Scary Experience With Thai Freelancer

scary Thai freelancer

I was staying at the Waraberry Hotel on Soi 4.

I went out for a walk and met a freelancer near Nana Plaza.

She seemed nice, so we agreed on a short-time price for a massage and strolled back to my hotel room.

The hotel is nice, and I’ve stayed there many times over the years, but I haven’t recently because, for some reason, they have increased their prices.

Anyway, this girl gave her ID to the reception, and we went to my room.

Two Thai Freelancers

Thai Freelancers Demeanour Changed As Soon As She Came In The Room

Everything changed quickly upon entering my room; she immediately demanded that I pay her in cash.

She stood in front of me and demanded it.

I told her not to worry; she would be paid.

However, her attitude became unfriendly and demanding.

Now, I understand she is working and only wants what’s due, but I didn’t like her demeanor anymore.

So, I said, “It’s okay; I’ve made a mistake. I think you should go.

After all, we had only met a few minutes ago and walked a short distance, so it wasn’t that much of a waste of time for her.

Freelancer Shortime

Thai Girl Will Not Leave My Hotel Room

Now, whether I am right or wrong about this, I’m not sure, but I wanted her to leave because she had killed any lust or longing that I had for her, and the atmosphere was uncomfortable.

However, she just got really angry and said no. I asked her to leave again; she then picked up my laptop from the table and held it above her head.

I shouted, “Put it down!

She said, “Give me my money.

I said no.

What happened next surprised me, to say the least.

She threw the laptop hard against a tile floor, shattered the screen, and broke the laptop.

I was shocked, and she ran out of the room, leaving me standing there with my broken laptop.

Thai Girl Not Leaving Customers Room

Getting Thai Police Involved

I quickly came to my senses and thought about what to do next.

I hadn’t done anything wrong myself other than not paying her upfront.

So, I ran downstairs and called reception.

I caught her at reception and told them that she had smashed my laptop and not to let her go.

They didn’t give her an ID back and called the police.

So, the manager and two policemen sat in the manager’s office with me.

They asked me to bring my laptop so they could assess the damage.

While they were checking it, the girl was glaring at me and making a ‘I’ll cut your throat‘ gesture with her hand, running it across her neck like she was holding a knife.

Crazy Thai Freelancer

Calling It A Night

The policeman asked me what I wanted to do.

I had no idea, to be honest.

She kept staring at me with a dagger-looking death stare.

Eventually, I told the police to do whatever they wanted, but I didn’t want to be involved.

I said I was going to my room, and for me, the case was closed.

I never saw the girl again, but I do know she walked out of the hotel scot-free.

I ended up staying in for the rest of the night because the last thing I wanted was to bump into her or her friends or even motorcycle riders.

Who knows? I barricaded myself inside my room for the night, moving the table against the door.

The next day, I flew to Phuket, where I got my laptop repaired for about a hundred pounds.

Phuket Bargirl

Moral of my experience

The moral of the story is to be careful but don’t be afraid to involve the police if you feel wronged.

This isn’t England or America where they might judge or even charge you for taking the girl back in the first place.

Also, it made me think about how vulnerable girls might feel entering a stranger’s room, so if a girl asks for money upfront now, I give it to her.


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