Why Do These Pattaya Bar Girls Have To Lie So Much?

lying pattaya bar girl

I thought I would submit my story, which should be a warning to others looking for the girlfriend experience when traveling to Thailand.

I thought I was pretty clued in on the knowledge of Pattaya after watching lots of videos about Thailand

So, this story happened just several months ago.

I traveled to Thailand for my first-ever holiday, full of excitement and enthusiasm, just like many of your other readers.

Meeting Pattaya Girl

14 Day Trip To Pattaya

Upon arriving in Thailand for the first time and traveling down to Pattaya, I was completely blown away by the heat, the smells, and everything I saw around me.

However, that said, I quickly settled down after checking into my hotel that I had booked on a hotel booking site back home in the UK.

The hotel was located close to the beach road, so it was a fairly central location.

I was going to be staying in Pattaya for around 14 days, so I had plenty of time to soak it all in.

First Night In Pattaya, Time To Go Out

On my first night after checking in and taking a shower, I went out to explore some of the places I had seen in YouTube videos, such as Walking Street and the Beach Road soy.

I had a few drinks in some bars but really didn’t have any interaction with the ladies on my first night.

I was still jetlagged and needed a good night’s sleep.

The following day, waking up fully refreshed, I again went out and explored the city after lunch and came back to take a little nap to ensure I’d be completely refreshed for that evening.

Pattaya Nightlife

People Watching on Beach Road

I started off in some small bars around Soi 8 and bought one or two ladies drinks but didn’t really meet any girls that struck me as worth binding.

I decided to walk down to the Beach Road and try a few of the beachfront restaurants.

One of the bars (I can’t remember the name of it now) had some live music and had a really good vibe about it.

So, I bought a beer and sat next to the road to people-watch and listen to the live band.

Being Approached By Bar Girls

After about 5 minutes, a girl came over to me, extended her hand, and asked me if she could sit next to me.

I thought, why not? She wasn’t young; she looked to be around 40 years old, but still, she was very beautiful and had a very good figure.

I found out that her name was May, or at least that is the name that she gave me (doesn’t sound very Thai, but okay, May it is).

She was actually great company; she spoke well, so I ended up staying at that particular bar for most of the night and bought her several ladies drinks.

Bargirl Approaching Customers

Being Shown Around The City By A Bar Girl

I wasn’t really worried about the money, as I was on holiday and had saved up quite a bit more than I needed, actually.

Eventually, one thing led to the other, and I ended up paying her bar fine and taking her back to my hotel, and yes, the bedroom fun were fantastic.

Exploring Pattaya With Bargirl

Bar Girl or Tour Guide?

The following morning, I asked May if she’d like to have breakfast with me, to which she agreed.

She then said she could show me around some of the tourist sites as she had a scooter, which I thought was really handy, and agreed.

She took me to see the Big Buddha, the Temple of Truth, and some other sites around Pattaya, which I really enjoyed.

I really enjoyed May’s company; she had a charming nature about her and a good spirit.

Her sense of humor was also very good.

I Want Her To Be My Holiday Girlfriend

I thought to myself, why should I look for other girls? I’ll just stick with May for the remainder of my holiday if she’s up for it, that is.

She agreed, and I had to pay her bar for all of the days that I stayed with her.

Every day, May would nip home to her room to get changed after our day out and before dinner, so normally, she would head back to her room around 4:30 p.m. and meet up at my hotel around 6:00 p.m.

Barfining Pattaya Girl

I Got Stood Up, So Back To The Bar I Go

On day five, I was very surprised that she didn’t turn up.

I thought, well, maybe she’s late or she has a problem, so I just sat it out.

But she had still not turned up by 7:30 p.m., and I was beginning to wonder what had happened.

As we were getting on so well, and I was getting quite hungry by this point, I thought I’ll head back to her bar and find out if anybody knows what’s going on.

Stood Up By Bar Girl

Turns Out She Was Sick… Or Was She?

When I got to the bar, the manager told me that May had become sick and had to go home and take a few days off work.

She had apologized but said she would contact me when she was better and was sorry for letting me down.

Something that’s very important to add at this point in the story is that I had paid May upfront for the week or so that I didn’t have to worry about money later on.

