Bangkok Adventures with A Thai Girl

Memorable Bangkok Adventures

This was my first trip to Bangkok from the US; the year was 2013.

I was 56 and had just begun to travel the world, and it was only my second trip to Asia.

It was officially a business trip, so expenses like hotel and food I had to budget about a hundred dollars a day.

I had read some things online, but nothing online began to prepare you for Bangkok.

I was booked into a hotel with a deluxe Suite near Nana Plaza on soi 4.

It was where the company booked me into.

Two Thais Wearing See through clothing

My First (Business) Trip to Bangkok

After finishing a short first day at work, I was free from about 5 PM onwards.

Quick shower as the heat of Bangkok, it’s not unusual to take two or three showers a day.

I looked at my phone map and set out for Nana Plaza.

I never even made it to the entrance into Nana Plaza before stopping at one of the beer bars before you reach the entrance.

So many beautiful girls! I’d never seen so many beautiful girls in one block in my life.

I was very awkward, so I sat down in a stumbling bar at the railing, looking out onto the street to watch the world go by.

I ordered a beer and sat there, almost too afraid to begin any conversation.

Two Thailand Go Go Girls

Alan’s Bangkok Adventure

A Thai Beauty spoke to me to tell me to move.

I thought I must have sat where she had friends sitting, but she reassured me no; I simply sat in a seat where the rainwater would have dripped down on me.

She patted the seat closer to her but still one apart, so I moved, and a few words were exchanged.

She asked me from the script that I now know so well, but it was all new to me back then.

Where are you from?

U.S., Florida.

Your first trip to Bangkok?

I answered stupidly, “Yes, here on holiday, no business.

All the wrong answers.

I did admit I was nervous and naive, my first time here.

She asked me my name.

I’m Alan,” I said, and I asked her her name.

I’m Took. Nice to meet you.

I am guessing she was in her early 30s, but of course, she looked younger.

I offered to buy her a ladies drink.

I looked at the bill, cup the bar tab, and see that she collects her ladies drink slip from one of the staff.

I know this level of detail may be killing some of your audience, but I’m fascinated by how the whole system works.

Moving forward, I get up the courage and ask her if she’d like to go back with me to my hotel room not far from here.

She says yes but that she is very expensive.

She is charging four thousand Baht for her company.

In a cunning move, she laughs a laugh that to this day is so special to me.

I call it the “Took Life.” I think she did this to test the waters.

I offer her 3,000 baht, and she accepts it.

I paid the 600 Baht bar fine and was surprised how it all works.

The bar fine actually goes straight on your bar bill.

I don’t even remember if it was long time or short time.

I am sure she must have mentioned it, but I was just so beside myself with anticipation I completely missed it.

Two Thai Dancers Wearing Bikinis

A Memorable Night in Bangkok with Took

I stopped at a nearby 7-Eleven; I offered to buy her something.

She asked for a Bacardi Breezer.

Then off we went to my room.

I had a glass of bubbly chilling.

I often took a glass; she said she normally only drinks red wine, but she would try it.

Why I thought I had to get Took drunk, I don’t know.

She really liked the bubbly.

After a couple of glasses, we killed the bottle.

Even with a short tuk-tuk ride, she suggests we take a shower as it is hot, even for November.

She goes first, and when she finishes, I go next.

I don’t know why I never thought to shower together with her.

Remember, this was my first night in Bangkok, and I have been in a bad marriage with no bedroom fun for the last 10 years.

Yes, no bedroom fun in 10 years.

The bedroom fun was great, but even more great was a girlfriend experience I had never had this kind of girlfriend experience since I was a teenager.

I was like a 56-year-old teenager.

I slept like a baby at this point, with Took curled in my arms, head on her chest.

The next morning she departed.

I gave her some extra cab fare over the 3000 Baht, which of course she was delighted to receive.

I asked if she would be in the bar tonight; she said yes.

I was not sure what my work schedule would be, so I made no promises but would like to see her again if it worked out.

I did my work for the day with my mind never away from Took and anticipation of finding her again tonight.

Thai Girl Wearing Sexy Clothing

Two Days in Bangkok with My New Thai Girl, Took

So I went to the bar, and we shared a few drinks.

This time we played some pool.

My work was done for this trip, but I had two more days in Bangkok and was totally free from any more work obligations from this point on.

I asked if she would stay with me for the next two days, and I’d pay her bar fine and her rate for the company.

I wanted to take her to dinner, and I also took her clothes shopping.

She bought three outfits, nothing very expensive but cute and not overly sexy.

We went back to the room, and she modeled all the outfits with me playing photographer.

I still have all those photos and fond memories of that night.

The next morning we woke, showered, and then had some late breakfast.

That afternoon she showed me around some malls, and we wound up in a movie theater.

The movie was a chick flick love story and Thai.

I remember to this day because “Boy Meets Girl, boy loses girl, boy finds girl again, happily ever after.

The entire movie was in Thai with no subtitles, but I had no problem following the storyline.

I’d never seen a theater like this.

We sat in the back, and we had a luxurious love seat where Took cuddled in my arms.

I returned home to the U.S. in Florida and texted Took every day.

I’m still thinking in girlfriend-boyfriend mode.

We also had some video chats sprinkled in.

She would send me selfies wearing the outfits I had brought her.

After about a month, her text messages became less responsive and longer between texts.

Then around Chinese New Year, they totally stopped.

I did not push too hard; I was thousands of miles away without knowing when I would return.

But I did know I would return to Bangkok one day in the future.

Thailand Go GO Girl

Rediscovering Bangkok A Decade Later

In fact, I did return the following Christmas, making it about 13 months since I had last seen Took.

I returned to the Stumble Inn.

I didn’t see Took, and when I asked, I was told she was living with her English boyfriend in Bangkok now.

It made sense why her texts had tapered off.

As I said, this was my first trip to Bangkok.

Now a decade later, I have become much more experienced, having been to Bangkok close to a dozen times, both as a single guy and more recently as a remarried man to a beautiful Filipino girl.

Another series of stories, but back to this story.

Thailand Girl Dressed As A Sexy Cat

Revisiting Memories In Bangkok Bars

On my third trip, I again went to the Stumble Inn, and there was Took.

I had since moved on with other girls, and although she wanted me to take her out, I just made an excuse, and we drank and played some pool several hours in the bar, just having fun.

I repeated these visits, finding Took to visit and replay my first time ever in Bangkok.

On my last trip, I sneaked off from my wife just to say hello to Took.

She greeted me and then said, “Where is my bubbly?

You see, on every visit, I brought her a bottle of bubbly, the same as we had shared on that first memorable evening.

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