The Ladyboy That Got Away… For 9 Years

The Thai Girl That Got Away
Back in 2006, I was living in Bangkok near Sukhumvit Road.
One day, I was in 7-Eleven getting some credit for my phone.
This was when Nokia phones were the phones everyone was using; there was nothing else around.
Actually, I was trying to put the credit on my phone when I ran into problems with it.
At that moment, a deep and seductive voice behind me said, “Let me help you with that.
I turned around and came face to face with a stunning woman who sorted my phone out in a few seconds.
I thanked her and offered to buy her a coffee, which she accepted.
dominant looking thai ladyboy

Taking A Helpful Thai Woman For Coffee

So, we left the 7-Eleven and went to a cafe next door and started chatting.
I was completely spellbound by her tall, graceful, strong figure and gorgeous voice.
When we finished our coffee, she took me to her bar that she ran, and we spent the afternoon drinking Tiger Beer and really started to connect with each other.
She spoke excellent English, so our conversation became quite deep and meaningful.
Her name was Wayne, and she was from Pattaya.
At some point, she began telling me about her transition from a very young man to the goddess now sat before me.
This only got me even more excited, and I began to get a fluttering sensation in my heart.
Though I had about 10 beers at this point, the voice of reason was nagging in the back of my mind, saying, “Be careful; you don’t know her yet.
I listened to that voice, and I didn’t rush into anything intimate, which took every bit of willpower I had.

Randomly Getting Serious With A Thai Girl

The next day, I went back to her bar and offered to buy her dinner, which she accepted.
I took her to a nice restaurant at the top of the Rembrandt Tower.
This became a daily routine, and we took turns to buy each other dinner at various restaurants.
About a week later, the inevitable happened, and we ended up at my apartment together for a night of sheer pleasure.
The next morning, I remember opening my eyes and just staring at Wayne’s back and seeing a teardrop-shaped birthmark below the back of her neck, which I thought was really cute.
She also had a snake tattoo coiling around her left thigh, which was a work of art and looked like it cost a lot of money.
We had breakfast together and met up later that day.
What followed was a week of wonderful days and amazing nights.
Getting Serious With A Ladyboy

Distance Kept Us Apart With No Communication

Then, quite suddenly, it all came to an abrupt end.
Nothing nasty happened between us, but fate had other plans.
Wayne got a phone call one morning and had to head back home due to a death in the family.
A week later, I was on a plane back to the UK for the same reason.
Wayne and I hadn’t even exchanged phone numbers.
It was nine years before I was able to return to Thailand due to various reasons such as work, family matters, and money.
In 2015, things changed.
I was free again.
I booked a flight and a couple of nights in a nice hotel near my old apartment.
I wasn’t surprised to find that Wayne’s bar was long gone.
I thought to myself, “Well, that’s how it is in Thailand.” I spent the rest of my holiday in Phuket, which I loved.
Losing Contact With Holiday Girlfriend

Meeting A Girl Named Ning, In A Pattaya Bar

The following year, 2016, I was back on the plane, and this time I decided to try Pattaya.
It took a couple of days, but I began to fall in love with this place and soon found a couple of favorite bars in Soi Six.
I also enjoyed kicking around Soi Six/One most evenings too.
One evening, I was enjoying good amounts of Chang beer and tequila shots when I was approached by a tall, slender girl named Ning.
We ended up getting very intoxicated together and headed back to my hotel.
We both pretty much passed out as soon as we got there.
I woke up a couple of hours later to hear Ning talking on the phone in my shower room.
I was still pretty drunk and didn’t think anything of it and fell asleep again.
Meeting Pattaya Bar Girl

Even Im Still Confused How This Ended Up After Years Apart

The next morning, I awoke and opened my eyes to find myself staring at her back with a black bra strap.
That’s odd,” I thought.
I’m sure Ning was wearing a white bra last night.
As my eyes cleared, a teardrop birthmark came into focus.
It took a few seconds for me to register exactly what I was seeing.
Suddenly, I was wide awake.
I pulled the duvet aside and revealed a snake tattoo coiled around her thigh.
It was Wayne! My mind was racing.
How is this even possible? I took some deep breaths and gently woke Wayne.
She looked up at me and smiled.
How did you… Where’s Ning, my sister?” I asked.
She had to go home,” Wayne replied.
Then Wayne showed me a photo of us together at her old bar in Bangkok.
Ning had recognized me from that photo and called Wayne over.
While the odds of this happening were incredible, Wayne and I had three wonderful weeks together and are still in touch on Facebook.
We have no plans for any serious relationships, but we are just great friends.


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