Foreigner Thai 40-Year Age Difference Relationship

Two Thai Bar Girls Taking A Selfie

I had met a Thai bar girl and was totally infatuated with her.

Her name was Cop.

I broke every rule with the same girl on this trip from a previous trip, and we had now met a few times and texted on Line for about a year.

But this did lead to the most amazing experience, and I don’t just mean bedroom fun, although that was always good.

This was about 2014, and she was going to have to leave Bangkok, which would have meant I travel to Thailand but not see her.

She was intending to travel by bus to return to her home in Buriram to attend her cousin’s wedding.

Thai Girl Wedding After Party

Invited To A Thai Wedding

Not sure how it happened, but I was invited to attend with her.

This turned out to be the most amazing experience.

A couple of days before the wedding, we started out from Don Wong airport on Nook Airways.

After about 1 hour on a turbo prop plane, we landed in the small airport at Buriram.

Another cousin picked us up in a Toyota pickup truck.

I threw the luggage – one small bag for her, two for me as I had to take everything from Bangkok with me, having not made arrangements to leave some behind in Bangkok.

Trusting Thai Girlfriend

Trusting My Thai Girlfriend

Now, I know the readers will think I’m crazy, but I had trusted Cop with all the arrangements.

Yes, I know I could have been set up to be robbed and never heard from her again, but I trusted Cop.

And although we are no longer together, she was always honest and trustworthy.

She looked out many, many times for my best interest, making this break from my normal very conservative “I’m in charge and want everything planned” attitude precisely what made this perhaps one of the best experiences of my life.

Thai Girl Age Difference

Foreign Man and Thai Girl 40 Year Age Gap

So, we went to the hotel to drop off bags again.

Cop had picked the hotel, so I did not know what to expect.

I walked into the room, and it was a nice three-star accommodation, very clean with one nice king-size bed and a modern flat-screen TV.

Wow, was I shocked at how nice it was, and only about $16 per night.

Next, it was off to meet Mom and Dad.

I just turned 60; Cop is 20. That’s a 40-year age gap, but Mom is 72, and I think Dad is 69 or 70.

Cop is their first and only daughter.

Mom had her first child at the age of 51 or 52.

I’m doing the math to this day, and it just does not add up, but at the time, I just go with the flow.

Two Thai Sisters

Meeting The Thai Family

More on the age difference maybe in another story.

We arrived, and it was, again, I was again shocked. Cop is from a village just outside Buriram, so I did not know what to expect for Mom and Dad’s house, but it was a nice house all on stilts with a nice concrete area downstairs to sit and eat, sleeping upstairs.

Although I was never allowed upstairs, Cop told me, since we were not married, I could not go upstairs.

But they know we are staying in the hotel together.

Again, just go with the flow and join myself.

Not A Poor Thai Girl

Realising My Girl Is Not A Poor Province Girl

Cop showed me her motor scooter.

I did not pay attention to the brand, but it was very nice and new looking as well.

I’m quickly realizing that Cop is not just a poor little girl from the province.

Cop had before never asked me for a thing beyond the bar fine and what I had offered.

She did ask me to buy Mom and Dad a refrigerator, so off to the mall, we all go in the truck.

As we started the refrigerator selection, I’m thinking to myself, how much is this going to cost me, thinking in Western-style selections.

Instead, Mom and Dad just kind of follow, never requesting anything.

Thai Girl Scamming

Am I Being Scammed Out of Money?

Cop is looking at about 8 to 10 cubic feet of brand units, all well below $200.

She says they don’t need much, only room for a few things but not too big as it has to go upstairs.

I actually talk Cop into a 12 cubic feet Samsung – better to get a brand name and a warranty.

All this was just a little over $200, but I asked how to get this home.

She informs me the cousin with the truck will take it later, and others will help getting it upstairs.

Remember, I cannot go upstairs.

Afterward, I’m thinking to myself, did I just pay a dowry for Cop?

Thai Girl After Wedding

My First Thai Wedding Experience

So the evening is over, and we turn in for the night after some bedroom fun.

I sleep like a baby.

Remember, she is 20, and I’m 60.

Next day is the day of the wedding.

