A Not So ThaiFriendly Meet Up

ThaiFriendly Meetup

My name is John, and I’m a 34-year-old American guy.

This is my story from my most recent vacation to Thailand.

My story begins earlier this year with my first-ever trip to Thailand.

I was in a relationship for five years prior to this, and after feeling ready to begin dating again, I decided not to limit myself to only one woman in my city or even my old country.

I was initially afraid to travel to Thailand because I’d never been to an Asian country, but since watching your very entertaining and educational videos over the years, I felt prepared enough to not only finally make this trip but to make it alone.

three blonde thai girls

A Bit About Me and My Money

For the sake of presenting myself, I’ve done a great job of taking care of my body over the years, earned what is an impressive amount of savings and salary for someone my age, and have never had trouble connecting with amazing women here in the US, even some celebrities, to boot.

But that’s another story.

In March of this year 2023, the opportunity came when I was sent to Tokyo for a business trip and had an extra week before I needed to head home to the West Coast.

So, I booked a ticket to Bangkok to check it off my bucket list.

I remembered you mentioning the app “Thai Friendly”so while I was in Tokyo, I created a profile mentioning that I would be visiting Bangkok for the first time soon.

Me and My Money

Finding Thai Women Online

Despite my success with women in the US, I wasn’t sure if I’d be lucky in Thailand.

After all, I don’t speak the language even a bit, and I had never heard any experiences from other black American men such as myself.

Fortunately for me, I was able to make many connections on Thai Friendly with attractive Thai women that spoke great English.

After weeding out freelancers and ladyboys, I made a strong connection with a woman named Tom.

She had a sizable social media following, so I felt confident she wouldn’t be a catfish or behave dangerously if we met.

Thai Woman Online Dating Profile

Setting Up A Plan With My New Online Thai Girl

The plan was to hang out with her exclusively during my entire trip.

We agreed to meet on my first Saturday in Bangkok and have lunch at The Commons, a place I found on TikTok, which is a nice collection of restaurants.

We video chatted and messaged each other every day on Instagram, which we were using to communicate since I did not have LINE or WhatsApp at the time.

To continue to get to know each other, she even introduced me to one of her friends who would be hanging out with us at some point during our nights out.

New Online Thai Girlfriend

No Replies Moments Before My Planned Thailand Trip

One day, after speaking together for almost a week, I hadn’t heard from her until late in the evening when she finally replied that she was sorry for not contacting me that day because she was feeling sick after going out the night before.

I simply told her it’s no problem, and I continued on with my day.

But again, there was no reply.

You can imagine my surprise when I opened her Instagram profile to message her the next day and found that she had blocked me out of nowhere.

This left me in a tight spot because I was headed to Bangkok the next day and made all my plans there around her.

I decided I would figure it out once I arrived, but for now, nothing could be done.

When I arrived at the airport, I realized catching a taxi and finding my way to the hotel would not be easy as in Japan.

I reached out to the only other person I knew, which was the friend she introduced me to.

We’ll call her Rose.

Planning Trip To Thailand With Online Girl

Spending Time With The Original Girl’s Friend

I told her about my situation, and she offered to meet me at the airport and help me find a hotel.

When she arrived, I was very grateful, and while traveling together in the taxi, I asked Rose if she was hungry and wanted to grab some food together.

She agreed, and after dropping off my belongings, took me somewhere near Sukhumvit 11 for food and playing pool.

It was almost 2 am, so there weren’t many other options available.

At this point, we also talked about Tom, and I was told by Rose that her and Tom had just recently had a falling out.

She didn’t have any info on why Tom blocked me but did say that she had a hot temper, so it was no surprise to hear about my experience with her.

As we ate and continued to shoot pool, we talked more and realized we actually had a lot in common.

We discovered we both love PC gaming, and after mentioning I was hungry again, she offered to cook me something at her place where we could also play some games on her PC.

Hanging Out With Girlfriends Friend

Just Friends

We headed off towards her apartment, and plans went accordingly.

It was around 4 am when we both started to show signs of tiredness.

Then Rose offered me to stay the night.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t feel an instant attraction to her when she first arrived to pick me up, but that attraction only grew even as we related to each other over the course of the night.

As you can expect, things did end with bedroom fun, and the next morning, we made plans to meet again during the week.

Young Thai Girl In Purple Bra

ThaiFriendly Girl Randomly Messages Me Again

Rose and I continued to message each other over the next couple of days.

Around the fourth day, I got a message from someone I didn’t expect.

It was Tom.

She asked me if I was still in Thailand and wanted to meet.

I told her I was but I wanted to know why she blocked me so suddenly.

Tom said she was upset that after she told me she wasn’t feeling well, I only replied “no problem” but did not ask more about how she was feeling.

I apologized for not seeming more concerned and explained to her it was not because of a lack of care, I just didn’t think a hangover warranted that kind of inquiry.

Thai Girls On Thaifriendly

First Night Was Fun and Successful

Once things were patched up, Tom asked me to join her and some other friends at a club that night.

I don’t drink at all, but I said I would still be happy to join them.

She picked me up from my hotel, and we set off to meet the others.

As we walked inside, I noticed Tom attracted a lot of attention from other men at the lounge.

I sort of expected this, to put it mildly.

Tom was very blessed below the neck.

We ordered items and overall had a really great night.

Tom was as fun and sweet as she had been when we first began talking.

One of our plans for the week was to watch a Thai horror movie together because I heard they were even better than Japan’s.

So, with the night winding down, we went back to my place.

We were pretty far into the movie before one thing led to another, and another thing led to the bedroom.

The role bricks were easily one of the best and most memorable experiences I’ve ever had and well worth the dramatics she stirred up.

Thai Girl At The Beach With Big Breasts

I Am Like A Rose Between Two Thorns

The following day, I realized I had a problem.

I was now between two ex-friends, not sure how long I would be able to keep this up without letting each other know.

When Rose invited me over to play games again later that evening, I decided

I would tell her then.

I arrived, and after breaking all her records in Mario Kart, I let her know about my activities the night before, including the bedroom fun with Tom.

Rose was understandably upset but also unveiled some new information to me.

Thai Girl Posing On Rocks At The Beach

My Girl Has Been Lying And She Is Already In A Relationship

The reason Tom and Rose were no longer speaking was that Tom was secretly involved with one of Rose’s ex-boyfriends.

What made this even worse is that Tom herself also had a boyfriend at the time.

Rose informed me the likely real reason to initially cancel plans to meet me was that her boyfriend was still visiting Thailand and extended his stay until the time I arrived.

After being debriefed and a bit more gaming, I went back to my hotel for the night and decided to text and confront Tom about her side of the story.

She replied very angrily about my involvement with Rose but then dropped a bombshell of her own.

The guy Tom was accused of spending time with was not Rose’s ex-boyfriend but actually a guy she was currently involved with.

Tom denied ever being intimate with this guy, but at this point, I could trust neither of them fully.

Unfaithful Thai Girl Has Been Lying

Revenge Porn

Tom eventually blocked me again, and after a couple of days in Bangkok to myself, I returned home to the US.

About a week into my return, Rose sent me an Instagram message with a link saying Tom’s boyfriend had found out about our activities and released a revenge bedroom fun video on social media.

All in all, amongst the insanity, I was able to see a lot of really beautiful sights in Thailand, eat delicious food, enjoy art exhibitions, and explore the temples.

I truly did enjoy my time there, and if I learned anything, it’s to be a lot more careful of getting wrapped up in other people’s drama and run fast at the first flag.

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