Marrying A Thai Pattaya Bar Girl

Massage Parlour In Pattaya

My name is Graham and I am from Ireland.

I retired at the age of 55 in early 2012.

I took early retirement after years of working in a fast paced industry.

It was a well paid job and without boasting I was financially well off

I had never married but always had girlfriends and an active social life.

I loved being with women but I never settled for one reason or another.

I had always wanted to travel but the first part of my life was taken up with my career but now I felt it was time to cut loose.

After speaking to my single mates we decided we would go to Pattaya after one of them suggested it as he had previously been.

Girl Inside A Bar In Pattaya

Going To Pattaya For The First Time


Thai Massage Turned Into Getting Married 🇹🇭😳 #thaiwife #thaimarriage #thaigirlfriend #thaimassage #massage

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

We decided to go for a whole month and sample the city.

The first week I was there it was wild, a different girl every night, excess amounts of alcohol and to be honest Thailand was carnage.

I am not proud of myself for this but having so much female attention made me feel like a movie star.

My friend with previous experience of Pattaya had warned me about a certain type of Thai girl who wanted to use westerners as an ATM machine and I met plenty of girls like this but brushed them off.

As me and mates were older we where pretty tired after the first week and we had three weeks still to go.

We decided to take the pace down and hit the beach, sight see, have massages and relax more.

In my third week I met a girl in a massage place called Kim.

Kim was 30, a stunning lady with excellent English, great figure and a twinkle in her eye.

We hit it off and I stayed an hour longer than the one hour massage.

What struck me about Kim was that she didn’t ask for anymore money despite me being there a longtime and she also gave me a completely legitimate massage.

Kim told me she had run this business for 5 years, had built it from scratch and that she supported a large family, she had a team of Thai girls working for her.

Happily married thai bar girl

Falling In Love With A Pattaya Girl

Kim seemed to have her head screwed on.

We agreed to meet at the beach the next day, Kim said she could come and go as she pleased as she was the boss.

We had a great time at the beach and I took her out for lunch and dinner and we did end up in my hotel room that night but again Kim was honourable and nothing happened.

Over my remaining time in Pattaya I shamefully ditched my mates and spent time with Kim.

I was falling in love and we shared dreams together.

Kim said she had always wanted to see Ireland and she even understood Irish culture and liked Irish music.

On my last day I promised Kim I would return and that one day she would come to Ireland as my guest.

I stayed in touch with Kim despite my mates saying it was a scam and teasing me.

My friends were shocked when I told them I hadn’t parted company with one baht apart from a few meals with Kim that I paid for.

Leaving Pattaya To Go Home


Thai Massage Turned To Thai Wife 🇹🇭😊 #thaiwife #thaimassage #thaimassageparlor #thaigirlfriend #happyending

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

Upon my return to Ireland me and Kim talked on Skype everyday and I felt things I hadn’t before.

I began to count the seconds to her calls and I knew I had fallen hard.

Kim told me about her family and they seemed normal and hardworking.

She supported them but never asked me to.

young go go girl on camera

I went back to Pattaya as soon as I could and me and Kim spent lots of time together it felt right and after a few drinks one night I proposed.

she cried and said yes.

It was quick but it felt magical and she was my soul mate.

This is probably the part of the story were everyone thinks there’s a but but there isn’t one.

Pattaya Girl Smiling

Marrying A Girl I Met In Pattaya

After a few years of going back and forth we got married in a small ceremony and she now lives with me in Ireland.

We have been happily married for over 7 years and we have an equal relationship in terms of finances.

A nice girl with morals can be found in Pattaya but my story is maybe the exception to the rule.

We both are very happy and although I never dreamt of this happening to me…it did!

Marrying A Girl From Pattaya

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