Starting Relationship With Pattaya Online Streamer

Beautiful Pattaya Girl On Live Stream

I’m a 38-year-old man from Australia.

I have a job on a tech support help desk, and I work night shifts from my home, so my life is pretty chill.

I’d like to tell you about my experience with a Thai girl in a long-distance relationship during the pandemic.

I had planned my first solo trip to Thailand in June 2020, but like many others, I had to cancel it in October-November 2020 because of the global situation.

Walking Street Pattaya

Thailand Trip Cancelled Due To Pandemic


Viewer submitted story about getting in an online relationship with a bar girl from pattaya 😳 #thaigirlfriend #onlinegirlfriend #pattayabargirls #pattayagirls #storytime

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I started living a virtual Thai life on YouTube by watching vloggers explore all the places in Thailand I had wanted to visit.

I promised myself that I’d get to those places over the next few years.

While spending time on YouTube, I found live streams from Pattaya, especially streams from Soi 6.

I bought some drinks for the girls by donating and began chatting with one specific girl.

After about three days of chatting and playful flirting in the stream chat, she found me on Facebook and sent me a friend request.

After she finished her bar work around 2 am, she would text me.

This continued for two or three days before we had our first phone call.

After that, we began a regular relationship and started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend.

Her nickname is Ploy, and she told me that she began working at the bar in March 2019.

Live Streaming Pattaya Girl

Meeting An Online Bar Girl Live Streamer


My online bar girl girlfriend from Pattaya 🇹🇭😳 #thaigirlfriend #pattayagirls #soi6 #soi6pattaya #thailandstory #bargirlspattaya

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I understood her job, and I was aware that if customers came into the bar, she might choose to spend time with them.

Fortunately, during November and December, due to the situation at that time, the bar was usually very empty.

It even reached a point where they had to close the doors and only do live streams.

Ploy shared with me that her first boyfriend was a Thai guy, and they were together for two years.

he had cheated on her throughout their entire relationship.

She told me that she despised cheating and promised to always be honest with me.

This meant she would let me know whenever she spent time with a customer, without going into too much detail, just mentioning it.

Online Relationship With Pattaya Girl

Relationship Growing With Pattaya Bar Girl

As our relationship grew stronger, she expressed her decision to stop going with customers and rely solely on income from selling drinks.

She explained that she didn’t feel comfortable being with other men while having such deep feelings for me.

young girl in pattaya bar

She even made a Facebook post about it, saying, “I promised myself that if I ever find a good Western man, I should be totally faithful and never be with anybody else.

I could often see if she was at the bar through the live stream and even how long she spent with each customer while having drinks.

Because I worked from home and didn’t have much of a social life, I could have very long calls with her, ranging from eight to 15 hours.

Bar Girls Live Streaming on Soi 6

Keeping In Contact With Thai Girl Online

We talked every night and even kept the video calls going while we both had a shower.

We even set our phones up beside our beds so we could sleep together, virtually.

We had a few arguments when I asked her about leaving the bar and whether she’d been with customers.

I also brought up the possibility of her stopping if the right man came into her life, which led to some disagreements.

After many heartfelt conversations where we told our feelings for each other, she agreed to leave the bar and return to her family.

She also decided to go back to school.

young bar girl relaxing on soi 6

Supporting Online Girlfriend With Money


My Online Bar Girl From Pattaya 🇹🇭😳 #pattaya #pattayagirls #pattayabargirl #bargirls #thaigirlfriend

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I agreed to support her with 4,000 baht a week when she got back home.

However, she found out that the school was currently closed, and she also that her mother was five to six months pregnant from her Thai boyfriend, which her mother hadn’t mentioned before she returned home.

While she was home for a few weeks, it was wonderful.

We could chat a lot, and she didn’t get drunk.

Young Bar Girl During The Day

However, because there wasn’t much for her to do in the village, she got bored, and she didn’t seem as happy as she used to be.

She would also spend many of her days playing poker with some older men, including her mother, who lived about a 10-minute bike ride away from the farm.

Fortunately, she was good at it and didn’t lose too often, only about 30 or 40 baht a day.

Bar Girl Streamers In Pattaya

She Is Becoming Jealous About My Facebook Friends

She was quite jealous of me when it came to my friends on Facebook and the fact that I was still in touch with my ex, with who I had broken up five years ago.

My ex lived in South Africa, a million miles away away.

At one point, Ploy got so jealous that she refused to take my calls and blocked me on Facebook for a day.

I was really upset, but she eventually unblocked me.

However, she remained quite distant for a while.

Even without her saying it, I could sense that she was under a lot of pressure from her mother, who was likely urging her to return to the bar and earn more money for the family, more than what I could provide.

Jealous Thai Bar Girl

Agreeing To Send More Money For Support

I told her that I would increase the amount of money I sent her to 5,000 baht per week, which made it 20,000 baht per month.

However, I also mentioned that this would be the maximum I could afford.

I explained to her that if I supported her with 5,000 baht, it might delay my ability to visit her as soon as I’d like because I wouldn’t be able to save as much money.

In short, we broke up in February last year.

She returned to the bar a week later.

walking street go go girls

We still have some contact, but I told her I couldn’t be her boyfriend if she was still working in the bar.

Maintaining a long-distance relationship was very tough.

My emotions couldn’t handle the thought of her spending time with customers, even just guys touching her in the bar.

It made me feel angry and upset.

She assured me that if we were together, she would never spend time with customers, and I was the first man she would be willing to give up working at the bar for.

She still posts on her Facebook profile, expressing how much she misses me and how upset she feels.

very tanned thai girl inside go go bar

Bitter Sweet Ending With Pattaya Girl

While there are many bad stories about Western guys and bar girls, given the amount of contact we’ve had, I choose to believe what she tells me.

I suppose only time will reveal the truth in the future.

I informed her that I’m considering relocating to Thailand in the next eight to twelve months with my tech support job, waiting for approval from my employer.

I told her that when I do move to Thailand, we’ll definitely meet up.

I guess if I’m living in Thailand, anything’s possible.

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