A Females Story With Thai Freelancers

Thai Freelancer With Foreigner Couple

My name is Emma, and I’ve been meaning to write to you sooner.

My husband and I found your channel during the pandemic as we yearned for Thailand stories, updates, and news.

Since having found it, we really enjoyed the stories your viewers shared about their good and bad experiences within Thailand or Southeast Asia.

We think the stories provide good pointers for anyone of any age, male or female, etc.

Before I go further, here is a little story about us.

We are an attractive Asian American couple in our late 30s, married for about a decade or so now, and have a stable line of work.

We have been visiting Thailand since 2015, at least once a year.

We enjoy the culture, nightlife, food, and exploring.

We have visited Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Pattaya, Phuket, and our favorite, Koh Samui.

We plan to explore other areas such as Hua Hin, Udon, and other islands in the future.

Three Thai Go Go Girl Friends

Exploring Thailand’s Nightlife As A Couple

In our early years visiting Thailand, we were the typical American tourists.

We were young and naive.

We came to check out all the tourist attractions and have fun.

After the years passed and several trips to and from Thailand, we grew more comfortable with the country as well as our relationship.

We started exploring the adult entertainment districts for fun.

We’ve been to similar places in the US, but Thailand’s go-go bars are very different from the clubs in the US.

In the go-go bars, the ladies flirted with us, and we returned the flirt.

Of course, we were not naive about their forthcoming.

We learned it was their means of living, and they earn a commission on the ladies’ drinks.

After a few experiences, we soon realized how easy it could be for anyone to enjoy their time if they wanted.

We started having discussions about including a third wheel to join our bedroom fun sessions, and this is our story.

It occurred on Phuket Island during the late summer of 2019.

We did not know it at the time, but that would be the last time in the Land of Smiles for at least a few years.

Teen Go Go Girl Flashing

Getting A Freelancer For Me and My Husband

After a full day of excursions, we came back to the hotel, showered, and were ready to go back out to Bangla Road.

It was a busy spot that evening, and we hopped around a few bars.

After some drinks and dinner, we called it a night and headed back to the hotel.

Once back at the hotel, we realized the night was still young.

So, we jumped on a dating site to see if anyone would be interested in a little pool party and bedroom fun session.

Believe it or not, it’s not that easy to find somebody open to partaking in a third wheel bedroom fun session.

After a few messages back and forth, we found a lady open to our invitation.

She arrived in about half an hour.

She was stunning and looked just like her pictures.

She was in her late 20s, about five foot two, light-skinned, and had long thick black hair.

She was curvy, not too slim, just right.

There was a slight language barrier, but we all managed.

However, she was most concerned with me and wanted to ensure I was completely okay with her being there and the bedroom fun activity to be had with my husband.

I assured her I was happy she was joining us and I gave her a beer.

Freelancer Threesome

Steamy Poolside Passion in Phuket

Then we headed to the pool that lit up her mood, and I think it lifted relief.

As we were heading to the pool, she mentioned she didn’t bring a swimsuit.

We told her she could wear my husband’s white tank top.

She happily slid into it and had only that on.

We continued some small talk, then we all got into the pool, which was a perfect way to cool down as it was a humid evening.

In the pool, I spaced myself between her and my husband.

I was nervous and shy; she was the opposite.

She swam up to me and got very close.

I was still nervous but was also excited about her approach.

She reached out and gently kissed me.

By this time, my husband was next to us.

We enjoyed the caress of one another and continued the rest inside.

After our bedroom fun party, we took a group shower.

I was the first one to clean up in the shower and got out.

To my surprise, she stayed back with my husband, and they continued for another 10 minutes or so.

Once they came back to the room, she was still very friendly and flirty.

She also did not rush to leave.

We had one last drink and continued some small talk.

Then she eventually asked if it was okay for her to head out.

We didn’t ask for a long time, so we both thanked her for her time and said yes, of course.

We also told her that tomorrow night would be our last night on the island and hoped to see her again.

She agreed she would meet us again the next evening.

Freelancer with farang and wife

Freelancer Asking For More Money On The Second Meet

The next evening came, and we messaged her to discuss a meeting time.

Her response was a little delayed, but eventually, she responded.

She was still polite in her response and seemed happy to meet us again.

We agreed on a time and were looking forward to it.

About an hour or so before she was to come back to our place, she messaged asking for several hundred more baht than what was initially agreed.

I was a little turned off by this approach, but my husband was okay with it.

However, having learned a few things, I decided to decline the requests and stay firm on the initial offer.

She did not reply after receiving my response.

At this time, it was getting late into the evening, and so we decided to stay in, finish packing, and prepare for our trip to Bangkok the next morning.

We had an early morning flight to catch.

Looking back now, the amount she had asked for was not much, and perhaps we could have had a great second bedroom fun session.

But it is what it is.

Personally, I do not regret declining her last-minute counteroffer because I think she was hoping to gain a little more from us because she knew it was our last evening.

I guess that might be part of their freelance ways.

Overall, our first third-wheel bedroom fun session experience in Thailand was not bad; it was actually pretty nice.

We realized it could have been worse as we’ve heard the many stories shared on your channel.

And yes, our experience is different from most other stories because we’re a married couple, and most are not.

We realized before getting ourselves into this, we must apply the same rules and/or tips when associating with any freelancers anywhere.


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