A Teen’s Aim to Rescue his Bar Girl Sweetheart

Dont Fall In Love With A Thai Bar Girl

Hi, I enjoy your stories, and I feel compelled to share one of mine.

My story begins in a country close to Thailand, but I choose not to disclose it.

I was only 19 years young, and I’ll say it, even though I’m embarrassed, I was also very inexperienced in the bedroom department.

I was brought up in a strict household, but for the first time at the age of 19, I was free.

I joined the military, as the small village I was stationed in had many bars, and I forgot to mention, this was in 1987.

Yes, it was very humid, but I totally fell in love with the food, the culture, and the people, not to mention the beautiful women.

Do not fall in love with a bargirl

Love and Naivety in Thailand, 1987

Being so naive and never a drinker, I completely drowned myself in beer and in the excitement of girls asking me to buy ladies drinks.

It was a good time to be 19.

Most of my money back then I was spending at the bars.

No one would believe this, but it’s the truth.

Short time was ten dollars, long time was twenty dollars, overnight was forty dollars if you wanted female company.

Tattooed Bangkok Girl

Life Lessons and Diseases in a Risky Thailand Village

The village I was located in was known to have a high amount of STDs, but I was 19, and that was not going to stop me.

How foolish of me.

For the first time in my life, I could go into any bar, and all the girls wanted my attention.

It was a feeling I can never forget.

The first time I spent time with a bar girl, it is embarrassing to admit, I couldn’t do anything.

I was so scared, I was so shy, I just could not do anything.

It took some time for me to slowly become confident enough to perform in the bedroom.

Once I became knowledgeable, I was unstoppable.

I waited for every weekend to come around to go to the bars and drink and scope out and find a new girl that I could stay with and have fun.

Needless to say, I fell in love, or so I thought it was love.

One of the girls who was called Kim told me she hated working at the bar, but that she owed the manager money, so she could not leave the bar until her debt was paid back.

I had feelings for her, deep emotional feelings of love, and I hated knowing that she had to go with random guys to perform bedroom fun when I stayed with her.

Dont Ever Fall In Love With A Bar Girl

When I had the money, we would talk, eat, watch movies on her TV, and we, or I believed we, were a couple, boyfriend, girlfriend.

Don’t forget, I was only 19 and never had a girlfriend before in my life.

We came up with a plan that would take her out of the bar without anyone knowing.

One day in the afternoon, she was allowed to go shopping close to the bar for girl items.

I waited for her in a taxi, and she got in, and we left to the capital city, away from the village.

We were both very excited and nervous, and she was crying, but we were happy at the same time.

I only wanted to take her home to her family.

She took me to her sister’s home, but I did not understand the language.

Her sister did not allow her to stay in the house.

Kim became very depressed and sad, especially because the bar manager had kept her ID.

Without an ID card, she could not find a different job.

She told me she needed one thousand dollars to purchase a new ID card.

That was a lot of money, and I had to borrow some of the money, but I was completely blindly in love with this girl.

Many of your listeners will think I was playing the White Knight, maybe I was at the time, I was 19, remember, and totally in love and in complete bliss.

Falling in love with a teen thai girl

Heartbreak and Loss In The Land of Smiles

For three days, we stayed in the capital city.

We walked around, went to restaurants, shopping, all the usual stuff.

Needless to say, we were happy.

On the third day, she told me the most horrific, unexpected words I cannot forget, even now.

She told me she must go back to the bar.

I told her no, that would never happen.

She grabbed a knife and put it to her throat.

She said she would harm herself if I do not allow her to go back to the village and back to the bar.

We were at a train station, and she was crying, and I was so confused, but she seemed to be serious.

I couldn’t stop her from getting on the train.

I was in shock, complete shock.

Here is the girl I love, but she is choosing to go back to the bar.

At that moment, I realized that I am in the middle of this huge city.

I don’t know where to go, what to do, or even how to catch a train or the subway, and I ended up sleeping in the street because I had no money to get a hotel.

Heartbreak Over A Bar Girl

A Lesson from the Thailand Past

The next morning, someone woke me up on the sidewalk and asked me if I was okay.

They were concerned for me.

I asked if they could help me buy a train ticket to go back to my village where I was located, and they gave me money to buy a ticket.

This is in 1987, no mobile phones and not much communication.

Needless to say, I could never go back to the bar because a manager would definitely know it was me who took her out of the bar.

It has been many years, almost 40 years, and my heart still has pain, and I don’t think I can ever erase the pain.

I was in love for the first time, it was a dream for me, but it took many, many years to realize that these bar girls all have issues and problems.

I cannot blame her, and I never will.

I only hope if somebody listens to this story, they will realize don’t ever fall in love with a bar girl.

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