My Unraveling Relationship with a Deceptive Thai Woman

Deceptive Thai Woman

In the beginning of 2020, I decided to go to Thailand for the third time, hoping to find love with a lovely Thai lady.

Since my first two trips didn’t work out, I wanted to spend two months before going there, chatting on dating sites to get to know someone well before meeting them in person.

About a month before heading to Thailand, I came across a lady who really caught my attention and seemed to meet all the criteria.

Chatting To Thai Girl Online

Chatting With A Thai Girl Before Heading To Thailand

I did all the usual checks before taking her seriously, asking about her job, what she wanted in a relationship, and anything else I could inquire about.

All her responses seemed good.

When I got to Bangkok and settled into my hotel, she texted me shortly after, saying she was looking for me at the BTS station near my hotel and was ready to meet.

I found her at the station, and she looked fantastic.

Things were getting exciting, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that it all seemed too easy and too good to be true.

As long as there are no hidden issues, everything looks great so far.

Thai Girls Showing There Ass In The Pool

Online Dating Started Well

We hung out every day and night in both Bangkok and Pattaya for four days.

Her company was mostly great, and the bedroom moments were the best I’d ever experienced.

She genuinely tried to treat me like a VIP.

At times, her mood would suddenly change, and she started getting really jealous, thinking I might be texting other Thai ladies while being with her.

I couldn’t grasp why she felt anxious, considering we were together every day.

These jealous moments made me think she was a loyal person who expected the same loyalty from me.

That’s the explanation I came up with to make sense of it all.

Over the two weeks we spent together, a few red flags popped up, hinting that there might be more to the story.

Despite that, because I was having such a good time, I decided to overlook the red flags and kept on enjoying my time with her.

Thai Girls Online Dating Profile Pic

Red Flags Showing Early In The Relationship

One day in Bangkok, a red flag appeared when she said she needed to go to her office for the day because they really needed her.

She mentioned she had already taken too many days off spending time with me.

It wasn’t that she left me alone for the entire day that concerned me, but the fact that she didn’t answer any of my calls until around 7 pm – and that was the first time she did so.

Since I first met her online, I had a feeling there was more to this.

It seemed unlikely that she was so busy that she couldn’t answer even one phone call all day.

Another concern was that she didn’t want to take me to her place in Bangkok and introduce me to her mother, which I really wanted to do.

By the end of the trip, I was getting serious about her, and I wanted to make sure she wasn’t hiding anything and that this was genuinely the real deal.

Tattooed Thai Girl Red Flag

She Never Asked Me For Anything

She never asked for any money during the entire time.

In fact, she offered to pay for things like meals and transportation on some occasions, which I found to be very impressive.

I intended to give her some money on my last day if things continued to go well because I was having a good time.

I returned to Australia, and for two years, we messaged and called each other every day.

Mostly, she was the one calling me, asking what I was doing and who I was doing it with.

During this time, we couldn’t visit each other due to travel bans.

She spent two years expressing her commitment to me, emphasizing that she didn’t want to meet any other men and only wanted me forever.

Asian Girl Taking A Selfie

Signs of Jealousy Showing

She was extremely jealous and would have episodes where her mood turned into that of a person who had lost control.

The next day, she would calm down and act like nothing had happened, returning to her normal self.

Her behavior was very unusual to me, and I couldn’t figure out if it was genuine or just a big act.

Earlier this year, I started telling her that I was planning to visit her again soon as the restrictions were lifted over the next few weeks.

Her communication became less and less, which I could tell was not like her, and I knew something was up.

I eventually got fed up with her moody outbursts and accusations of me cheating, so I decided to stop replying to all of her messages for a while until she settled down.

She eventually stopped messaging me too.

Knowing her for over two years, I sensed something was going on behind the scenes.

It was unlike her to stop messaging me just because I took a break for a while.

I was about to discover the reason why.

About two weeks after we stopped communicating, the truth and explanation for all of this eventually came out.

Jealous Looking Thai Girl

It Seems My Thai Girlfriend Had Other Boyfriends

She started posting photos of herself with an older man.

She was wearing some very expensive-looking designer clothes that I had never seen her wear during the time she was with me.

When I saw these things, I blocked her because it was clear she had moved on with another man.

Despite blocking her, I could still check any posts she was uploading, including photographs.

Over the next few months, she continued posting photo after photo of herself traveling across Europe and now staying in the UK with this older, wealthy man.

She has photos of herself driving in his very expensive car, staying at the most luxurious five-star hotels, shopping for expensive clothes, and enjoying fine wine and dining at high-end venues.

This older man clearly looks very well-off and seems to be spending a fortune on her.

Cute Thai In Pig Tails

Maybe I Was Blinded By Lust To See What Was Going On

When I look back at everything and connect all the dots, I get the impression that she had known this older man longer than she had been with me.

She was actually cheating on him with me, not the other way around.

I believe she had him as a sugar daddy for a very long time but doesn’t get to be with him all the time.

So, she was looking to fill the gaps with a bit of extra entertainment with someone else while he runs his business in the UK.

Her plan all along was to get back with him as soon as the airports were open, and he takes her on another all-out spending spree that lasts for months at a time.

Beautiful Thai Teen In A Robe

Fake Feelings From Thai Girlfriend

This turned out to be a fake relationship, but it didn’t really cost me anything except for a sense of betrayal and total disappointment that she had been hiding such a big thing from me for so long.

This relationship was never about getting money from me because she knew I was not the right guy for that.

It was about having a younger man at the same time as a sugar daddy she already had in the bag.

So much for thinking I could meet a genuine lady by avoiding dating bar girls.


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