First Timer With A Thai Bargirl Girlfriend

I thought I would share my short bargirl story with you guys, my experience and memories that I will probably hold forever
On my first journey to Thailand, I landed at Bangkok airport late at night.
After a very long flight, it was time to head straight to Pattaya from the airport.
I hopped in a taxi and reached Pattaya around 2:00 AM.
I thought getting there at 2AM would be pretty late, but it seemed like the city was alive and pumping.
Right away, I noticed the lively scene: the streets were buzzing, bars were full, music was blasting, and there were women all around.
I remember entering Pattaya in the taxi and just looking out the window thinking how crazy this place looked.
I was exhausted, so I jumped in the shower and flopped onto the bed, ready to sleep.
I don’t know if you guys have ever tried to sleep in a hotel that is on a busy soi full of bars, but its damn near impossible.
Venturing Out Into Pattaya For The First Time
After 30 minutes, I realized I was fooling myself—there was too much happening outside!
Even though I was super sleepy and needed to recharge, it just felt like I would be missing out if I stayed in bed.
Since I was staying on Soi LK Metro, I got dressed and headed out, walking into the first bar I spotted.
I can’t remember the name of the bar, but its on the opposite side to that Reggae bar as you first walk into LK metro from Soi Diana.
As soon as I stepped inside, I was greeted by a group of bargirls, and then I saw her—one of the most stunning women I’ve ever laid eyes on.
Falling In Love With The First Bargirl You Meet
Im sure you have heard all this before from the stories in Pattaya, but she truly was absolutely stunning.
Even though she was not a young fresh girl, she was a classic Thai beauty, petite with dark hair and a beautiful smile.
Even the way she walked and held herself was attractive to me.
Her figure was lovely, with soft, smooth skin and no tattoos.
I don’t have a problem with people that get tattoos, but its just not my thing at all.
She didn’t smoke and spoke just enough English for us to have a fun, lively chat.
She came right over, cuddled up to me, took my hand, and introduced herself as Toy.
She asked where I am from, what I do for a living and if I could buy her a drink.
Of course I accepted to buying her drinks, I did not want her to go off with a different customer.
After a few drinks and a lot of chatting and laughing, I decided to take her with me, and soon we were back in my hotel room.
This was my first bargirl and the experience was incredible.
She told me she was from Issan and had only been working in a bar for two weeks.
I later learned this is a popular line that bargirls say, stating they are new to the bar so that you feel sorry for them and treat them to drinks.
I was the first guy to bar-fine her, which was hard to believe, but it turned out to be true, Later on, her mamasan confirmed this.
In fact, surprisingly, everything she had told me so far turned out to be true.
She was like many Issan ladies, just out of a marriage, with a family to support and no money, trying to find her fortune in Pattaya.
She gave me the whole sob story, and like a complete newbie I fell for it all.
I ended up bar-fining her several times over the next few days, and we grew really close—even to the point where I bought her a gold necklace for 10,000 baht.
It would have been so easy to fall in love with Toy; I was already halfway there.
It was that feeling where there was just something about her that I could not get enough of.
Making A Thai Bargirl Your Holiday Girlfriend
I think if I stayed in Thailand long enough, or lived that, and was well off in terms of money, I could have quite easily stayed with her.
She had three children, aged 18 to 21, none of whom worked and all depending on her for their expenses—a tough situation.
One of her daughters, who was 18, lived with her in Pattaya and had begun freelancing with a middle-aged married man from Iran who visited Pattaya several times a year.
He was apparently her first, having met her at a 7 Eleven store.
When I asked Toy what she thought about it, she replied that it was what her daughter wanted.
Since her daughter was too young to work in a bar, she was just waiting until she was old enough.
I couldn’t picture any mother in my country, Australia, accepting their daughter becoming a bar girl so casually, but this is Thailand.
One day, Toy said she wanted to take me back to Issan for a few days to meet her family.
The taxi ride would cost 10,000 baht, and the driver would wait in town for a few days before bringing us back.
I wasn’t really interested, even though she asked me several times.
New Girlfriend Wants Me To Visit Isan
A few days later, she changed her mind and said she only needed 6,000 baht.
She decided to take her daughter and go by bus instead.
I was fine with that it gave me some time to do some exploring on my own, so off she went.
The four days she was gone turned out great for me; I enjoyed massages and ended up getting taking one of ladies from there.
I went to for my first soapy massage, I advise everyone to try a soapy massage at least one time, its great.
I also got together with several bargirls and even connected with a go-go dancer I met on her way home from Walking Street.
I found time to stroll along Beach Road and ended up with a real sweetheart.
All in all, my time alone away from Toy was pretty good, great experiences all around.
When Toy returned from Issan, she had no money and wanted to see me.
She came to my hotel at 3 AM after the bar closed.
She told me she wanted to take care of me “long time” and stayed the night.
I gave her 2,000 baht, but she said she needed an extra 1,500 baht for the bar-fine from the four days she had been away in Issan.
That’s when our relationship hit a rough patch.
I explained that I was willing to help her financially, but I didn’t want to pay some mamasan every time I wanted to see her.
And I did not even see her while she was in Isan, why should I be paying the barfine for that?
She seemed really confused and couldn’t understand why I was making such a big deal over a small amount of money.
I tried to explain that even though im on holiday I am still on limited funds, I can’t just go crazy with my money.
She thought all foreigners have plenty of cash and that I would spend whatever she asks.
I decided not to pay the barfine because it had nothing to do with me, and she looked so unhappy and bewildered.
I had already treated her and spoiled her up until then, so I think me not paying the barfine is a fair move.
The next day, Toy said she wanted to spend the day with me and show me around Pattaya.
I was excited until I learned I had to bar-fine her for not working that day, even though we would have been back in time for her to go to work.
That was the final straw.
Telling My New Thai Girl That I Can Not Afford To Keep Supporting Her
I explained to Toy that even though I had strong feelings for her, I simply didn’t have enough money to support her, her three children, and a greedy mamasan.
As much as I would have liked to have helped her out, I just did not have the funds to do so, and I wasn’t going to act like I can support her in the long run.
She seemed to think the money would never run out and that I was the solution to all her problems.
It was clear then that I was just finical support for her, well, it was clear from the start, I just chose not to think about it.
Sadly, we both agreed it was best to part ways.
The last time I saw Toy, she was slowly walking down the hall from my hotel room after leaving me.
She stopped, looked back, and said, “Look after yourself,” before turning around and walking away without looking back.
It was a bitter sweet moment, but im glad I got out of there early before I lost any money.
The Bargirl That Got Away
About two weeks later, I went to her bar to say hello, but she was gone.
The mamasan told me that she did not like the bar work and decided to go back home.
I figured she must have sold the gold necklace and taken a bus back home after realizing that not all bar girls make big money in Pattaya.
I’ve returned there several times since, visiting all her favorite spots in hopes of finding her, but she has never come back.
I often think about Toy and the amazing, fun-filled joy she brought to my life.
It was just a short holiday girlfriend and experience, but damn it was so good spending it with her.
She cost me around 50,000 baht during our time together, but I don’t regret a single baht.
If I could go back in time and do it again, would I?
The answer is yes, in a heart beat.
For a few weeks, she was free from the financial burdens she had carried for so long.
I truly hope she has found the security and happiness she was looking for, and I will never forget her.