No Will Power In Pattaya

Two Pattaya Bar Girls

My plan was to go to Thailand because I was really interested in Thai Kickboxing, its been an interest of mine for a while now.

I have dabbled in kick boxing in my own country, and wanted to visit the land of smiles to watch them in action, and maybe do a little bit of training myself.

That being said, I won’t play stupid and pretend that I did not know what some of the other reasons are that people travel to Thailand for.

Although I am crazy about Asian women, That really wasn’t the reason I went.

I was there for a 3 week trip, and although I was into Asian women I just felt bad about chasing bar girls considering their situation.

I just think its wrong that some tourists go to Thailand for that reason, and that some of the girls have no other option than to be doing that job to make money

But each to their own, I don’t judge, just wasn’t my thing at the time.

However my feelings and views about that would change in the future.

Thai girl in red dress

Experiencing A Thai Massage In Bangkok and Pattaya

Even though I was not into the chasing bar girls scene, it did not put me off from having a massage or 2 while in Bangkok and Pattaya.

The first Thai massage I had in Bangkok, was just a normal massage. I did get asked if I wanted extra but I declined as I wasn’t in the mood and tbh the girl didn’t really do anything for me.

Pattaya is a different story though, I went into this one massage parlour there were a lot of girls stood there where could choose which one I wanted.

They all seemed a lot more attractive and younger than the girls you find in Bangkok massage parlours.

Of course I chose the most attractive one I could see, she was a real beauty and even while writing this out Im smiling thinking about her.

She lead me upstairs and gave me the best massage, chatting and teasing me throughout the whole session, asking me if I would like any other massage services.

Sexy Thai Massage Girl

My First Happy Ending Massage

I did pay for extras this time and it for sure was an happy ending massage.

I even got her number and went back for seconds, never saw her out of the massage shop though even though I think she was expecting me to ask her out.

I also experienced my first soapy massage in Pattaya, but that story is for another time, it was a wild experience that I will submit to you on a later date.

So, while I was spending time in Pattaya, that is where my will power was starting to fade as I wanted to start partaking in all the night life fun.

It is very hard to resist something like that while in Pattaya, you need some very strong will power.

Yes there are other activities to do in that city, but we all know the main reason that people go there.

It is a crazy city, feels like nobody sleeps, there seems to be people out on the streets and action happening 24 hours a day.

I have even read now that the closing time for bars is 4 or 5am, which just seems wild.

Everywhere you walk in Pattaya there are girls outside screaming at you and trying to get you into the bar, I don’t know why but that type of thing put me off a bit.

Happy Ending Thai Girl

Experiencing The Pattaya Bar Girls

Don’t get me wrong, I know their job is to get customers in, but all the screaming does get annoying after a while.

I can understand why men go there though, these young cute Asian women can make tourists from all walks of life feel like a king no matter how old you are or what you look like.

One day I walked by a bar and saw one of the most beautiful Thai ladies ive seen during my trip, she was sitting outside alone.

Normally there is multiple girls sat outside, either with their face in food or their phone, waiting for guys to walk by, but this time the girl was alone.

The bar she was sitting outside of had blacked out windows and a sliding door, so I could only guess what goes on inside that place.

Expecting her to shout something or signal me to go into her bar, I starting walking past slowly, moving myself closer to the bar.

This is the first time I was actually hoping someone try and get me into their bar, but it didn’t happen, she just looked at me and smiled as I walked by.

Two Pattaya Bar Girls Dancing

Love At First Sight In Pattaya

This actually made me more intrigued and curious about this beauty.

I thought what have I got to lose, so I gathered the courage, walked back and tried to introduce myself to her making small talk.

She went onto to tell me that the bar was a gentleman’s club with lots of beautiful women inside and that I should go inside and find a girl.

Her showing me no interest and trying to brush me off only made me want to be with her more.

I told her that I wasn’t interested in going inside without her, and that it was her that caught my eye and made me come back.

She gave me a little smile but straight up told me she couldn’t have any bedroom fun with me because it was her time of month.

I told her that I wasn’t interested in that, which in all honesty, I wasn’t, I kind of just wanted to spend some time with her.

Like I said, she was the most beautiful girl ive seen on my trip.

I told her that we could just go around the city and just have a good time, I even said that I did not plan on taking her back to my hotel.

After a bit of talking and persuasion she finally allowed me to bar fine her, which cost me about 1500 baht I believe, which I later found out was quiet high than the average bar fine.

Temptations In Pattaya

Bar Fine Leads To A Relationship

I did not know it at the time, but that would be the start of a sincere relationship between the two of us.

It was still pretty early in the day, around 5pm, so after I bar fined her we went to the beach and rented out 2 chairs.

Sat on the beach drinking, eating and getting to know each other, it felt really good and I could feel a connection.

Around 9pm, she suggested that we go to LK metro, just off Soi Buakhao, into a couple of bars there where her friends was working.

She did warn me that her friends would probably ask for drinks from me, and that it was up to me if I buy them one.

I thought her warning me about that that was really nice and showed me that she’s not just trying to get commission out of me.

I can’t remember the name of the bar we went to now, but it was the first bar on the left as you walk into LK Metro from Soi Buakhao.

Her friends was really nice but very flirty with me, I did buy a couple of them drinks but I didn’t go overboard.

I just wanted the girl I was with to have a fun time and it seemed like she was enjoying herself.

First Pattaya Experience

Breaking The Same Girl Rule In Pattaya

After the night came to an end, I took her number and she said she would like to see me again.

We both went our separate ways, and I went back to the hotel alone, completely mesmorised by this girl, but at the same time a little disappointed that my will power had failed me.

