Thai Partner and the Temptations of Thailand

Thailand Girlfriend

I met my Thai partner in my Western home country when I was 24, and she was 30 and stunning.

She had a 13-year-old daughter from her previous Thai partner and had moved abroad to work and send money home to support her parents and daughter, who she had left with her parents.

She was honest about all this from the start and never asked me to support them.

Despite having Japanese, Indian, and Filipino girlfriends when I was younger, this was my first Thai girl, and I was instantly hooked.

Thai girls really know how to take care of a man.

Thai Girlfriend Wearing Skinny Bikini

Flying To Thailand For The First Time With My New Thai Girlfriend

The year after we had been together, she took me to meet her family and travel around Thailand.

I had been to the Philippines and Bali before but never Thailand, which was completely different and I loved it.

She took me to a ping pong show in Pat Pong, and I couldn’t believe it.

I had never seen anything like this before.

We bought one of the girls a few drinks, and after she darted the balloons above my head, this girl had some skills.

After the show, we took her out for dinner, and I thought my partner was going to ask her back to the hotel, but that didn’t happen.

We were still in the honeymoon period, so it didn’t bother me.

We had a child together the following year, and unfortunately, before we could get back to Thailand to introduce the new grandchild, her father passed away suddenly from a heart attack.

Cute Blond Thai Girl Taking A Selfie

This Time, I Headed To Thailand Solo

He was a provider for my partner’s daughter and stepmom.

My partner decided to sell their apartment and bring her daughter and stepmom to my home country to live with us.

We had another child together, and grandma would look after the kids while we worked.

Fast forward 30 years, and I planned a trip to Thailand with some friends, but I was solo.

I was like a kid in a candy store.

I had been to Thailand over a dozen times over the years with my family but never alone.

Tanned Go Go Girl Performer In Thailand

Hitting The Go Go Bars, And Making Rookie Mistakes

Our first go-go bar was Baccara in Soi Cowboy, and wow, that is still my favorite bar ever.

About two weeks later, we went to Pattaya, where I met a massage girl and took her back to my hotel for drinks.

She was cute and a nice little thing and knew how to play the game.

I broke the 3-day rule, and we stayed together for four days — a big mistake as I started to fall for her.

We kept in touch through the LINE app, and she tried sinking her hooks in deeper, but I was smarter than that.

I did some investigations on social media and found her Facebook page where she had posted about her business and everyday life, etc.

I found out that she had a tomboy girlfriend living together, so I deleted the app, and that was that.

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