We traveled to Mom and Dad’s house to go to the wedding before 11:00 a.m.

This held at the house the groom built for his fiance.

It is only a short walk, less than half a kilometer away.

As we walk in front of the house, it’s easy to recognize – there are spectacular walkways covered in flowers with red carpets.

I’ve never seen such a spectacle in person before.

Jealous Thai Girl

Ladyboy Making Me Stupidly Jealous With The Attention She Gets

Guests keep arriving, some farangs maybe 10 or so, all guys of varying ages, but close to 200 guests overall.

So, the farangs make up less than 5%.

To paint you a picture, if you took the wedding scene in Hangover two, remove the beach and replace it in a jungle, you get the idea.

Except this is real and not a movie set.

I meet so many people as Cop introduces me as her boyfriend.

Her good friend, a ladyboy I at one time knew, his name is there also.

He is a school friend of Cop’s whom she grew up with.

Although he is never in totally women’s clothes, I’m sure some readers are all thinking scam.

He might be Cop’s boyfriend or husband.

Believe me, he is a real ladyboy.

He’s into men, not women.

So, I’m not worried about that, but I did sometimes get jealous because of the attention he grabs, not just from Cop, but everyone.

Farang Wedding

Thai-Farang Wedding

We all gather, and a procession begins with the bride and groom leading the way.

The bride is in her 30s, and she is gorgeous, with the groom late 40s, also a handsome guy from California, I learned later.

So, relatively small age gap by most standards I’ve seen in Thailand.

We walk down a gravel road, well-paved even though it is just gravel.

All 200 of us or so make our way to the bride’s parents’ house, and there the groom pays the dowry.

I’ve never seen so many stacks of Thai Baht thousands and gold stacked on one platter.

It looks like a payout at the casino.

Maybe it is a payout for the parents for the bride they just sold off – their daughter and she is a used model, being married before and divorced.

I quickly realized that the refrigerator that I bought did not constitute a dowry.

Beautiful Asian Girl At Wedding

Thai Girls Look Beautiful At Weddings!

Now the procession makes its way back to the bride and groom’s house. Outside, the marriage takes place.

It is such a beautiful ceremony, with the groom sitting on a throne being carried in.

The bride kneels before him with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

As the bride kneels, her dress is slit all the way up to her hips in one of the sexiest poses I’ve ever seen.

Although I have seen Thai girls do the pose many times before, it always seems

to send a thrill to me as the sexiest thing, and only Thai girls seem to pull it off effortlessly.

The reception is inside the house with a large meeting room in front as the bride and groom welcome all the guests.

Here I found the Thai guests wanted me to sit on the few couches as my young girlfriend is sitting on the floor.

I am welcomed as an honored guest, and the feeling, even though I am a Fang, is one of the family.

As most of the local village are cousins with one another, they want me in the wedding pictures as I stand with Cop, the ladyboy, Mom, and Dad.

This experience is like nothing I’ve ever felt.

Although I have been to many Western weddings, the Thai Buddhist wedding is a very different affair.

Young Asian Girlfriend

Bitter Sweet Ending With My Young Thai Girlfriend

People are filing inside and outside to where the rolls of food are set up – all kinds of wonderful dishes.

I don’t know what the various dishes are, so I just try and sample everything.

Like in most weddings that I have experienced, you find yourself in conversations with different guests.

You might think since I cannot speak a word of Thai, it might have been awkward, but not at all.

As I spoke to Fangs and Thais alike, many of the girls/women who had been to Bangkok all spoke very good English anyway.

It was interesting to speak to some of them – the Fang that married many years ago and had been living in the province with a Thai wife not from the bar scene.

Cop floated around visiting with relatives she had not seen in years, returning to see if I was okay.

I told her, please go and enjoy yourself, as I was enjoying meeting the people there. Even the ladyboy came by to check on me, to see if I was okay and enjoying myself.

The wedding reception was still going, but we left after several hours because the next day we were going to try a new adventure.

Cop and I were taking Mom and Dad on the first-ever plane ride back to Bangkok and then onto Pattaya.

Cop and I are no longer together, as I said, but I will be forever grateful for the experience she showed me in the real Thai life.

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