m not very good at cooking it. I’ve been trying to find someone to give me Thai cooking lessons.

She responded with, “I can teach you. I get bored in the afternoons.

We exchanged phone numbers, and a couple of days later, I had an early shift from five till one.

My new Thai friend had arranged to meet me by the exit after my shift.

Thai Women At Work

First Meeting With The Thai Customer

I had offered to pick her up from her house, but she declined.

She got into my Land Rover Discovery, and I could see her mentally calculating something as she got in.

We reached my house, which was certainly not a tiny place, considering I’d run a successful business for over 40 years.

In the kitchen, she began showing me how to prepare the food.

I was standing quite close to her, and I let my hand gently rest on her backside.

She snuggled in a bit closer to me and gave me a lovely smile.

After we finished our meal and put the dishes in the dishwasher, we found ourselves very close to each other, almost in each other’s personal space.

I suggested that we take a shower, and a little while later, we lay in bed, completely exhausted.

She then looked at me with a sad look on her face, and I braced myself, thinking she was about to share some difficult news, perhaps about her family’s buffalo that has became sick.

She then said, “I’m married to an English guy, but he doesn’t treat me very well.

Here Comes The Questions About Money

He promised to send money to my family, but he hasn’t,” she continued.

I asked if I could help, and to make a long story short, I had £70 in my wallet, which I gave to her.

It turned out to be the best afternoon I had experienced in months.

Now, the difficult part was wrestling with my conscience.

I knew that Thai bar girls often had boyfriends or husbands, and I wondered what I should do.

I convinced myself that she would eventually leave her current partner, and in return, she might go back to her previous profession in the UK or Pattaya.

That’s pretty much the story.

I should also mention that I’m improving my skills in Thai cooking.

All the best, Mick.

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