Remember, Thai Scammers Have No Feelings

Thai Girl From Thai Cupid

I have been an avid viewer of your channel ever since my son, who I’ll call James, turned me onto your YouTube channel.

We used to watch it like clockwork together.

This story is about James communicating with a so-called good Thai girl that we met on Thai Cupid.

They would talk every day on FaceTime, and James was crazy about her.

She told James that she had two kitchen jobs and was self-employed.

With that knowledge, he assumed that she didn’t work in a bar.

James was looking forward to the time when he could travel to Thailand to meet her in person.

Thai Girls Dating Profile

Meeting A “Good” Thai Girl Online?

According to this girl, she was divorced and had two daughters.

Her youngest daughter lived with the girl’s father, and he wouldn’t share custody, but she was tasked with driving her daughter to school and back each day.

This, and a few other reasons, raised the red flag in my mind, and I shared my suspicions with James, which he dismissed as a figment of my imagination.

Blonde Thai Girl in purple dress

Is My Disabled Son Sending Money To His Online Thai Girlfriend?

My son lived with me as he was disabled and couldn’t work.

He was waiting for Social Security to start paying him a monthly allowance so he could have enough money to go to Thailand.

Even though James was debt-free and I was paying for his living expenses, he kept asking for money to pay for various phantom charges and bills.

I questioned James about this, but he always had a plausible excuse.

This was another red flag that something just wasn’t quite right.

So where was the money going?

Asian girl bending down wearing black knee high boots

My Son Was In A Bad Condition

James had so many problems that he was in and out of the hospital for the past year and a half.

Last month, he became so sick that he was put on life support, and he naturally wasn’t able to communicate with his girlfriend.

So, I phoned her on Facebook and sent her a message informing her about James and the reason he couldn’t contact her.

She wrote back, saying how grateful she was that I had told her, expressed how sorry she was to hear the news, and told James that she missed him terribly and loved him with all her heart.

Thai Girl Trying To Scam Foreign Boyfriends Family

My Son Could Possible Not Survive

I kept her up to date on James’s condition every few days.

This messaging continued for about a month, with each message telling me that she was so worried about James’s condition and repeating that she loved him dearly.

Recently, James’s health took a turn for the worse, and I informed his girlfriend that James was in a serious condition and may not survive.

She wrote back, saying how she was and that she was praying for his complete recovery.Smiling thai girl lying on the bed with black shoes

My Son Passed Away, And His Thai Girlfriend Tried To Scam The Family

My son passed away in September after going into hospice care, where they removed his life support.

I wrote to his girlfriend with the news, and she appeared to be genuinely heartbroken.

A day after her crocodile tears, she messaged me saying her son got a girl pregnant and could I help her out with some money.

I wrote back informing her that I knew she didn’t have a son and that she was scamming me, and that I wouldn’t help her with money.

She then started texting my daughter, begging for money.

Two Thailand Scammers Painting The Wall

Remember, Scam Artists Do Not Have Feelings

Both my daughter and I immediately blocked her on Facebook.

Now I know my son was frequently asking for money so that he could support this money-grabbing scam artist.

So you see, it isn’t only the bar girl or the go-go girls or the freelancers; it is the so-called decent Thai girls that can also try to scam you for whatever they can get.

Just use caution and look for any red flags that present themselves to you.

You’ll get taken to the cleaners if you’re not careful.

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