My Successful Relationship With Bangkok Girl

met the thai girl of my dreams

I can still remember the first time I went to Thailand on my own, I was young and single and it felt like I was in paradise with all the stunning women wanting to have fun.

Since then, I have studied and worked in Bangkok for the last 2 years.

I studied at the university of Bangkok and worked as an English teacher.

After 2 years, I went back home for a couple of months just to catch up with friends and family, as I had 2 months break from my teaching job.

bangkok city at night

Living and Working In Bangkok

I quickly got bored back home, so I went back to Bangkok after a month to spend my remaining month free before I return to my teaching job.

During this month, I turned into a teenager again, going out every night in the usual spots, Soi 4, Nana plaza and Sukhumvit road in general.

I was spending every night with a different girl, it was getting pretty wild.

But after that month went by in a flash, it was time for me to go back to work.

Once I got back to work, the partying stopped it was time to get back to reality, although I didn’t go out as much anymore, it was still fun while it lasted.

Then one day, after work, I met a girl, not in the night life scenes but at a 7eleven funnily enough.

Bangkok Girls Dating

Starting A Long Relationship With A Thai Girl

Little did I know that this girl would become my girlfriend and 2 years later we are still in a healthy relationship.

She’s fun, intelligent, independent and not like the girls from the night life scene.

She’s 22 and from Isan, but like most other stories, she is not sending money back there.

Beautiful Blonde Thai Girl

In fact, my girlfriend gets support from her mother from time to time.

Her mother lives in Sweden after marrying a swede 15 years ago, and they both run a successful business over there.

I can’t say much good things about my girlfriends father on the other hand, although I have never met him, from what I hear he is an alcoholic, gambles a lot and just sounds like he’s not a nice man.

Something to add that isn’t common in Thai – farang relationships, is that my girlfriend actually makes more money that me when you add her salary and the support from her mothers successful business.

fell in love with a thai girl

Discussing Finances With My Thai Girlfriend

We split all our monthly expenses and bills 50/50

So it wouldn’t be her buffalo getting sick, it would be mine.

Back to when we first started dating, I knew I had strong feelings for her and wanted to be with her because shortly after we met, she had to go to Sweden to visit her mother, and during that time I found myself not interested in anyone but her.

I didn’t even go out during that time, I just stayed home and talked to my girlfriend every night.

I just couldn’t wait to see her again.

It’s like something happened to me, maybe I matured a little bit, or maybe this was the first time I’ve actually been in love because I just didn’t look at any other girls the same way anymore.

I remained loyal and faithful to her over the time that she was in Europe, and we video chatted every night for her, and messaged each other all day.

When we first met, she told me about her plans to move to Sweden and join her mother and her business once she had finished university, which was only a month after we first met.

bangkok girlfriend

Falling In Love Quickly In Thailand

We fell in love quite quickly and it became apparent early on that we wanted to be together in a relationship and make this work.

From the get go, her mother did not like me because it seemed like I shown up one day and messed up the whole plan.

Which I can understand, but that’s kind of what happened, even though it wasn’t my intention.

Beautiful Thai Girl Working

We wanted to be together and I didn’t want to stop her doing anything she had already planned so we was discussing our future together and even discussed both of us moving to Sweden, that way she could continue with her plans and her mother would be happy.

I think her mother began to see the person I was and not just some tourist there for fun, she slowly but surely began to like and approve of me.

I know the mother of my girlfriend had plans for her daughter, but I was still impressed that my girlfriend was making her own decisions and not doing everything her mother said, this is not common in Thailand.

Before I was starting university, I lived in a province just south of Bangkok in a basic condo.

Moving in with thai girlfriend

Moving In With My Girlfriend

As soon as my girlfriend arrived from Sweden, I picked her up at the airport and she stayed with me in my basic condo for 6 months while I was teaching at my job.

Once my job finished and it was time to start studying, we made the decision to move to the centre of Bangkok in a bigger condo which would be better and ideal for the both of us.

My story and experience feels completely different than the most stories you hear about farang and thai relationships, although most of them are about farangs finding a relationship with a girl that works in a bar.

I think I am incredibly lucky to find such a loving Thai girl that has her head screwed on and a future planned out, she even surprised me by buying me a laptop for my university studies which is pretty much unheard of in these stories.

It’s a nice feeling to not be looked at by my girlfriend and her family as a wealthy farang that is here to support the family and is just a walking ATM.

After 2 years of being in a relationship with this girl, I still find her incredible and loving like the first day I met her, there has never been a time where I’ve missed the single life in Thailand or the night life here.

long relationship with Thai girlfriend

No Relationship Is Perfect

Of course we sometimes have our little disagreements as does every relationship but I am truly in love and very committed to make this relationship work, I can put my hand on my heart and honestly say that I want to marry this girl and spend the rest of my life with her.

Although our plans to move to Sweden and join her mother hasn’t happened yet, her mum realised that my girlfriend is happy with me and I bring her love and joy, so im grateful her family like me now.

Before I met my girlfriend, my plan was to teach English to get some experience in the profession, finish my studies at university and then go back to the UK to try and get a job at some big university.

However since meeting the love of my life, my plans completely changed as well, I’ve decided to carry on teaching in Thailand for the foreseeable future as I really can’t see my life without this girl.

Having said all this, it’s not easy working and studying, trying to get the correct visa for me to stay here with my girlfriend.

I do love Thailand but the visa situation compared to other Asian countries in such a nightmare.

Even when you pass all the requirements for specific visas it’s still not as straight forward as one may think.

beautiful thai girlfriend

There Is More To Thailand Than Just The Bars

For those of you that are planning to visit Thailand, or are eyeing it up as a place to live or retire, just know that there is way more to Thailand than just the bar scene.

Of course, as a single man, going with girls that work in the bar can be fun but it’s very rare that it leads to something serious and meaningful.

Being with a girl away from that scenes, I have been able to discover what a real relationship is like and had a companion with me to explore Thailand that I wouldn’t have explored on my own, or even knew about.

beautiful thai

I suppose what I’m getting at is that the situation with bar girls is just a small part of the overall Thai experience.

You can meet real Thai girls anywhere who won’t take advantage of you, won’t deceive you, and won’t expect you to foot the bill for everything.

As for my plans now, they are just up in the air and only been discussed, nothing set in stone.

But like I said, I do plan to ask this girl to marry me one day, so who knows. Maybe there will be a part 2 to this story.

Thanks for reading and listening.

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