My First Pattaya Bar Girl Experience

first pattaya bar girl

I’ll start my story from when I broke up with my girlfriend in the UK.

For the next three years after our break up, I didn’t do much exciting stuff.

Then, one May afternoon in 2017, I made up my mind to go back to Thailand.

Back then, I had only been to Bangkok and Koh Samui, but I had heard so many good things about Pattaya, so I decided I had to go there.

I booked my holiday online and sWant the next five months eagerly waiting my upcoming trip to the biggest adult playground in the world.

I would spend hours watching videos about Pattaya online, and the more I watched, the more thrilled I got.

I had a clear plan of where I wanted to visit.

Those five months felt like they were taking forever, but eventually, I found myself on my way to the airport.

Two bar girls in Pattaya

Heading To Pattaya For The First Time


Heading to pattaya for the first time 🇹🇭😳 (Walk footage has nothing to fo with the story) #pattaya #pattayagirls #pattayabars #pattayanightlife #thailandstorytime #storytime

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I couldn’t contain my excitement about reaching Thailand. Just so you know, I was 46 years old back in 2017.

So, I was sitting at the departure lounge, and after a lengthy flight, I finally arrived in Bangkok.

I knew that I was only hours away from experiencing my first solo night out.

I boarded the coach from Bangkok to Pattaya, and I started to feel a bit nervous.

The coach was filled with groups of guys, and I was traveling solo.

I knew I needed to get off and find my way around, maybe grab a couple of cold beers to help me relax.

Finally, I reached the outskirts of Pattaya and was transferred to a much smaller bus.

I could feel that I was getting very close to starting my Thailand adventure.

As the small bus went through the streets to reach my hotel on Soi 10 or 11, my excitement grew.

As the bus got closer to the beach, I noticed there were a lot of people, especially many beautiful Thai ladies walking around everywhere.

It confirmed for me that I had made the right decision to come to Pattaya.

I arrived at my hotel, which was called the Sawadee Sunshine which I think translates to Hello Sunshine in English.

Pattaya Bar Girl Experience

Hitting The Pattaya Night Life Scene

Soon enough, I was in my room, turning on the air conditioning, sorting my bags, and taking a shower.

I couldn’t wait to step out and start exploring.

As I left my room with a big grin on my face, I was greeted by calls of “You want a massage, handsome man?

Just a couple of minutes later, I arrived at a large bar complex with around 15 bars.

All the girls looked great and were eagerly inviting me to come into their bars.

However, it was the bar at the back where the girls seemed to be the liveliest and loudest, so I decided to go into that one.

In the bar, there were about six to nine attractive ladies. Four of them came over and stood right in front of me, asking me what I wanted to drink.

The four girls were all trying for my attention, talking to me all at once.

One girl, in particular, caught my eye as she was drop dead gorgeous and was wearing a very short black dress.

Cute Pattaya Bar Girl

Buying Lady Drinks For The Bar Girls


First time exploring the Pattaya bar scene 😳🇹🇭 #thailand #pattaya #pattayanightlife #pattayabargirls #thaigirls #pattayabars

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

I had a few drinks with her and buying her lady drinks, she seemed genuinely nice.

I remember she told me she was 35, although she looked quite young and cute.

At that moment, I decided that since I had just arrived in town, I wasn’t going to hook up with the first girl I met.

Anyway, the night was still young.

After finishing my beer, I complimented her, telling her she was lovely, and I said I would be back later.

I then walked down the short road to the beach.

The sights and smells of Pattaya were addictive, and I was truly loving life.

I grabbed a quick bite of barbecue food from a street vendor.

Everyone around seemed happy, and the atmosphere was fantastic.

Then, I found myself on Beach Road, where I walked over to get a better view of the ladies sitting by the beach, but all of them was too interested in their phones.

As I walked down Beach Road, heading towards Walking Street, I couldn’t help but smile even more as all the ladies smiled back at me.

Some of them used that famous bar girl phrase you’ll always hear in Pattaya: “I go with you.”

I was now getting close to a bar just before Walking Street on the left, called Bamboo Bar.

I went inside and had a beer, feeling like I was getting into the groove of things.

Meeting A Cute Pattaya Bar Girl

Taking In Everything Pattaya Has to Offer

While I sat at Bamboo Bar, the music played, and I noticed that about five or six girls kept smiling at me every time I glanced their way.

I had a feeling it was going to be a good night, even though I was alone in Pattaya.

After about 20 minutes and a few more beers, one lady came over and introduced herself.

She was around 40 but still quite attractive for her age. I had a drink with her but then decided to move on and explore what the rest of the night had in store.

I continued on my way as the night was getting later.

I made my way into a go-go bar and bought a drink for one of the girls.

This particular lady joined me and sat on my lap.

By this point, I was drinking double shots of Thai whiskey with coke.

I was told that sWanding time with girls who worked in go-go bars could be quite exWansive, so once again, I decided to continue on my own.

As I left the go-go bar and checked my watch, it was now around midnight.

I was feeling quite intoxicated at this point, and I realized I was on the brink of making a bad decision due to being drunk.

Go Go Girl in Pattaya

The Beach Road Massages


First ever bar fine a Thai girl in Pattaya 🇹🇭😳 #pattaya #barfine #pattayagirls #thaigirls #pattayanights

♬ original sound – Tales From The Thai Side 🇹🇭

So, instead, I spent an incredible 80 minutes getting a foot massage at a place on Beach Road.

After leaving the shop, I gave the lady who had massaged my feet a 200 baht tip. She thanked me with a big smile that stretched from ear to ear.

I was still quite drunk, but an idea had formed in my head. I decided to return to the first bar, hoping that the pretty girl I had shared drinks with was still there. Luckily, she was.

We had several more drinks together, and when I asked her if she’d let me pay the bar fine for her, she agreed and We walked hand in hand up the beach.

Being a slightly overweight 47-year-old guy from the UK, being with a drop-dead gorgeous Thai girl made me feel fantastic.

I think you can guess the rest; it was truly incredible, my first night in Pattaya and the first night I’ve ever spent alone in Thailand.

I’ve been back four or five times since then.

Needless to say, I absolutely love Thailand and can’t wait to go back again.

Two Girls In Pattaya

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