Was This The Start Of A Thailand Blackmail Scam?

Thailand Massage Scam

I was on Sukhumvit as usual during my vacation before heading south to Phuket.

I always tried to get a couple of nights in Bangkok when I fly in or out, especially on long vacations.

I was having a few drinks with a buddy near Soi 11, the bar on the corner where you can people-watch.

It’s an Irish bar, but I can’t recall the name.

Anyway, we had our fill and said goodbye until the next time.

Thai Massage Girl

Deciding To Have A Massage After A Few Drinks, Not The Best Idea

I was walking back to my hotel when one of the girls on the street stood in front of me and tried to get me to go with her—you know, the usual stuff they do when they see a guy walking alone.

After I made it clear I didn’t want to know, she released my arm.

I was walking towards my hotel on Soi 4 when I passed a small Soi, Soi 7 I think, or maybe Soi 7/1.

It’s like a dead-end soi with lots of bars.

I decided I would have one more drink there and maybe get a massage.

Going Upstairs On Soi 7/1

So, I walked down the soi and was kind of dragged into the first bar I was willing to enter.

After I bought a drink and one for the girl, we were chatting, and she was clearly very keen to get me upstairs where they had rooms for massage.

I always thought of these bars and massage places in Bangkok as safe, with no worries or concerns for any customers who go there.

So, we agreed on a price to go upstairs for an hour’s massage.

Young Bangkok Girl

Something Seems Off With This Massage Room

When we got to the room, I noticed a small red light near the air conditioning unit above the massage table, but I thought nothing of it.

She started to massage me, and to be honest, I was so relaxed I was falling asleep.

Things got heated, and we were moving around to speak.

Then she asked me to move around on the massage bed so I was kind of on the side of it.

She then asked me if it was okay to switch the light on and open the door, which was a huge red flag for me as I immediately thought, “What the hell for?

Bangkok Massage

The door was open by a few inches, and she said it was because the air conditioner wasn’t good, and she wanted to let some air into the room.

I said no, of course.

I was semi-naked on the massage bed and obviously didn’t want the door open.

So, I got up to close the door and saw the security camera in the corridor pointing straight into the room.

I closed the door, then took another look at the small red light under the air conditioning unit, but still couldn’t work out what it was.

Thailand Massage Scam

I Think I Was Almost In A Blackmail Scam

Anyway, with her wanting to move me around, turn on the light, open the door, plus seeing the red light and camera aiming at me, I got dressed immediately and left.

I walked straight out of the bar without saying anything to anyone.

I had thought of mentioning it to the management but thought better of it, as I knew I was a little bit tipsy, and it wouldn’t have served any purpose at the time.

Cute Thai Girl At Massage Parlour

I tried to research any other similar incidents online but found nothing.

I guess this story is a small word of warning to your listeners about their privacy and behavior when they have a few too many.

Be a bit vigilant about where you end up.

I was also curious if anyone else has experienced this.


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