Journeying Through Thailand A First-Timer’s Story

Soi Cowboy Go Go Girl

Here’s my story from 2020.

My story is probably one that will help newbies heading out to Thailand for the first time as this story is about my first time there in January 2020.

I did quite a bit of research before I went in terms of the bar scene and what to expect in terms of payment for bedroom fun and Company, so I kind of knew what to expect.

New bargirl in bangkok

The Excitement of First Arriving In Bangkok

I arrived on the first evening at my hotel in Bangkok at around 6 PM.

So full of excitement, I quickly unpacked, showered, changed, and off I went to visit the bars on Soi 4 with a view to heading into Nana Plaza.

As I knew that the girls in Hooters bars won’t push you for drinks and weren’t able to be bar fined, I decided to sit there to people-watch with my first beer and ease myself into it slowly.

bangkok bargirl talent

Meeting Thai Veteran Expats

The hostess greeted me with a big smile and she was a real 10.

I thought, “This month in Thailand is off to a great start.

I sat at the front next to a guy who was English and was on his own too.

We got chatting and amazingly it turned out we were from the same town near Northampton.

He said he’d been going to Thailand for 10 years and offered to show me a few of the best bars in the area.

We got a tuk-tuk and despite being tourists, he knew the ropes and haggled the price from 300 Baht down to 100 baht for a trip down to Soi Cowboy.

Three Bangkok Freelancer Girls

The Attention From Soi Cowboy Ladies Is Insane!

That first encounter really taught me what the price of taxis, tuk-tuks, and motorbikes should cost and I made sure I always got the correct price from then on to not get ripped off.

We headed along Soi Cowboy and the attention from the ladies was way more intense than I could have possibly imagined.

It was like we were movie stars; every single girl was calling out to us.

Getting Friendly With The Mamasan Is Always A Good Idea

We ended up in Crazy House and if anyone who is listening to this story has been there then they will be smiling at this right now, I’m sure.

One of the things I learned from that evening is that if you’re good to the mamasan and maybe buy them a drink, they would treat you amazingly.

I said to the mamasan that I will be in Bangkok and Pattaya for a month and I’d like to take different ladies each time I go in if that’s okay.

She said yes of course it is and I’m sure that on every visit when she saw me walk in the mamasan would tell the girls this so that none of them would lose face if someone else.

pattaya bargirl talent

Taking Multiple Ladies From Go Go Bars

I took someone else the next time I did this in every go-go bar I visited during my trip and it meant that the girls all welcomed me knowing that one of them is likely to be bar fined but none lost face if I didn’t choose them.

It made for a very happy time for me and never any awkward moments were the girls who I bar fined but then didn’t take for a second time.

I know this is not everyone’s idea of doing things when in a go-go bar but it worked out well for me.

Not only were the girls great for bedroom fun, but I had many really lovely meals with the girls I had bar fined.

I used to say to them, “Take me somewhere that you really love to eat,” and none of them ever took me to fancy restaurants with big price tags.

They always took me to really lovely traditional Thai places where the food was excellent.

New bargirl in Pattaya

I Felt Like A Movie Star In Bangkok and Pattaya

On one occasion, I swear that she took me to her family’s restaurant as the bill was ridiculously cheap at the end of it and all of the waiters and chefs kept popping their heads around the corner to see who she was with.

So it made for a great evening.

I split my trip between Bangkok and Pattaya; two weeks in each, and they were both very different but in terms of the ladies, everything was the same.

When in Pattaya, I spent most of my time in LK Metro and on Walking Street in either the go-go bars or the nightclubs.

I was 40 at the time, and so felt quite at home in the nightclubs.

Sexy Pattaya Bar Girl on Soi 6

The Thailand experience is unbeatable

The feeling of being a movie star did not get any less when in Pattaya, and I was genuinely sad to be going home at the end of my first month in Thailand.

I met a total of 18 new loves of my life and every one of them was polite, sweet, and a pleasure to spend time with.

I guess the moral of the story is that despite it being a fairy tale and although a holiday is so much different to living there full time, the experience you have and the feeling you get when you are treated the way I was treated, I can see exactly why anyone would want to retire there.

In a few short years, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if just like, I will be playing the song “I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane” and heading to the Land of Smiles myself.


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