My Unfaithful, Controlling and Manipulating Thai Wife

Cheating and controlling Thai wife

Let me tell you about my friend, Warren.

We both went to school together.

Warren went to a school where only boys studied.

Because of that, guys like Warren didn’t get to talk to girls much.

So, because of this, he felt a bit uncomfortable around girls.

Warren was a straightforward guy, though not as simple as Forrest Gump.

He was friendly and worked really hard.

After finishing high school, he didn’t go to college like many others did.

Instead, he started working with a friend, helping to put up plasterboard.

His main interest was making model trains.

When Warren was around 25 years old, he had a girlfriend from Australia for a while.

2 Young Bar Girls

Cheated On By Ex Wife

But things went bad when she cheated on him with her ex, and they broke up.

From his mid-20s to his mid-30s, he lived alone in an apartment in North Brisbane.

Then, in 2008, when I was around, his boss Mick asked 32-year-old Warren to go to Thailand with him.

Perhaps Mick believed that a two-week vacation in Thailand could help Warren feel more comfortable around women.

Warren tagged along with me in Pattaya for a couple of days.

As the week was wrapping up, they decided to check out a dance bar named Blue Lagoon.

During the trip, Warren noticed something that caught his attention – a woman named Sarie.

Warren found Sarie to be incredibly beautiful. She was 22, had large eyes, and spoke English fluently.

3 Angels Bar Girls

Meeting The Future Wife In Pattaya

She danced on the stage and later joined him at his table.

He paid a fee to the bar so they could leave.

She changed her clothes and they went out for dinner.

The next day, he returned, hoping to see her again, but she wasn’t there.

A few days later, Sarie returned to the bar and talked to him once more.

For the rest of his vacation, Warren would head to the Blue Lagoon at around 10 o’clock each night to see her.

They often went back to his hotel room afterwards.

When he and Mick returned from Thailand, Warren frequently told me about this incredible girl he had met.

He mentioned that she danced in bars to earn money.

Sarie had a baby two years before and the baby was staying with her mother in Udon Thani.

After the trip, Sarie and Warren kept in touch through Skype and Facebook, talking a few times each week.

3 Thai Stage Performers

Staying In Touch With Thai Holiday Girlfriend

Their relationship had grown stronger for Warren.

Three months later, he returned to Thailand and spent a few more weeks in Pattaya, often at the Blue Lagoon.

After that, Warren began a routine of working for about a month before returning to Thailand for a few weeks.

Once a month, Sarie would also visit her daughter in Udon Thani.

Around 2010, I accompanied Warren to Thailand for a week, though he stayed longer.

During this time, I joined him for a few days in Sarie’s village located east of Nong Ham.

I found the place to be really rundown. It had a strong sewage smell, and being there made me feel uncomfortable.

The whole area seemed quite impoverished, and I couldn’t picture myself living there.

4 Bar Girls Lined Up

About The Future Thai Wife Named Sarie

Sarie’s house, however, wasn’t too bad.

I had to admit that Sarie was quite good-looking, and she resembled her mother.

Sarie was mostly Thai, with her mother having a mixed heritage.

Sarie’s grandfather had been in the US Air Force stationed in Thailand during the 1960s, around the time of the Vietnam War.

However, it seems their connection wasn’t very strong.

Sarie’s mother never had a real relationship with her father and only knew his name.

Sarie came to Australia with Warren for the first time in late 2010.

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Marrying A Thai Woman And Taking Her To Your Country

In 2011, Warren and Sarie got married in Brisbane.

They had a small wedding at a function center.

Warren was willing to have Sarie’s daughter come to Australia, but Sarie believed it was best for her daughter to stay in Thailand and continue school there.

Sarie lived with Warren in Australia on a spouse visa.

They were quite content for about a year or so.

Some people made jokes about Warren’s “internet wife,” although it might have been due to jealousy.

Even though Brisbane’s construction was flourishing in 2012, with cranes filling the skyline, Warren struggled to find consistent plastering work.

Chinese contract laborers were entering Australia on tourist visas and working for Chinese subcontractor companies, dominating the plasterboard industry.

Bargirl Wearing Blac Leather

Supporting Thai Wifes Family

Meanwhile, Sarie had been sending money back to support her mother.

Sarie was also taking care of her daughter, who was beginning school.

Warren’s work wasn’t consistent enough to send a lot of money back to her family in Thailand.

Sarie had a female Thai friend in Brisbane who wanted to establish a massage business.

However, she was on a student visa, which meant she couldn’t legally set up a business.

Warren had some reservations about Sarie getting involved in the massage business, despite her training.

Sarie assured him that her involvement wouldn’t be too extensive.

Around the beginning of 2013, they made a choice to lease a shop in North Gate, a suburb north of Brisbane.

Blonde Thai Girl

Starting A Thai Massage Parlour In Australia

Warren took charge of fitting out the shop.

They set up the business as a partnership officially registered under both Warren and Sarie’s names.

While there were a couple of other basic massage parlors in the area, there weren’t any particularly nice ones.

Despite the competition, the business expanded during the initial three years.

Sarie and her friend would invite their acquaintances from Thailand to come and work for a month or two at a time, probably using tourist visas.

With their business doing well, Warren and Sarie were able to make an annual trip back to Thailand to visit Sarie’s daughter. Every year, Warren observed that Sarie’s parents’ farm was growing, evident from the addition of new tractors, trucks, and sheds.

This indicated positive developments in Thailand as well.

The relationship between Warren and Sarie remained strong and positive.

In the beginning, it became clear within a couple of years that Sarie had a strong hold on the finances.

She provided Warren with a fixed amount of spending money, adjusting it based on his behavior.

