Weak and Naive Heart For A Go Go Girl In Pattaya

Naive in Pattaya

This is my story of how I was naive and allowed my heart to be broken after meeting a girl from Pattaya.

I will start my story by being pretty direct and upfront with the listeners.

Before my first time experiencing Thailand, I was living in the UK and I was struggling with this disease called addiction.

It was a horrible disease and I allowed it to take over my life.

Literally nothing mattered in my life other than when I was getting my next fix.

I have been single pretty much all my life but to be honest, I only have myself to blame for that.

I had way too many personal issues and just didn’t care about having someone in my life at the time.

Asian Girl At A Beach Wearing Blue Bikini

Fighting A Drug Addiction

And to be honest I never really cared about sharing my life with someone, I was fine with the thought of going through life single

I got addicted in my teens and pretty much wasted the best years of my life and that is nobody else’s fault other than myself.

Fighting with addiction is hard, I don’t care what anyone says.

When people say “Just stop doing it

I wish it was that easy, but it’s not.

cute asian bar girl

I was not one of these stereotypical addicts that you think of when you hear the word “addict

I had my own nice apartment, a pretty decent job, and I actually functioned pretty well with all the stuff in my system.

The problem with having a job and money, I could always afford a fix.

One day I just decided it’s time to change, I needed a life changing experience, and that’s where my first trip to Thailand comes into the story.

During one of my many times of looking online at stories about how people got clean, taking a holiday kept coming up in a lot of stories.

So I chatted with a friend of mine and he was keen about a short holiday as well, and we came up to going to Thailand.

Short Holiday To Thailand

Needed A Break From Daily Life, So Off To Thailand We Went

The plan was originally to stay in Bangkok, but after we saw videos about Pattaya City, it was hard to not include that place in our plans.

So, off we went to Thailand.

And my god, it did not disappoint, I was actually experiencing life for the first time, I loved every bit of this country, from food to the amazing ladies.

For the first time I was experiencing addiction again but in a different more beautiful way.

I was 27 at the time, our first stop was Bangkok.

My first love in Thailand wasn’t with a girl, it was with the country alone.

We did do a little research about the nightlife over in Thailand before we got there, we was told about the bar girls, the tricks and scams and what not, so we thought we had it all figured out.

Although there was plenty of warnings about girls there, that didn’t stop us from experimenting.

Bangkok was the place that I had my first time ever with a freelancer, it was great, it almost felt like I had known her a long time and it wasn’t work for her, she was so down to earth and relaxed.

I did not want to get attached but going with these type of girls really helped boost my confidence, something I had been lacking for a while.

Pattaya Girl In Black Swimwear

From Bangkok, To Sin City, Pattaya

After having a lot of fun and having the best time of my life in Bangkok, it was time for me and my friend to hit the road and make our way to sin city, Pattaya.

Now searching this city online, it looked like a single mans dream, just full of beautiful girls and bars, somewhere I had been very eager to visit.

And let me tell you, it did not disappoint!

I was blown away with this place, the atmosphere, the way of life, the multiple bars, literally every street you went down there was either lots of bars, massage parlours and girls.

go go bar mamasan

I was thinking to myself, if I was rich, I would probably have a place here even if just for a couple of months a year.

After a couple of nights in Pattaya getting a feel for the place and trying out different bars all the streets, we decided to head to the famous walking street that is a big tourist spot.

It blew me away, literally so many beautiful women stood outside the bars trying to get customers in, you can’t help but stare at these girls.

Anyway, we made our way into a bar on walking street, it was fairly early in the evening and we wasn’t drunk, I think we had only had 2 or 3 beers by then.

Thai mamasan

While in the bar, the Mamasan came over and asked if we would like some female company to join us.

As it was still fairly early we declined but said we will want some soon, she smiled and walked off to a group of girls working there.

Within 5 minutes 2 of the girls that the Mamasan had been talking to came over and sat with us, I guess the Mamasan did not want to wait until we was ready for company.

Looking back now, im glad she didn’t wait.

Instant attraction to thai go go dancer

That Feeling When You Have An Instant Attraction To Someone

I turned and looked at the girl who was sat next to me, and its hard to explain but you know that feeling you get when you look at someone for the first time and just feel like you are head over heels in love with her, even though you have no idea who she is?

Well it was one of them moments.

There was just something about her that caught me off guard, now, she wasn’t the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life but, I don’t know, it just felt like love at first sight.

We introduced ourselves and she was just the sweetest girl ive spoke to, she was so shy and innocent, she didn’t seem like a bar girl with the way she acted, but maybe this was just part of a plan I did not know about.

beer bar girls in thailand

She wasn’t all over me, telling me how handsome I am and how much she wants to go with me tonight, she was just a down to earth girl and I started feeling bad for her that she has to do this type of work being how lovely she is.

We got chatting some more and the drinks started flowing, I pretty much drank with her all night, buying lady drinks and I don’t think we barely touched each other which was fine for me because I was just star struck by her that I didn’t even want to take advantage even though that’s her job.

I couldn’t even bring myself to ask if she wanted to come back with me.

I just made an excuse like “I don’t want to do anything tonight, just relax because im tired

Pattaya Go Go Girl At The Beach

Giving The Go Go Girl A Tip Out Of Pity

It was time to leave and I gave her 1000 tip to go along with the lady drink commission she had earned from me that night, her smile shown how much she appreciated that.

The next day I could not stop thinking about this girl I had met, all the warnings and advice I was told before coming to Thailand has gone straight out the window.