I can’t remember the exact figure at this point, but it covered that time with her.

Unfaithful Bargirl Lying

I Will Not Be Refunded On The Barfine

I knew everything had to be paid for; obviously, I was very disappointed that I wouldn’t see May for a couple of days because I had really enjoyed her company.

But I thought to myself, I’d better just make the most of things by myself until I could meet her again, and perhaps I would get a bit of a refund.

Naively, I thought this; of course, I had absolutely no suspicions, as we got on so well.

curvy soi6 girl

May told me I was a really decent guy, and most guys that she met didn’t treat her as well as I did.

She said she really enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed hers.

So, in my view, she had no reason other than being sick not to turn up.

I had no intentions of looking for another girl, as bedroom fun for the last 4 days or so had been excellent, and I thought to myself, it’s a good excuse to give my body a rest.

I did the usual thing; I went around some more bars, had too much beer, and decided to call it a night at about 12:30.

Bargirl Stole Barfine Money

This Is Where Things Get Interesting In Pattaya

Now, the next part of this story might sound unbelievable, but believe me, this actually happened.

I had ended up in a bar in Walking Street, so I had to get back along the Second Road to my hotel.

From watching YouTube videos, I knew not to take the B buses that were parked up the road just around the corner from the traffic lights.

Bargirl On The Bed

But instead, walk further down the road and flag one down so that I wouldn’t get ripped off.

For any viewer that doesn’t know, if you get into those pickup trucks that are parked up, they’ll ask you for a set fee, which is much more expensive than the 10 baht fee it should be just to go straight up the road.

Pattaya Babe

She Lied To Me.. Why Did I Trust A Girl In Pattaya?

So, I flagged down a B bus taxi, which was pretty full, but I had room to stand on the back platform, and the bus moved off.

I started to look around at the other passengers in the pickup truck as you do when I had the shock of my life.

There in the corner behind the driver’s cab was May, cuddled up to some old guy.

They were arm in arm like they were lovers.

I couldn’t believe it; I thought, how could she deceive me like this? I treated her well, paid her bar fine, and I’d also given her what she wanted, as well as a few gifts along the way.

So, why would she do this to me?

Lying Pattaya Girl

Feeling Sad and Disappointed That She Lied to Me

What was even more shocking is that when she noticed me standing there, she completely ignored me and just carried on with the old guy as if she had never met me before.

I got off at my hotel, and I felt sick and disgusted.

I’d listened to all the stories but didn’t know that Thai bargirls could be this heartless.

I mean, it’s not like she didn’t have a customer already, is it?

Bargirl Lied To Me

She Is Now Acting As If Nothing Ever Happened

After this incident, I went back to her bar every night for about three nights to see if she would reappear, as I genuinely wanted to ask her why.

As I predicted, on the third night, she turned up at the bar to work as usual.

catching feelings for a gogo girl

Now, this is the bit that really got to me more than anything else.

She saw me, smiled, ran over, and threw her arms around me like nothing had happened.

Unbelievable, right?

Thai Girl Apologising For Lying

Here Comes The Apologises Of A Pattaya Bar Girl

May apologized and told me that the guy she was with was a regular who came to Pattaya at least three times a year, and he always barfined May to spend a few days with him before he went off to Bangkok.

Now, anybody listening to this story will think what I did next was really stupid, and I’m sure I’ll get some very negative comments.

May asked me if I wanted to buy her a drink.

What the heck, she was good company.

I was cheesed off that night, but I only had a day or two left. Needless to say, we ended up back at my hotel.

It brought me crashing down to earth and reality.

Lost Barfine

Moral of The Story – Do Not Trust Any Thai Girls

So to end, I would say this: if you go to Pattaya looking for a holiday girlfriend, you might think you found the diamond in the rough or the girl of your dreams, but for the most part, you are a customer, and the higher-paying regular customers will always come before you.

So, take it for what it is and don’t make the mistake that I did before falling for May.

I did naively ask May to pay me back some money for the days she didn’t turn up, but the usual excuses about having to pay bills came out, and she promised me she’d pay me back in the future.

Needless to say, I’m never expecting to see that money again, and I doubt I’ll ever see May again.

Also, I did try texting her a few times from the UK, but she never replied back.

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