The Mood Swings of A Thai Girl

Thai Girls Mood Swings
I had met a massage girl named Pong, with whom I had developed a bit of a friendship.
I became a repeat customer on future visits, and it soon accumulated in a 5-day trip to Koh Chang, which was great and a really beautiful place to stay.

Dating Pong, The Massage Girl

I’m not one for riding scooters, as the last time I had ridden a dirt bike was when I was 30, and I had no interest in learning how to do that again.
I am more comfortable driving a car.
However, Pong insisted that we rent a scooter while on Koh Chang, which allowed us to thoroughly explore the island.
Although there is mainly one road that circumnavigates the island, it was not fun for me being on a scooter with this tiny girl.
But we made the most of it, as there were steep slopes and hairpin turns on that road.
At one particular turn that was quite steep, she suggested that I get off and walk down while she did her best to navigate it.
I was more than happy to do so.
We toured the island, and at one point, she took care of me after I caught a bit of food poisoning or some 24-hour bug.
She ran me a bubble bath and went out to get some food for us to enjoy while we rested and watched a movie.
Quite nice.

Staying In Contact With Pong Through The Pandemic

This was February 2020, and obviously, we knew what was happening then.
The trip home was through some very empty airports.
I continued to stay in touch with Pong because she was now housebound in her home.
She said that she had no one to talk to, so we texted and regularly chatted via the Line app. This was quite nice as I was now also working from home, and people were not being very social anymore.
So it was nice to talk to someone regularly.
We did this for a whole time until I was able to return to Thailand in October 2022 when things were getting back to normal again.

Chiang Mai over Chain Rai

Pong and I decided to go on a trip to Chiang Rai and explore further into the hill villages.
It was quite fascinating to see these villages built into the terrace hillsides and also to see the agricultural production in that area.
I was surprised to see orchards of tangerine trees and all kinds of produce at elevations that I would not have expected to see.
However, we found that a bit boring, so we returned to Chiang Mai a day earlier than expected.
We booked a room, met some ladies at a massage place, and after a meal next door, went back and had a few drinks with these nice ladies.
Pong wanted to go dancing, and she was quite drunk at this point, but well-behaved.
We found a nearby nightclub, but it was a bit quiet, and then an acoustic band took the stage instead of a DJ.
That was not what Pong was looking for, so we decided to leave.

Mood Swings of A Thai Girl

As we left, she said, ‘Let’s go back to see the massage ladies.’ I said, ‘Okay, but I’m hungry, so let’s get something to eat first.’
I don’t know what happened, but she went from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde in the bat of an eyelid.
She started yelling at me and waving her arms around like a madwoman.
I tried to understand and reason with her, but she started calling me names and said she was done with me.
She demanded to be taken back to the hotel so she could grab her things.
All the way back as we walked to the hotel, she was yelling at me and calling me ‘Number One BS guy’ over and over.
It was quite embarrassing for me, but I knew not to react and to get rid of her as soon as possible.
She kept yelling this over and over, and finally, we got back to the hotel.
She quickly packed her bags and demanded her money, which, to my surprise, was much less than I was going to give her in the first place.
Fortunately, I did have the money on hand and gave it to her.
Then I watched her leave the hotel, still yelling at the top of her lungs that I was ‘Mr. BS guy.’
I locked the door and was very relieved to have gotten rid of her.

Leaving Her And Heading To Pattaya

The next morning, I woke up, and because I’m not a jerk, I texted her to let her know that I was going to the airport soon.
I did not receive a reply.
I got to the airport and texted her again without a reply.
I did not want to abandon her in Chiang Mai because it is a long way to Pattaya.
Just before boarding, she texted me, ‘I’m in Pattaya already.
Goodbye.’ I don’t know how she got back so soon, but I was off the hook and deleted her text.
I did end up in Pattaya, and a couple of days later, as I walked down Soi Diana, I saw this scooter and a girl on it quickly approaching.
It stood out even from a distance that it was her.
I pulled my cap down lower over my head and was ready to jump out of the way, but her eyes were set straight ahead, and she went on her way.
I knew that she worked in a massage place on Soi Honey, so I avoided that Soi for the rest of my trip and never saw her again.

Rumours of What Happened Had Been Spread

However, I did know her cousin and met up with her a few times on that trip and never heard anything about it.
On a future trip, I did ask about Pong when I saw her cousin, and she said she was fine.
I was curious, and I knew that her family had not had the best of things during the previous couple of years.
I did ask her if she knew what happened between Pong and me in Chiang Mai, and she told me the story that she had been told.
It was definitely not what had happened, but I did not bother with the details, and there was no need to set things straight.
However, I did tell her that Pong had been quite drunk, and the look on her face changed straight away.
‘Oh, I’m so sorry,’ she said.
‘She’s a bad drunk. She goes crazy on alcohol.
I never go out with her if she drinks.
She tried to start fights with other Thai girls on Walking Street the last time I went out with her.
So, no more.’

Friendships was at least made

Well, sometimes you really do get to know someone when they are drunk.
But at least I have made a good friendship with her cousin now, who takes me out and about on her scooter and shows me nice sightseeing spots and restaurants in the Pratumnak Hill and Thepprasit areas of Pattaya.
It’s quite nice, as one needs a break from Central Pattaya every once in a while.”


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