Be Careful When Taking Viagra In Pattaya

Be Careful When Buying Viagra In Pattaya

I’m a 33-year-old guy from the UK.

I’ve had eight previous trips to Pattaya.

Not sure if this story is applicable, but it might be worthwhile to share as a caution for fellow travelers.

On my recent trip to Pattaya, I spent the night on Walking Street visiting GoGo bars, but didn’t bar fine.

I got back to my room but had the urge for some bedroom fun. I started messaging girls on Thai Friendly, which, for your viewers who haven’t had the experience, is a frustrating process at 3 am trying to arrange a quick encounter.

I finally got a girl to agree to visit.

She said she would be arriving in 10 minutes, but I knew I’d likely be waiting 30 minutes if I’m lucky – that’s Thai Time.

Young Thai Wearing Sexy Top

Passing Out After A Short Time Session In Pattaya

I had quite a bit to drink, so I decided to take a blue pill to help things along.

The lady arrived, and we completed a sweaty session of bedroom fun.

She leaves, and I get some sleep.

I wake an hour later feeling nauseous and light-headed.

I go to the toilet in case I need to vomit.

I’m standing looking in the mirror, and the next thing I know, I’m face down on the floor.

I don’t remember why I decided to lie down on the floor in my bathroom.

I came to the realization that I’ve passed out.

I slowly stand up, leaning on the sink, feeling numb.

Things go black again, and I wake up on the floor, passing out for a second time.

But this time, my face is wet with my blood.

This time, I can’t stand up or raise myself.

I lay on the floor.

Waking Up Covered In Cuts and Bruises

After an hour, I have the strength to pull myself into bed.

All I can think about is not getting blood on the white bed sheets.

I can barely sleep.

I have pain throughout my whole body, and I’m feeling incredibly groggy and shocked.

After some rest, I’m able to get out of bed.

I inspect the damage – not much sign of blood on the bed apart from some smears, a lot of blood on the bathroom floor, but luckily the bum gun is shockingly powerful and makes quick work of blasting it all down the drain.

I check myself in the mirror.

I have a small gash on the right side of my head, a couple of inches above my temple.

I have five large bruises on my shins, and on my shoulder blade, I have a large friction burn.

I most likely have a broken tailbone also due to the dull pain in my lower back, and I cannot sit straight.

I feel like I’ve been beaten and kicked all over.

I go back to bed.

Young Thai Girl On Soi 6 Selling Viagra

This Is Not The First Time I Have Woke Up In A State

I was trying to figure out what happened, and it suddenly hits me – something similar happened on my last trip six months ago.

On my last trip, I was spending the night at Pattaya’s apartment as she preferred that, as she has a normal day job, and it made it easier for her.

That night, we had a meal together.

I bought some blue pills from a pharmacy on Soi Diana, and we enjoyed an evening together.

I woke up in the night with my stomach gargling, and I rushed to the toilet.

I had diarrhea and then vomited.

While I was composing myself on the toilet, I blacked out, but luckily didn’t fall to the floor, instead fell against the wall.

I stood to wash my face, and as the sink, blacked out again.

I woke up face down on the floor, confused, not remembering making the decision to sleep on the bathroom floor.

On this occasion, I only had a bit of soreness on my ribs and hip from the fall.

Luckily, my Thai girl slept through the whole thing.

I had food poisoning that lasted a few days, so I put the fainting down to that and not the medication I had just bought from a pharmacy, a product that I had used before with no issues.

Walking Street Go Go Girl Spiking Drinks

Was I Spiked, Or Was It The Blue Pills?

Not sure why this happened.

Not sure if it’s a dodgy batch that the pills came from.

I’ve lost 85 pounds in the last year or so.

Not sure if this means the dose was too much for me.

Now I’m going to play it safe and stop using this kind of bedroom medication, even though I don’t need it since my weight loss.

I still like to take it as a guarantee, and it certainly made me stronger in the bedroom fun department.

It’s not worth the risk.

I feel lucky I didn’t hurt myself worse considering the situation.

All the falls happened in bathrooms, and the falls could have been much worse.

I could have got a serious injury from hitting my head on the toilet or bath.

I started going back out after two nights after the incident.

The girls were impressed.

My leg bruises all were adamant it must have been a bike incident, and they showed off their scars.

Three days later, I caught an STD while getting a special massage, so no more bedroom fun for the rest of my trip.

Not much success on this trip, but this player is no quitter, so I won’t let this put me off.

I’m planning my next trip in six months’ time.


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