Initially, this seemed understandable because Warren had a minor issue with gambling.

Over about six months, he lost a few thousand dollars playing poker machines.

It wasn’t a massive amount, but he sought counseling and managed to stay away from gambling.

Even though Warren had successfully overcome his gambling habit, Sarie continued to maintain a tight grip on their finances.

LadyLove Bar Girl

Wife From Thailand Controls Everything

I recall Warren approaching me, requesting that I buy a birthday gift for his mother, as Sarie wasn’t providing him with enough money.

I could see the situation clearly, but Warren was passive and compliant.

Sarie would become verbally aggressive towards Warren and would even threaten to disclose his previous gambling issue to his mother, a problem he hadn’t dealt with in around a decade.

A friend mentioned witnessing Sarie slapping Warren a few times.

Warren’s role in the business involved handling bookkeeping and driving.

Occasionally, when there was plasterboard work available, he would also do that.

Warren’s driving tasks included picking up the girls from the airport and taking them to the apartments, and then driving them from the apartments to the massage parlour.

Warren was comfortable with handling numbers, and he had a good grasp of the massage prices and the number of rooms available.

Cute Sexy Thai Girl

Starting A Business With A Thai Wife

Sarie would provide him with the shift records each morning, and he would handle all the necessary reporting to the government for tax purposes.

He recognized that the business wasn’t making a substantial profit, but it covered their expenses.

The lease was set to increase in the coming year, but Warren believed the business could still be profitable as long as the new lease cost wasn’t too high.

Go Go Girl Sat On The Stage

Now, back to the story.

In mid-2017, Warren was driving one of the worker girls to the airport at the end of her three-month stay.

The worker girl mentioned that she’d be willing to return around the end of the year and work in the new massage parlour.

Warren inquired about which parlour she was referring to, and she mentioned the new one in Albion, a more pleasant suburb closer to Brisbane.

That night, Warren talked to Sarie about the conversation, and she revealed that plans were underway for a new massage parlour in Albion, and they were considering closing down the old one in Northgate.

She also mentioned that it was her friend’s idea, and she felt that Warren wasn’t needed or wanted to work there anymore.

The new massage parlour in Albion began operating within a month. However, during this time, Warren found himself with no tasks – no driving or bookkeeping to occupy him.

He would sit at home, and there were instances when Sarie wouldn’t return home. Eventually, she stopped coming home altogether.

Around that period, it seems that Sarie had successfully obtained her own permanent residency.

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Wife From Thailand Cheated

During this time, she had entered into a relationship with one of the massage clients, an older man named Nathan.

Nathan was recently retired and had recently gone through a divorce.

He had a substantial amount of money, having had a long career as an engineer at GHD Group, a major Australian engineering company.

Sarie was 31 years old but still had the appearance of someone in her early 20s.

She moved in with Nathan, who was in his mid-60s.

I believe Nathan made her sever all ties with Warren. This deeply affected Warren.

Even though he had managed to overcome gambling, he started drinking and soon found himself unable to cover his apartment rent.

I offered him a spare room in my place for a while.

Meeting Tattood Thai Girl

Trying To Figure Out What Went Wrong

When I returned from work, Warren would constantly bring up Sarie and dissect what had gone wrong in their relationship.

It consumed his thoughts entirely.

He started experiencing depression and gained a significant amount of weight.

Then things took a turn for the worse in 2018.

Warren received a call from the tax office, requesting a discussion about the massage business over the previous years.

He was extremely frightened and requested that I accompany him as a source of support.

Apparently, the tax office had a system to monitor significant or international cash transactions in Australia.

Despite the massage business reporting an annual income ranging from 100,000 to 200,000 Australian dollars, the authorities had proof that Sarie had been sending even more money out of the country to Thailand using services like Western Union and WorldRemit.

Meeting Thai Bar Girls

Discovering My Wife Is Sending All Our Profit Back To Thailand

Moving on, the authorities had converted Sarie’s Facebook page from Thai to English and discovered that she had been posting pictures of piles of money that she was sending back to Thailand.

They accused Warren of providing false information about his income.

In his defense, Warren presented the spreadsheets he had prepared and the limited shift records he possessed.

What he didn’t know was that I had visited the previous massage parlour as a customer a year prior.

I was aware of certain aspects of what was occurring with some of the girls.

Warren, however, remained unaware.

His spreadsheets only covered the massage parlour aspect of the business, not accounting for the extra services that some girls were offering on top of the massage fee.

And yes, I understand that those extra services were of a certain nature.

Warren was completely unaware of the extent of money being generated by the massage parlour.

The issue he faced was that, under partnership law, he held joint liability for the partnership’s debts.

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Thai Wife Full of Lies

This meant that even if Sarie had taken all the cash, Warren would still be equally responsible for the tax owed on it.

However, I believe he was able to negotiate with the authorities by explaining that he was a victim in this situation and had no access to the cash.

Not long after the interview with the tax office, a friend of Mick’s informed me that he had been involved with Warren’s partner for the past three years.

This revelation suggested that Sarie had been providing extra services.

I felt it was necessary to inform Warren about this, especially since he was growing increasingly frustrated with the situation.

Strangely, despite his anger, Warren seemed to be in better spirits compared to when he was wallowing in self-pity.

Warren’s feelings of being manipulated and let down are completely understandable.

This experience likely made him more cautious and perhaps more knowledgeable about life’s complexities.

As for the story’s conclusion, I don’t have the exact details.

However, I’m aware that Sarie eventually left Nathan (whom you contacted) and he, like Warren, was seemingly unaware of her involvement in operating an unauthorized brothel at the new massage parlour that he financially supported and her sending money overseas.

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