Awkward Night Out In Bangkok

Awkward Night Out In Bangkok
This isn’t a typical story, and unfortunately it’s quite short as there is not much that I can really add to it.
The story took place in December 2019.
It was a Saturday night, and the bars and clubs were packed.
This was obviously pre-COVID.
I was in my mid-30s at the time.
I worked out daily and never had any issues getting female company, whether it be Thai university girls or the odd freebie from a bar or go-go spinners.

Dealing With Jealous Thai Girlfriends

On this occasion, I was dating a girl who worked in Hooters.
Despite her good looks, she was an extremely jealous individual and would regularly turn up at my hotel room or call me demanding to know what I was doing.
Taking a girl that night or any night in lower Sukhumvit was not an option.
On this particular evening, I was drinking alone.
I spent the night at Soi Cowboy getting drunk and then jumped into a taxi home.
Before I knew it, I was hurtling down Sukhumvit Road en route to Mix Nightclub.

Memories of Mix Nightclub

For those that don’t know, Mix was a popular freelancer spot in the basement of the Intercontinental Hotel.
The taxi drivers got around 200 to 300 Baht commission for taking them for “rangs” and “Thaizer,” so it was a fairly lucrative for them.
I’m sure my driver managed to persuade me to grab a nightcap while he got money for a couple of bottles of Leo.
Anyway, it was around midnight when I entered Mix alone.
The place was filling up, but at this stage was relatively quiet for a Saturday night.
As the night progressed, I worked the dance floor, talking to foreign backpackers, Thai girls, freelancers—you name it.
Just enjoying the beers and the music.
It was a good vibe, and despite there being 500 people in the place by the time 2 a.m. had come, I must have spoken to most of the groups dancing, sharing drinks, etc., generally being sociable, smiling, joking, and having fun.

Being Touched Up By Thai Women At The Bar

I went to the bar to get a drink, and I noticed a blonde girl to my left.
She was stunning, slim, with massive natural assets, you know the type.
I guessed she was Russian, and this was soon to be confirmed.
I also assumed that she was probably looking for money.
Looking at the length of her dress, it was obvious that it was not her first rodeo.
A minute I saw later while standing at the bar, I felt someone grab my bottom.
I turned around, and it was her.
She was smiling all over her face.

This Girl Will Not Take No For An Answer

I explained that while I thought she was stunning, I was not on the lookout for some company, and I moved on.
A few minutes later, she returned and started following me around the edge of the dance floor.
She then approached and asked if I wanted to join her and share a bottle that she had just opened.
I looked over at a table, and she was sitting with three or four large, scary bouncer-type guys and a few girls in the roped-off VIP section.
I passed, but she was insisting and grabbed my hand, leading me to the VIP section.

Something Feels Off

I sat down with her, and over the next 20 minutes or so, the guys were being really friendly.
They were drinking expensive champagne but happy to share. I must have had two or three glasses with them, and they were fairly inquisitive and not threatening at all.
They actually seemed like nice guys. Was I mistaken? Perhaps this girl was genuinely interested in me after all.
The Russian girl was now cuddling into me and getting quite close.

This Russian Girl Wont Leave Me Alone

I was still a little worried as the guys were massive, but they seemed nice enough.
So, I continued to sit and drink with them. The attention soon turned to me.
The guys were trying to pair me off with a girl, but to be honest, I was pretty drunk by now, and I wanted nothing to do with it.
What I thought was a Russian money girl, not standing my current girlfriend lightly, had eyes and ears in Mix on a Saturday night.
For whatever reason, I decided to tell the Russian girl that I was gay.
And while she was beautiful, I was simply not interested.
I’ve got no idea why, but it’s been a tactic that I’ve used in certain go-go bars previously if I didn’t want female attention.
It’s actually saved me lots of hassle in the past.
Fast forward a few more minutes, and I get up to go to the dance floor.
One of the Russian guys also stands up and follows me.
As we approach the dance floor, he asks if I want another drink.

Now The Guys Are Hitting On Me

I say yes, and we head through to this quiet, almost piano-style bar away from the main area.
We soon get a drink from the bartender and start talking and sipping our cocktails.
Well, what happened next came as a real shock.
This guy, who looked like an MMA fighter crossed with a Russian mafia, I couldn’t believe it.
He made a pass at me, a full-on kiss on the lips with his mouth open.
To say I was shocked was an understatement.
What was happening? I moved my head away, apologized, and quickly mumbled something.

Glad To Go Back To My Jealous Girlfriend

I think it got the hint.
He immediately looked a bit embarrassed and left the bar area extremely fast.
I stood there in shock for a few seconds and then quickly regained my composure.
While he was heading out the stage door right, I was leaving stage door left.
I got a taxi straight to my girlfriend’s condo, and let’s just say the bedroom fun was a bit more intense that particular evening, almost like I had something to prove.
I haven’t been back to Mix since that night, and the Hooters girl is now living in the USA.
I hope you enjoyed that strange tale.


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