I even told my friend that I liked this girl, she felt different from the rest, to which he found amusing, laughed and said “Grow up

I laughed as well, but deep down I knew I had feeling for this random bar girl.

Anyway, that night my friend was still hungover and did not want to go out.

Me on the other hand, I wanted to go see the girl again, so I got ready and hit walking street again, making my way inside her bar.

I walked in and as soon as her eyes met mine, she gave me a huge smile, which made me feel like the luckiest man alive.

She came walking over and gave me a massive hug, asking me if Id like a drink.

We resumed where we left off the night before, it was great again just sat drinking and chatting with her.

There was other customers in the bar but she never left my side, she stayed with me all night and we got very drunk.

She was explaining to me about how she hates her job and does not like that her life has turned out this way, but she needed money to support her family.

Pattaya Go Go Girl Sunbathing

This Thai Go Go Girl Is Really Pulling On My Heart Strings

I don’t know if its because im soft or stupid, but this pulled on my heart strings, I felt really sorry for her that she had to do this type of work just to get by in life.

Being an ex addict myself, I knew what it was like to be willing to do pretty much anything to get money, so I kind of knew where she was coming from.

You might laugh, but I felt that this girl was the girl of my dreams, its still hard to explain why, but in my eyes, she was perfect.

That night, I did ask her if she wanted to come back with me, to which she happily accepted.

Two Thai Girls On Walking Street

Although nothing happened, I still gave her some money for her time and to help her.

Yes I was being soft and probably naive, but I just wanted to help.

For the rest of the stay, my friend was getting annoyed with me because all I wanted to do was go to the same bar on walking street to see the girl.

I did see her pretty much every other night and every time we was together we would spend the whole night together.

I kind of put her type of work to the back of my mind and treated it as a real holiday romance, and Im not embarrassed to say that I fell in love in Pattaya.

Go Go Girl Not Asking For Money

She Never Really Asked Me For Money

All the times that we spent together, I paid for all the drinks and bar fines but she never asked me for money often, and when she did, it wasn’t much.

I am not rich by any means, in fact, by the time I get paid ive already spent my previous wage, and she knew that was my situation, that did not seem to push her away from me, she was totally fine with it.

It was time for me to go back home, so we spent one last night together, this time with no alcohol.

We went out for a nice meal and then headed back to my hotel.

It was such a perfect night.

She laid on my chest telling me that she did not want me to leave and she’s had the best time with me, she did not want to go back to work and wished I could just stay there with her.

I explained that I would come back to her as soon as I could, but while im back home, because of my money situation I wouldn’t be able to send much money if any to help her, and she said she understood and wasn’t with me for that reason.

When I got home, I missed her incredibly, she was constantly on my mind.

It was worse at night when I would think about what she does for work and what she is doing right now in the bar or with a customer.

Blonde Thailand Holiday Girlfriend

Missing Your Thailand Holiday Girlfriend Is Hard

But I still saw her as the sweet and loving girl that I fell for the first day I met her.

I admit, that is something hard to try and not think about, like when it takes them long to reply or don’t answer the phone, you constantly think the worse.

Anyway, we never lost contact when I was home, we would make it a habit to video chat at least once a day when we could, and would always text each other when we got the chance.

While home I did do some research online about foreigners being in a relationship with a bar girl from Thailand, and it seems what I was going through is normal.

A Farang goes on holiday to Pattaya, meets a bar girl that makes him feel special, falls in love with her, goes home and supports her.

The stories I read about this normally turn out bad.

But still, I had hope that my case was different.

She was always there for me for the next few months, even when I was struggling with my emotions and finances.

I could always call her and if she didn’t answer, she would call back as soon as she could.

Thai Holiday Girlfriend Said She Loves Me

She Said She Loves Me.. And I Believe Her

She did tell me that she loved me, and I really believed her.

I thought that this could work if I figure out a way where I could live in Pattaya and be with her.

I spend all of my days at work just day dreaming about the day that I saw her again and was able to hold her again, I was addicted yet again, this time to a girl.

The next few months, we was in a long distance relationship, and although it was hard for me, I was determined to make it work with her.

She was very special to me.

Walking Street Girl

I never wanted this feeling to end, but like they say, all good things must come to an end… and that’s exactly what happened, and I found that out the hard way.

She had told me before that she quit her job at the bar and was working a normal job, however I found out that was not true and that she had several boyfriends on the go.

When I confronted her with all of this, she turned around and tried to blame it all on me, claiming that I do not love her and don’t want to be with her, which was just her trying to manipulate me because I did want to be with her.

The feeling was nice while it lasted, I haven’t felt that affection from someone before, but now it’s over.

Heartbroken over a go go girl

Heartbroken, Used and Angry

Yes I was heart broken when I realised I was just being used, its hard to figure out what she was up to because she never asked me for money, so why string me on in a relationship?

I guess I’ll never know, but luckily I didn’t have any money for her to clean out even if she wanted to.

I still love Asia and Pattaya, this has not put me off.

I was just a naive guy and I guess sometimes you have to experience these things to be taught a lesson.

Next time around, I am going to leave my feelings at home or on the plane, and pick them up on my way back.

Heading To Pattaya Walking Street

Since this experience, I have seen that I was quite lucky actually as ive read some really bad stories of men being cleaned completely out after falling in love with the wrong Thai girl.

Ah well, at least it was fun while it lasted.

I will return to Thailand soon, and I will do the whole bar scene again, just differently because as they say, “Good guys go to heaven and bad guys go to Pattaya”


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