Ahh well, I had a lot of fun, and did not regret bar fining her.

The day after, I sent her a text to see if she’d like to meet up again today, and from then on, we spent pretty much every day together.

We didn’t just spend time in the bars during our days and nights together

We would go to restaurants, the beach, and sometimes just watch movies in the hotel.

She practically moved into my hotel with me during my trip, and honestly, there wasn’t a crazy amount of bedroom fun

It felt like a real relationship at the time.

Relationship With Go Go Girl

Falling In Love With A “Different” Thai Girl

I know guys who fall for a girl in Thailand say this all the time, but I found her completely different from the other girls that ive seen in the bar scene.

That’s not saying much though, because I was not one of them tourists that spent days and nights in the bar.

She was never pushing herself on customers, calling for them to come drink with her or being flirty in any form.

She did not seem to really like working in the bar, and I saw that she only really came alive when it was time for bedroom fun.

I think bar girls that are too pushy, like asking for a drink instantly without even introducing themselves are pretty annoying.

Especially when they aren’t even a strong 7 out of 10.

Anyway, I pretty much fell head over heals for this girl, we spent quite a lot of time together and I would try and do everything I could to make her happy both in the bedroom and out of my wallet.

Other than the daily bar fines, she never really asked me for money, though I would always give her some and buy her things.

Nothing expensive like jewellery or gold, but like sometimes we would go shopping for clothes and what not, then I would spoil her.

She always shown me appreciation for how kind I was to her. She told me she loved me, and if im honest, I pretty much felt the same.

I think I did actually fall in love with her during my trip.

Pattaya Dating

Ignoring The Thailand Relationship Horror Stories

It’s funny, because before coming to Thailand, I had heard lots of horror stories about farangs falling for a bar girl and it all ending in tears.

With the stories turning out that their girlfriend had a number of farangs sending them money, cleaning them out or investing in land or some other property

I would think to myself “How can people be this naive and fall for a bar girl?” There is no way that could happen to me.

I didn’t even have any intention of visiting the nightlife scene when I was planning my trip.

And now here I am, fell for a bar girl and done the exact same thing that I said would never happen to me.

But like I said, I thought this girl was different from the other girls that you hear about from the stories.

Just the way she acted and how she seemed to hate her job made her seem not like the rest

Even times that I would give her money, I would have to force her to accept it, maybe because it was a lot more than what the normal rate was.

I was just trying to show her that I appreciate my time with her.

First Timer In Pattaya Bars

Heading Back To The States From Thailand

Anyway, my fantastic Thailand trip came to an end and it was time for me to head back to the states.

It was hard to say our goodbyes and leave each other, but we knew we would have to at some point.

The whole flight home I was thinking about her and how our future is going to play out.

Back home and our relationship carried on, learning more about each other and chatting when we can.

Although it was long distance, we still remained very close, well as close as we could.

It would take several more months before I would be able to return to see her.

During our chats I noticed that she was would constantly be asking who im with and what ive been doing.

And I don’t mean she asked in a curious small talk way, I mean she asked in a jealous way.

Jealous Thai Girl

Thai Girlfriend Becoming Jealous

She seemed like she did not trust me and was very jealous, always assuming the worst and paranoid.

I stayed faithful to her since the first day we met, even though we wasn’t officially in a relationship.

As soon as I got back to Thailand for the 2nd time and met her, the questions didn’t stop.

I admitted that I don’t go with other girls but of course im very attracted by other women.

She seemed to be hurt by this and very jealous, but I thought it would be obvious that I find others attractive, just as she would find other guys attractive.

Nonetheless, we got through it and had another fun trip.

On my last day of the second trip, she said she wanted to make it official and have me as her boyfriend, and I agreed because its something that I wanted as well.

Though, when I got back to the states this time, I really had a strong desire to go back to Thailand and meet other girls. My faithfulness to my new girlfriend was already fading away.

I did not want to hurt her by cheating on her, even though I don’t think I would have cheated, but I wanted to tell her my feelings and although she felt disappointed she kind of understood.

Chatting With Bar Girl

I Want To Experience Time With Other Thai Girls

She know I was in my 20’s, young and still full of stamina to have fun.

She is 4 years older than me by the way.

She told me that she loves me and doesn’t want to lose me, so she is going to try and accept that I will have these feelings at my age, as long as I don’t act on them, then she doesn’t have a problem.

We carried on as normal, texting and video chatting when we can, though I must admit, after sometime, it was dying down a bit.

I still had feelings for her, and still liked her very much, but I was just way too attracted to other Thai girls.

However, after sometime the jealousy won her over when she saw all the Facebook groups I was in and liking pictures of other Thai girls.

She ended the relationship and to be honest, I can’t blame her, I probably would have done the same if she was liking pictures of other farangs and what not.

Beautiful Young Pattaya Go Go Girl

Thai Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Due To Jealousy

We decided to stay friends and we still spoke pretty much every day, with some rules, I wasn’t allowed to tell her I like her or love her anymore because she said it was too hard for her. Which I understand.

It was ok for a week or so until 1 day I saw that she had blocked me everywhere and left me a long message on Facebook.

I won’t share what it said in detail, but pretty much how she was thankful that she met me, how much she loved me and hopes I have a good time.

I was torn because I had hurt her, but at the same time I wanted to be honest with her and tell her my feelings rather than go out and cheat.

The last email she sent me was 2 years ago, I have been to Pattaya 1 time since, and did not see her working at the bar.

Haven’t heard from her or seen her since. I truly hope that she did go on to meet a nice good guy and is having a great life.

Ive said it before, and ill stay it again, despite being laughed at “That bar girl, was different

Cheers guys.

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